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Created October 19, 2012 13:01
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# value_iteration.r
# George Lesica
# CSCI 555 - FA 2012
# Homework 5
# Solution to problem 3
LEFT <- 0.1
RIGHT <- 0.1
maxaction <- function(V, r, c) {
# Computes the max value over the possible actions available
# from V[r,c].
nrow <- dim(V)[1]
ncol <- dim(V)[2]
# Compute values for the various possible directions
if (r > 1) {
north_value <- V[r-1,c]
} else {
north_value <- V[r,c]
if (r < nrow) {
south_value <- V[r+1,c]
} else {
south_value <- V[r,c]
if (c > 1) {
west_value <- V[r,c-1]
} else {
west_value <- V[r,c]
if (c < ncol) {
east_value <- V[r,c+1]
} else {
east_value <- V[r,c]
# Fix moves that run into a dead cell
if ( {
north_value <- V[r,c]
if ( {
south_value <- V[r,c]
if ( {
west_value <- V[r,c]
if ( {
east_value <- V[r,c]
# Pick the max value based on actual move probabilities
act_values <- c(
INTENDED * north_value + LEFT * west_value + RIGHT * east_value,
INTENDED * south_value + LEFT * east_value + RIGHT * west_value,
INTENDED * west_value + LEFT * south_value + RIGHT * north_value,
INTENDED * east_value + LEFT * north_value + RIGHT * south_value
# Figure out which direction we should go.
max_value <- max(act_values)
direction <- DIRECTIONS[which.max(act_values)]
return(c(max_value, direction))
viter <- function(V, R, G, gamma, get.policy=F) {
# Performs a single iteration on the given world.
nrow <- dim(V)[1]
ncol <- dim(V)[2]
newV <- matrix(nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol)
policy <- matrix(nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol)
for (r in 1:nrow) {
for (c in 1:ncol) {
# Go to the next cell if this one is out-of-bounds
if ([r,c])) {
# Skip terminal states
if (G[r,c] == TRUE) {
newV[r,c] = V[r,c]
# Find the action that yields the max value
m <- maxaction(V, r, c)
newV[r,c] <- gamma * as.numeric(m[1]) + R[r,c]
policy[r,c] <- m[2]
if (get.policy) {
} else {
converge <- function(V, R, G, gamma, epsilon, get.policy=F) {
# Performs value iterations until the value estimates converge
# to within epsilon.
# Args:
# V: Matrix of cell values thus far computed.
# R: Matrix of intrisic values for cells.
# G: Boolean matrix, true for terminal states
# gamma: Discount factor to use.
# epsilon: Maximum difference between iterations to accept
# Returns:
# A table of cell values or utilities.
finished <- FALSE
Vcurrent <- V
while (! finished) {
Vprime <- viter(Vcurrent, R, G, gamma)
finished <- all(abs(Vprime - Vcurrent) < epsilon, na.rm = TRUE)
Vcurrent <- Vprime
if (get.policy) {
return(viter(Vcurrent, R, G, gamma, get.policy=T))
} else {
policy <- function(V, R, G, gamma, epsilon) {
# Computes the policy for a given world.
V <- mat.or.vec(3, 4)
V[2,2] <- NA
V[1,4] <- 100
V[2,4] <- -100
R <- mat.or.vec(3, 4)
R[2,2] <- NA
R[1,4] <- 100
R[2,4] <- -100
G <- mat.or.vec(3, 4) == 1
G[1,4] <- TRUE
G[2,4] <- TRUE
# Find the utilities table
values <- converge(V, R, G, 0.9, 0.0001)
# Find the associated policy
policy <- converge(V, R, G, 0.9, 0.0001, get.policy=T)
# Find gamma such that lower right goes south
gamma <- 0.9
found <- FALSE
while (! found) {
policy <- converge(V, R, G, gamma, 0.0001, get.policy=T)
if (policy[3,4] == 'SOUTH') {
found <- TRUE
} else {
gamma <- gamma - 0.001
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