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Last active April 13, 2022 22:03
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Pico + YM2149 sound chip + MIDI in
# Raspberry Pi Pico + YM2149 Soundchip + MIDI
# Pins
# Pico -> YM2149 (DIL)
# GP5 -> CLOCK (22)
# GP6 -> BC1 (29)
# GP7 -> BDIR (27)
# GP8 to GP15 -> DA0 to DA7 (37 to 30)
# VBUS to RESET (23)
# VBUS to BC2 (28)
# VBUS to VCC (40)
from machine import UART, Pin, Timer
from rp2 import PIO, StateMachine, asm_pio
import utime
import SimpleMIDIDecoder
PIO_FREQ = 5000000 #gives us a 20ns cycle time which we can use for delay multipliers
@asm_pio(sideset_init=[rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW] * 2, out_init=[rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW] * 8, out_shiftdir=PIO.SHIFT_RIGHT, pull_thresh=16, push_thresh=8 )
def pio_test():
pull() .side(0x3) #set the mode to address on pins
out(pins, 8) [1] #output first byte (address) from FIFO to 8 pins and wait for 7 more cycles
nop() [3]
nop() [3]
nop() [1] #wait for another 7 cycles (1 instruction + 6) - 300ns total
nop() [3]
nop() [3]
nop() .side(0x0) [3] #set mode to inactive for 80ns (1 instruction + 3 cycles)
nop() .side(0x2)
out(pins, 8) [1] #output second byte (data) from FIFO to 8 pins and wait for 7 more cycles
nop() [3]
nop() [3]
nop() [1] #wait for another 7 cycles (1 instruction + 6) - 300ns total
nop() [3]
nop() [3]
nop() .side(0x0) [3] #set mode to inactive for 80ns (1 instruction + 3 cycles)
ym2149_out = StateMachine(0, pio_test, freq=PIO_FREQ, sideset_base=Pin(6), out_base=Pin(8)) #Activate address program in first PIO
# 2MHz clock on pin 5
CLOCK_FREQ = 2000000
def setup_clock():
clock = machine.PWM(machine.Pin(5))
# Convert note frequencies to values that YM2149 understands
def note_to_data_val(freq):
return int((CLOCK_FREQ / (16 * (freq))))
def midi_note_to_freq(note):
return 440 * 2.0 ** (1.0 * (note - 57) / 12);
def set_register(address, data):
ym2149_out.put((data << 8) | (address & 0xff))
# MIDI input
uart = UART(0,31250, tx=Pin(16), rx=Pin(17))
md = SimpleMIDIDecoder.SimpleMIDIDecoder()
# Keep track of notes that are playing for handling monophony
notes_on = [{}, {}, {}]
# Timers to handle 'release' and turning notes off
timers=[Timer(-1), Timer(-1), Timer(-1)]
def doMidiNoteOn(ch,cmd,note,vel):
channel = min(ch, 3) - 1
data_val = note_to_data_val(midi_note_to_freq(note))
level = int(vel / 8)
print("Note On \t", channel, "\t", note, "\t", data_val, "\t", level)
any_notes_on = False
for note_channel in notes_on:
if len(note_channel) > 0:
any_notes_on = True
if any_notes_on == False:
set_register(13, 0xd) # Envelope control ramp up
# Save note on for later
notes_on[channel][note] = vel
# note pitch on channel
set_register(channel * 2, (data_val & 0xff))
set_register(channel * 2 + 1, (data_val >> 8))
# velocity affects volume
set_register(channel + 8, (level & 0x0f) | 0x10) # Volume
def doMidiNoteOff(ch,cmd,note,vel):
channel = min(ch, 3) - 1
print("Note Off \t", channel, "\t", note)
old_notes = sorted(notes_on[channel].keys())
note_was_highest = True
def set_note_off(t):
set_register(channel * 2, 0)
set_register(channel * 2 + 1, 0)
if len(notes_on[channel]) > 0:
for old_note in old_notes:
if old_note > note:
note_was_highest = False
if note_was_highest:
old_note = old_notes[-1]
old_note = old_notes[0]
vel = notes_on[channel][old_note]
data_val = note_to_data_val(midi_note_to_freq(old_note))
level = (int(vel / 8) & 0x0f) | 0x10
print("Replaying Note On \t", channel, "\t", old_note, "\t", data_val, "\t", level)
# note pitch on channel
set_register(channel * 2, (data_val & 0xff))
set_register(channel * 2 + 1, (data_val >> 8))
# We use envelope here, so swap the channel mixer to use this
set_register(channel + 8, level) # Volume
set_register(channel + 8, 0x10) # Volume
timers[channel].init(period = envelope_period, mode=Timer.ONE_SHOT, callback = set_note_off)
all_notes_off = True
for note_channel in notes_on:
if len(note_channel) > 0:
all_notes_off = False
if all_notes_off:
set_register(13, 0x0) # Envelope control - off / ramp down
def doMidiThru(ch,cmd,data1,data2):
print("Thru\t", cmd, "\t", data1, "\t", data2)
md = SimpleMIDIDecoder.SimpleMIDIDecoder()
md.cbNoteOn (doMidiNoteOn)
md.cbNoteOff (doMidiNoteOff)
md.cbThru (doMidiThru)
# Initialise YM2149 registers and set them up for our stuff
for i in range(16):
set_register(i, 0)
set_register(7, 0x38) #Mixer setup: Only output clear sound (no noise)
#set_register(8, 0x0f) # Volume A - fixed, no envelope
#set_register(9, 0x0f) # Volume B - fixed, no envelope
#set_register(10, 0x0f) # Volume C - fixed, no envelope
set_register(8, 0x1f) # Volume A - use envelope
set_register(9, 0x1f) # Volume B - use envelope
set_register(10, 0x1f) # Volume C - use envelope
# Clock period for envelope generator
envelope_period = 50 #ms
envelope_freq = 1000.0 / envelope_period
envelope_control = int(CLOCK_FREQ / (256 * envelope_freq))
set_register(11, envelope_control & 0xff) # Env Freq multiplier, lower 8bits
set_register(12, (envelope_control >> 8) & 0xff) # Env Freq multiplier, upper 8bits
while True:
if (uart.any()):[0])
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