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Created April 7, 2017 22:57
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Using unf_ext
Using json 2.0.3
Using mime-types-data 3.2016.0521
Using mini_magick 4.7.0
Using netrc 0.11.0
Using bundler 1.14.6
Using unf 0.1.4
Using mime-types 3.1
Using domain_name 0.5.20170404
Using http-cookie 1.0.3
Using rest-client 2.0.1
Bundle complete! 3 Gemfile dependencies, 11 gems now installed.
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API | fetching apps: Fetching...
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | metadata: Generating app for 43 (Gopher Laundry)
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:18]: ---------------------------
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:18]: --- Step: opt_out_usage ---
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:18]: ---------------------------
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:18]: Disabled upload of used actions
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:18]: -------------------------------------------------
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:18]: --- Step: Verifying required fastlane version ---
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:18]: -------------------------------------------------
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:18]: Your fastlane version 2.26.0 matches the minimum requirement of 1.16.0 ✅
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:18]: ------------------------------
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:18]: --- Step: default_platform ---
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:18]: ------------------------------
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:18]: Driving the lane 'ios build' 🚀
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:18]: ------------------------------------------
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:18]: --- Step: Switch to ios build_ipa lane ---
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:18]: ------------------------------------------
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:18]: Cruising over to lane 'ios build_ipa' 🚖
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:18]: -------------------
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:18]: --- Step: match ---
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:18]: -------------------
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:18]: Successfully loaded '/Users/glesage/Desktop/Repos/customer-ordering-ios/customer-ordering-iOS/fastlane/Matchfile' 📄
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +---------+-----------------------------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | Detected Values from './fastlane/Matchfile' |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +---------+-----------------------------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | git_url | |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +---------+-----------------------------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +-----------------------+-----------------------------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | Summary for match 2.26.0 |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +-----------------------+-----------------------------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | username | |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | app_identifier | com.starchup.gopherlaundry |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | type | appstore |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | git_url | |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | git_branch | master |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | keychain_name | login.keychain |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | readonly | false |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | team_id | 92QEUUW74F |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | verbose | false |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | force | false |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | skip_confirmation | false |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | shallow_clone | false |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | force_for_new_devices | false |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | skip_docs | false |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | platform | ios |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +-----------------------+-----------------------------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:18]: Cloning remote git repo...
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:42]: 🔓 Successfully decrypted certificates repo
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:42]: Verifying that the certificate and profile are still valid on the Dev Portal...
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:43]: Installing certificate...
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | Installed Certificate |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | User ID | 92QEUUW74F |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | Common Name | iPhone Distribution: Starchup Incorporated (92QEUUW74F) |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | Organisation Unit | 92QEUUW74F |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | Organisation | Starchup Incorporated |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | Country | US |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | Start Datetime | Mar 23 20:24:55 2017 GMT |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | End Datetime | Mar 23 20:24:55 2018 GMT |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:44]: Installing provisioning profile...
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | Installed Provisioning Profile |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | Parameter | Environment Variable | Value |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | App Identifier | | com.starchup.gopherlaundry |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | Type | | appstore |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | Platform | | ios |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | Profile UUID | sigh_com.starchup.gopherlaundry_appstore | aa6f2a20-5a09-48bb-8eba-45cd9195f40c |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | Profile Name | sigh_com.starchup.gopherlaundry_appstore_profile-name | match AppStore com.starchup.gopherlaundry |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | Profile Path | sigh_com.starchup.gopherlaundry_appstore_profile-path | /Users/glesage/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/aa6f2a20-5a09-48bb-8eba-45cd9195f40c.mobileprovision |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | Development Team ID | sigh_com.starchup.gopherlaundry_appstore_team-id | 92QEUUW74F |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:45]: All required keys, certificates and provisioning profiles are installed 🙌
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:45]: Setting Provisioning Profile type to 'app-store'
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:45]: -----------------
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:45]: --- Step: gym ---
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:45]: -----------------
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:45]: $ xcodebuild -list -project ./rwo.xcodeproj
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:46]: $ xcodebuild clean -showBuildSettings -scheme prod -project ./rwo.xcodeproj
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +----------------------+-------------------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | Summary for gym 2.26.0 |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +----------------------+-------------------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | output_directory | ./fastlane/ipa |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | output_name | Starchup |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | scheme | prod |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | export_method | app-store |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | project | ./rwo.xcodeproj |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | destination | generic/platform=iOS |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | clean | false |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | silent | false |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | use_legacy_build_api | false |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | buildlog_path | ~/Library/Logs/gym |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | xcode_path | /Applications/ |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +----------------------+-------------------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:47]: $ set -o pipefail && xcodebuild -scheme prod -project ./rwo.xcodeproj -destination 'generic/platform=iOS' -archivePath /Users/glesage/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2017-04-07/Starchup\ 2017-04-07\ 17.56.47.xcarchive archive | tee /Users/glesage/Library/Logs/gym/prod-prod.log | xcpretty
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:48]: ▸ Building rwo/prod [Release]
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:48]: ▸ Check Dependencies
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:48]: ▸ ❌ prod requires a provisioning profile. Select a provisioning profile for the "Release" build configuration in the project editor.
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:48]: ▸ ❌ Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.3'
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:48]: ▸ ** ARCHIVE FAILED **
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:48]: ▸ The following build commands failed:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:48]: ▸ Check dependencies
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:48]: ▸ (1 failure)
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: ▸ Building rwo/prod [Release]
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: ▸ Check Dependencies
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: ❌ prod requires a provisioning profile. Select a provisioning profile for the "Release" build configuration in the project editor.
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: ❌ Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.3'
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: ** ARCHIVE FAILED **
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: The following build commands failed:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: Check dependencies
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: (1 failure)
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:48]: Exit status: 65
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:48]: 📋 For a more detailed error log, check the full log at:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:48]: 📋 /Users/glesage/Library/Logs/gym/prod-prod.log
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +-------------+-------------------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | Build environment |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +-------------+-------------------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | xcode_path | /Applications/ |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | gym_version | 2.26.0 |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | sdk | iPhoneOS10.3.sdk |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +-------------+-------------------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +-------------------+-----------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | Lane Context |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +-------------------+-----------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | DEFAULT_PLATFORM | ios |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | PLATFORM_NAME | ios |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | LANE_NAME | ios build |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | SIGH_PROFILE_TYPE | app-store |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +-------------------+-----------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:48]: Error building the application - see the log above
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build:
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +------+-------------------------------------+-------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | fastlane summary |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +------+-------------------------------------+-------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | Step | Action | Time (in s) |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +------+-------------------------------------+-------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | 1 | opt_out_usage | 0 |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | 2 | Verifying required fastlane version | 0 |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | 3 | default_platform | 0 |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | 4 | Switch to ios build_ipa lane | 0 |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | 5 | match | 27 |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: | 💥 | gym | 2 |
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: +------+-------------------------------------+-------------+
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build:
[!] Error building the application - see the log above
(1/1): com.starchup.gopherlaundry | build: [17:56:48]: fastlane finished with errors
| com.starchup.gopherlaundry | FAILED | Unable to build - See output |
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