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Partial Buffer Initialization / Better Buffer Slices

Partial Buffer Initialization / Better Buffer Slices


Sub-sequences of the UnsafeBufferPointer family have all the [Mutable]Collection API of UnsafeBufferPointer, but have none of their buffer-specific API. This makes partial initialization of a buffer difficult, among other tasks.

Swift-evolution thread: Pitch thread


An example of partial initialization is inserting elements in the middle of a collection, one of the possible operations needed in an implementation of RangeReplaceableCollection.replaceSubrange(_:with:). Given a RangeReplaceableCollection whose unique storage can be represented by a partially-initialized UnsafeMutableBufferPointer:

mutating func replaceSubrange<C>(_ subrange: Range<Index>, with newElements: C)
  where C: Collection, Element == C.Element {

  // obtain unique storage as UnsafeMutableBufferPointer
  let buffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element> = self.myUniqueStorage()
  let oldCount = self.count
  let growth = newElements.count - subrange.count
  let newCount = oldCount + growth
  if growth > 0 {
    assert(newCount < buffer.count)
    let oldTail = subrange.upperBound..<oldCount
    let newTail = subrange.upperBound+growth..<newCount
    let oldTailBase = buffer.baseAddress!.advanced(by: oldTail.lowerBound)
    let newTailBase = buffer.baseAddress!.advanced(by: newTail.lowerBound)
    newTailBase.moveInitialize(from: oldTailBase,
                               count: oldCount - subrange.upperBound)

    // Update still-initialized values in the original subrange
    var j = newElements.startIndex
    for i in subrange {
      buffer[i] = newElements[j]
      newElements.formIndex(after: &j)
    // Initialize the remaining range
    for i in subrange.upperBound..<newTail.lowerBound {
      buffer.baseAddress!.advanced(by: i).initialize(to: newElements[j])
      newElements.formIndex(after: &j)
    assert(newElements.distance(from: newElements.startIndex, to: j) == newElements.count)
  ... // other situations

Here, we had to convert to UnsafeMutablePointer to use some of its API, as well as resort to element-by-element copying and initialization. With API enabling buffer operations on the slices of buffers, we could simplify things greatly:

mutating func replaceSubrange<C>(_ subrange: Range<Index>, with newElements: C)
  where C: Collection, Element == C.Element {

  // obtain unique storage as UnsafeMutableBufferPointer
  let buffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element> = self.myUniqueStorage()
  let oldCount = self.count
  let growth = newElements.count - subrange.count
  let newCount = oldCount + growth
  if growth > 0 {
    assert(newCount < buffer.count)
    let oldTail = subrange.upperBound..<count
    let newTail = subrange.upperBound+growth..<newCount
    var m = buffer[newTail].moveInitialize(fromElements: buffer[oldTail])

    // Update still-initialized values in the original subrange
    m = buffer[subrange].update(fromElements: newElements)
    // Initialize the remaining range
    m = buffer[m..<newTail.lowerBound].initialize(
      fromElements: newElements.dropFirst(m - subrange.lowerBound)
    assert(m == newTail.lowerBound)
  ... // other situations

In addition to simplifying the implementation, the new methods have the advantage of having the same bounds-checking behaviour as UnsafeMutableBufferPointer, relieving the implementation from being required to do its own bounds checking.

Proposed solution

We propose to add to slices of Unsafe[Mutable][Raw]BufferPointer all the BufferPointer-specific methods of their Base.

Note: many of these methods were recently pitched here.

Addition to Slice<UnsafeBufferPointer<T>>:

public func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>(
  to type: T.Type,
  _ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<T>) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result

Additions to Slice<UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>>:

func initialize(repeating repeatedValue: Element)

func initialize<S: Sequence>(from source: S) -> (S.Iterator, Index)
  where S.Element == Element

func initialize<C: Collection>(fromElements: C) -> Index
  where C.Element == Element

func update(repeating repeatedValue: Element)

func update<S: Sequence>(
  from source: S
) -> (iterator: S.Iterator, updated: Index) where S.Element == Element

func update<C: Collection>(
  fromElements: C
) -> Index where C.Element == Element

func moveInitialize(fromElements source: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>) -> Index

func moveInitialize(fromElements source: Slice<UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>>) -> Index

func moveUpdate(fromElements source: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>) -> Index

func moveUpdate(fromElements source: Slice<UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>>) -> Index

func deinitialize() -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer

func initializeElement(at index: Index, to value: Element)

func updateElement(at index: Index, to value: Element)

func moveElement(at index: Index) -> Element

func deinitializeElement(at index: Index)

func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>(
  to type: T.Type,
  _ body: (UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result

Additions to Slice<UnsafeRawBufferPointer>:

func bindMemory<T>(to type: T.Type) -> UnsafeBufferPointer<T>

func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>(
  to type: T.Type, _ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<T>) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result

func assumingMemoryBound<T>(to type: T.Type) -> UnsafeBufferPointer<T>

Additions to Slice<UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer>:

func copyMemory(from source: UnsafeRawBufferPointer)

func copyBytes<C: Collection>(from source: C) where C.Element == UInt8

func initializeMemory<T>(
  as type: T.Type, repeating repeatedValue: T
) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>

func initializeMemory<S: Sequence>(
  as type: S.Element.Type, from source: S
) -> (unwritten: S.Iterator, initialized: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<S.Element>)

func initializeMemory<C: Collection>(
  as type: C.Element.Type, fromElements: C
) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<C.Element>

func moveInitializeMemory<T>(
  as type: T.Type, fromElements: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>
) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>

func moveInitializeMemory<T>(
  as type: T.Type, fromElements: Slice<UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>>
) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>

func bindMemory<T>(to type: T.Type) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>

func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>(
  to type: T.Type,
  _ body: (UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result

func assumingMemoryBound<T>(to type: T.Type) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>

Detailed design

First, some underscored protocols are necessary in order to generalize over the element type of Unsafe[Mutable]BufferPointer. These are necessary because "parameterized extensions" do not exist yet.

protocol _RebasableCollection: Collection {
  init(rebasing slice: SubSequence)

extension UnsafeBufferPointer: _RebasableCollection {}
extension UnsafeMutableBufferPointer: _RebasableCollection {}
protocol _MutableBaseAddressProtocol: MutableCollection {
  var baseAddress: UnsafeMutablePointer<Element>? { get }

extension UnsafeMutableBufferPointer: _MutableBaseAddressProtocol {}

Changes to Slice<UnsafeBufferPointer<T>:

extension Slice where Base: _RebasableCollection, Base.SubSequence == Self {

  /// Executes the given closure while temporarily binding the memory referenced
  /// by this buffer slice to the given type.
  /// Use this method when you have a buffer of memory bound to one type and
  /// you need to access that memory as a buffer of another type. Accessing
  /// memory as type `T` requires that the memory be bound to that type. A
  /// memory location may only be bound to one type at a time, so accessing
  /// the same memory as an unrelated type without first rebinding the memory
  /// is undefined.
  /// The number of instances of `T` referenced by the rebound buffer may be
  /// different than the number of instances of `Element` referenced by the
  /// original buffer slice. The number of instances of `T` will be calculated
  /// at runtime.
  /// Any instance of `T` within the re-bound region may be initialized or
  /// uninitialized. Every instance of `Pointee` overlapping with a given
  /// instance of `T` should have the same initialization state (i.e.
  /// initialized or uninitialized.) Accessing a `T` whose underlying
  /// `Pointee` storage is in a mixed initialization state shall be
  /// undefined behaviour.
  /// Because this range of memory is no longer bound to its `Element` type
  /// while the `body` closure executes, do not access memory using the
  /// original buffer slice from within `body`. Instead,
  /// use the `body` closure's buffer argument to access the values
  /// in memory as instances of type `T`.
  /// After executing `body`, this method rebinds memory back to the original
  /// `Element` type.
  /// - Note: Only use this method to rebind the buffer's memory to a type
  ///   that is layout compatible with the currently bound `Element` type.
  ///   The stride of the temporary type (`T`) may be an integer multiple
  ///   or a whole fraction of `Element`'s stride.
  ///   To bind a region of memory to a type that does not match these
  ///   requirements, convert the buffer to a raw buffer and use the
  ///   `bindMemory(to:)` method.
  ///   If `T` and `Element` have different alignments, this buffer's
  ///   `baseAddress` must be aligned with the larger of the two alignments.
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - type: The type to temporarily bind the memory referenced by this
  ///     buffer. The type `T` must be layout compatible
  ///     with the pointer's `Element` type.
  ///   - body: A closure that takes a typed buffer to the
  ///     same memory as this buffer, only bound to type `T`. The buffer
  ///     parameter contains a number of complete instances of `T` based
  ///     on the capacity of the original buffer and the stride of `Element`.
  ///     The closure's buffer argument is valid only for the duration of the
  ///     closure's execution. If `body` has a return value, that value
  ///     is also used as the return value for the `withMemoryRebound(to:_:)`
  ///     method.
  ///   - buffer: The buffer temporarily bound to `T`.
  /// - Returns: The return value, if any, of the `body` closure parameter.
  public func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>(
    to type: T.Type, _ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<T>) throws -> Result
  ) rethrows -> Result  

Changes for Slice<UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>>:

extension Slice where Base: _RebasableCollection & _MutableBaseAddressProtocol,
                      Base.SubSequence == Self {

  /// Initializes every element in this buffer slice's memory to
  /// a copy of the given value.
  /// The destination memory must be uninitialized or the buffer's `Element`
  /// must be a trivial type. After a call to `initialize(repeating:)`, the
  /// entire region of memory referenced by this buffer slice is initialized.
  /// - Parameter repeatedValue: The value with which to initialize this
  ///   buffer slice's memory.
  public func initialize(repeating repeatedValue: Base.Element)

  /// Initializes the buffer slice's memory with the given elements.
  /// Prior to calling the `initialize(from:)` method on a buffer slice,
  /// the memory it references must be uninitialized,
  /// or the `Element` type must be a trivial type. After the call,
  /// the memory referenced by the buffer slice up to, but not including,
  /// the returned index is initialized.
  /// The buffer must contain sufficient memory to accommodate
  /// `source.underestimatedCount`.
  /// The returned index is the position of the next uninitialized element
  /// in the buffer slice, which is one past the last element written.
  /// If `source` contains no elements, the returned index is equal to
  /// the buffer's `startIndex`. If `source` contains an equal or greater number
  /// of elements than the buffer slice can hold, the returned index is equal to
  /// the buffer's `endIndex`.
  /// - Parameter source: A sequence of elements with which to initialize the
  ///   buffer.
  /// - Returns: An iterator to any elements of `source` that didn't fit in the
  ///   buffer, and an index to the next uninitialized element in the buffer.
  public func initialize<S>(
    from source: S
  ) -> (S.Iterator, Index) where S: Sequence, Base.Element == S.Element
  /// Initializes the buffer slice's memory with the given elements.
  /// Prior to calling the `initialize(fromElements:)` method on a buffer slice,
  /// the memory it references must be uninitialized,
  /// or the `Element` type must be a trivial type. After the call,
  /// the memory referenced by the buffer slice up to, but not including,
  /// the returned index is initialized.
  /// The returned index is the position of the next uninitialized element
  /// in the buffer slice, which is one past the last element written.
  /// If `fromElements` contains no elements, the returned index is equal to
  /// the buffer's `startIndex`. If `fromElements` contains an equal or greater
  /// of elements than the buffer slice can hold, the returned index is equal to
  /// to the buffer's `endIndex`.
  /// - Parameter fromElements: A collection of elements to be used to
  ///   initialize the buffer's storage.
  /// - Returns: An index to the next uninitialized element in the buffer,
  ///   or `endIndex`.
  public func initialize<C>(
    fromElements source: C
  ) -> Int where C : Collection, Base.Element == C.Element

  /// Updates every element of this buffer slice's initialized memory.
  /// The buffer slice’s memory must be initialized or its `Element`
  /// must be a trivial type.
  /// - Note: All buffer elements must already be initialized.
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - repeatedValue: The value used when updating this pointer's memory.
  public func update(repeating repeatedValue: Base.Element)

  /// Updates the buffer slice's initialized memory with the given elements.
  /// The buffer slice's memory must be initialized or its `Element` type
  /// must be a trivial type.
  /// - Parameter source: A sequence of elements to be used to update
  ///   the buffer's contents.
  /// - Returns: An iterator to any elements of `source` that didn't fit in the
  ///   buffer, and the index one past the last updated element in the buffer.
  public func update<S: Sequence>(
    from source: S
  ) -> (iterator: S.Iterator, updated: Index) where S.Element == Element

  /// Updates the buffer slice's initialized memory with the given elements.
  /// The buffer slice's memory must be initialized or the buffer's `Element` type
  /// must be a trivial type.
  /// - Parameter fromElements: A collection of elements to be used to update
  ///   the buffer's contents.
  /// - Returns: An index one past the last updated element in the buffer,
  ///   or `endIndex`.
  public func update<C: Collection>(
    fromElements source: C
  ) -> Index where C.Element == Element
  /// Moves every element of an initialized source buffer into the
  /// uninitialized memory referenced by this buffer slice, leaving the
  /// source memory uninitialized and this buffer slice's memory initialized.
  /// The region of memory starting at the beginning of this buffer and
  /// covering `source.count` instances of its `Element` type must be
  /// uninitialized, or `Element` must be a trivial type. After calling
  /// `moveInitialize(fromElements:)`, the region is initialized and
  /// the region of memory underlying `source` is uninitialized.
  /// - Parameter source: A buffer containing the values to copy. The memory
  ///   region underlying `source` must be initialized. The memory regions
  ///   referenced by `source` and this buffer may overlap.
  /// - Returns: An index to the next uninitialized element in the buffer,
  ///   or `endIndex`.
  public func moveInitialize(from source: Self) -> Index
  /// Moves every element of an initialized source buffer slice into the
  /// uninitialized memory referenced by this buffer slice, leaving the
  /// source memory uninitialized and this buffer slice's memory initialized.
  /// The region of memory starting at the beginning of this buffer slice and
  /// covering `source.count` instances of its `Element` type must be
  /// uninitialized, or `Element` must be a trivial type. After calling
  /// `moveInitialize(fromElements:)`, the region is initialized and
  /// the region of memory underlying `source` is uninitialized.
  /// - Parameter source: A buffer containing the values to copy. The memory
  ///   region underlying `source` must be initialized. The memory regions
  ///   referenced by `source` and this buffer may overlap.
  /// - Returns: An index one past the last replaced element in the buffer,
  ///   or `endIndex`.
  public func moveInitialize(from source: Slice<Self>) -> Index
  /// Updates this buffer slice's initialized memory initialized memory by
  /// moving every element from the source buffer,
  /// leaving the source memory uninitialized.
  /// The region of memory starting at the beginning of this buffer slice and
  /// covering `fromElements.count` instances of its `Element` type  must be
  /// initialized, or `Element` must be a trivial type. After calling
  /// `moveUpdate(fromElements:)`,
  /// the region of memory underlying `source` is uninitialized.
  /// - Parameter source: A buffer containing the values to move.
  ///   The memory region underlying `source` must be initialized. The
  ///   memory regions referenced by `source` and this pointer must not overlap.
  /// - Returns: An index one past the last updated element in the buffer,
  ///   or `endIndex`.
  public func moveUpdate(
    fromElements source: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Base.Element>
  ) -> Index

  /// Updates this buffer slice's initialized memory initialized memory by
  /// moving every element from the source buffer slice,
  /// leaving the source memory uninitialized.
  /// The region of memory starting at the beginning of this buffer slice and
  /// covering `fromElements.count` instances of its `Element` type  must be
  /// initialized, or `Element` must be a trivial type. After calling
  /// `moveUpdate(fromElements:)`,
  /// the region of memory underlying `source` is uninitialized.
  /// - Parameter source: A buffer containing the values to move.
  ///   The memory region underlying `source` must be initialized. The
  ///   memory regions referenced by `source` and this pointer must not overlap.
  /// - Returns: An index one past the last updated element in the buffer,
  ///   or `endIndex`.
  public func moveUpdate(
    fromElements source: Slice<UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Base.Element>>
  ) -> Index

  /// Deinitializes every instance in this buffer slice.
  /// The region of memory underlying this buffer slice must be fully
  /// initialized. After calling `deinitialize(count:)`, the memory
  /// is uninitialized, but still bound to the `Element` type.
  /// - Note: All buffer elements must already be initialized.
  /// - Returns: A raw buffer to the same range of memory as this buffer.
  ///   The range of memory is still bound to `Element`.
  public func deinitialize() -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer

  /// Initializes the element at `index` to the given value.
  /// The memory underlying the destination element must be uninitialized,
  /// or `Element` must be a trivial type. After a call to `initialize(to:)`,
  /// the memory underlying this element of the buffer slice is initialized.
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - value: The value used to initialize the buffer element's memory.
  ///   - index: The index of the element to initialize
  public func initializeElement(at index: Int, to value: Element)

  /// Updates the initialized element at `index` to the given value.
  /// The memory underlying the destination element must be initialized,
  /// or `Element` must be a trivial type. This method is equivalent to:
  ///     self[index] = value
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - value: The value used to update the buffer element's memory.
  ///   - index: The index of the element to update
  public func updateElement(at index: Index, to value: Element)

  /// Retrieves and returns the element at `index`,
  /// leaving that element's underlying memory uninitialized.
  /// The memory underlying the element at `index` must be initialized.
  /// After calling `moveElement(from:)`, the memory underlying this element
  /// of the buffer slice is uninitialized, and still bound to type `Element`.
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - index: The index of the buffer element to retrieve and deinitialize.
  /// - Returns: The instance referenced by this index in this buffer.
  public func moveElement(at index: Index) -> Element

  /// Deinitializes the memory underlying the element at `index`.
  /// The memory underlying the element at `index` must be initialized.
  /// After calling `deinitializeElement()`, the memory underlying this element
  /// of the buffer slice is uninitialized, and still bound to type `Element`.
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - index: The index of the buffer element to deinitialize.
  public func deinitializeElement(at index: Base.Index)

  /// Executes the given closure while temporarily binding the memory referenced
  /// by this buffer slice to the given type.
  /// Use this method when you have a buffer of memory bound to one type and
  /// you need to access that memory as a buffer of another type. Accessing
  /// memory as type `T` requires that the memory be bound to that type. A
  /// memory location may only be bound to one type at a time, so accessing
  /// the same memory as an unrelated type without first rebinding the memory
  /// is undefined.
  /// The number of instances of `T` referenced by the rebound buffer may be
  /// different than the number of instances of `Element` referenced by the
  /// original buffer slice. The number of instances of `T` will be calculated
  /// at runtime.
  /// Any instance of `T` within the re-bound region may be initialized or
  /// uninitialized. Every instance of `Pointee` overlapping with a given
  /// instance of `T` should have the same initialization state (i.e.
  /// initialized or uninitialized.) Accessing a `T` whose underlying
  /// `Pointee` storage is in a mixed initialization state shall be
  /// undefined behaviour.
  /// Because this range of memory is no longer bound to its `Element` type
  /// while the `body` closure executes, do not access memory using the
  /// original buffer slice from within `body`. Instead,
  /// use the `body` closure's buffer argument to access the values
  /// in memory as instances of type `T`.
  /// After executing `body`, this method rebinds memory back to the original
  /// `Element` type.
  /// - Note: Only use this method to rebind the buffer's memory to a type
  ///   that is layout compatible with the currently bound `Element` type.
  ///   The stride of the temporary type (`T`) may be an integer multiple
  ///   or a whole fraction of `Element`'s stride.
  ///   To bind a region of memory to a type that does not match these
  ///   requirements, convert the buffer to a raw buffer and use the
  ///   `bindMemory(to:)` method.
  ///   If `T` and `Element` have different alignments, this buffer's
  ///   `baseAddress` must be aligned with the larger of the two alignments.
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - type: The type to temporarily bind the memory referenced by this
  ///     buffer. The type `T` must be layout compatible
  ///     with the pointer's `Element` type.
  ///   - body: A closure that takes a ${Mutable.lower()} typed buffer to the
  ///     same memory as this buffer, only bound to type `T`. The buffer
  ///     parameter contains a number of complete instances of `T` based
  ///     on the capacity of the original buffer and the stride of `Element`.
  ///     The closure's buffer argument is valid only for the duration of the
  ///     closure's execution. If `body` has a return value, that value
  ///     is also used as the return value for the `withMemoryRebound(to:_:)`
  ///     method.
  ///   - buffer: The buffer temporarily bound to `T`.
  /// - Returns: The return value, if any, of the `body` closure parameter.
  public func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>(
    to type: T.Type, _ body: (UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>) throws -> Result
  ) rethrows -> Result


Changes for Slice<UnsafeRawBufferPointer>:

extension Slice where Base: UnsafeRawBufferPointer {

  /// Binds this buffer’s memory to the specified type and returns a typed buffer
  /// of the bound memory.
  /// Use the `bindMemory(to:)` method to bind the memory referenced
  /// by this buffer to the type `T`. The memory must be uninitialized or
  /// initialized to a type that is layout compatible with `T`. If the memory
  /// is uninitialized, it is still uninitialized after being bound to `T`.
  /// - Warning: A memory location may only be bound to one type at a time. The
  ///   behavior of accessing memory as a type unrelated to its bound type is
  ///   undefined.
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - type: The type `T` to bind the memory to.
  /// - Returns: A typed buffer of the newly bound memory. The memory in this
  ///   region is bound to `T`, but has not been modified in any other way.
  ///   The typed buffer references `self.count / MemoryLayout<T>.stride` instances of `T`.
  public func bindMemory<T>(to type: T.Type) -> UnsafeBufferPointer<T>

  /// Executes the given closure while temporarily binding the buffer to
  /// instances of type `T`.
  /// Use this method when you have a buffer to raw memory and you need
  /// to access that memory as instances of a given type `T`. Accessing
  /// memory as a type `T` requires that the memory be bound to that type.
  /// A memory location may only be bound to one type at a time, so accessing
  /// the same memory as an unrelated type without first rebinding the memory
  /// is undefined.
  /// Any instance of `T` within the re-bound region may be initialized or
  /// uninitialized. The memory underlying any individual instance of `T`
  /// must have the same initialization state (i.e.  initialized or
  /// uninitialized.) Accessing a `T` whose underlying memory
  /// is in a mixed initialization state shall be undefined behaviour.
  /// If the byte count of the original buffer is not a multiple of
  /// the stride of `T`, then the re-bound buffer is shorter
  /// than the original buffer.
  /// After executing `body`, this method rebinds memory back to its original
  /// binding state. This can be unbound memory, or bound to a different type.
  /// - Note: The buffer's base address must match the
  ///   alignment of `T` (as reported by `MemoryLayout<T>.alignment`).
  ///   That is, `Int(bitPattern: self.baseAddress) % MemoryLayout<T>.alignment`
  ///   must equal zero.
  /// - Note: A raw buffer may represent memory that has been bound to a type.
  ///   If that is the case, then `T` must be layout compatible with the
  ///   type to which the memory has been bound. This requirement does not
  ///   apply if the raw buffer represents memory that has not been bound
  ///   to any type.
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - type: The type to temporarily bind the memory referenced by this
  ///     pointer. This pointer must be a multiple of this type's alignment.
  ///   - body: A closure that takes a typed pointer to the
  ///     same memory as this pointer, only bound to type `T`. The closure's
  ///     pointer argument is valid only for the duration of the closure's
  ///     execution. If `body` has a return value, that value is also used as
  ///     the return value for the `withMemoryRebound(to:capacity:_:)` method.
  ///   - buffer: The buffer temporarily bound to instances of `T`.
  /// - Returns: The return value, if any, of the `body` closure parameter.
  func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>(
    to type: T.Type, _ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<T>) throws -> Result
  ) rethrows -> Result

  /// Returns a typed buffer to the memory referenced by this buffer,
  /// assuming that the memory is already bound to the specified type.
  /// Use this method when you have a raw buffer to memory that has already
  /// been bound to the specified type. The memory starting at this pointer
  /// must be bound to the type `T`. Accessing memory through the returned
  /// pointer is undefined if the memory has not been bound to `T`. To bind
  /// memory to `T`, use `bindMemory(to:capacity:)` instead of this method.
  /// - Note: The buffer's base address must match the
  ///   alignment of `T` (as reported by `MemoryLayout<T>.alignment`).
  ///   That is, `Int(bitPattern: self.baseAddress) % MemoryLayout<T>.alignment`
  ///   must equal zero.
  /// - Parameter to: The type `T` that the memory has already been bound to.
  /// - Returns: A typed pointer to the same memory as this raw pointer.
  func assumingMemoryBound<T>(to type: T.Type) -> UnsafeBufferPointer<T>

Changes for Slice<UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer>:

extension Slice where Base == UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer {

  /// Copies the bytes from the given buffer to this buffer slice's memory.
  /// If the `source.count` bytes of memory referenced by this buffer are bound
  /// to a type `T`, then `T` must be a trivial type, the underlying pointer
  /// must be properly aligned for accessing `T`, and `source.count` must be a
  /// multiple of `MemoryLayout<T>.stride`.
  /// The memory referenced by `source` may overlap with the memory referenced
  /// by this buffer.
  /// After calling `copyMemory(from:)`, the first `source.count` bytes of
  /// memory referenced by this buffer are initialized to raw bytes. If the
  /// memory is bound to type `T`, then it contains values of type `T`.
  /// - Parameter source: A buffer of raw bytes. `source.count` must
  ///   be less than or equal to this buffer slice's `count`.
  func copyMemory(from source: UnsafeRawBufferPointer)

  /// Copies from a collection of `UInt8` into this buffer slice's memory.
  /// If the `source.count` bytes of memory referenced by this buffer are bound
  /// to a type `T`, then `T` must be a trivial type, the underlying pointer
  /// must be properly aligned for accessing `T`, and `source.count` must be a
  /// multiple of `MemoryLayout<T>.stride`.
  /// After calling `copyBytes(from:)`, the first `source.count` bytes of memory
  /// referenced by this buffer are initialized to raw bytes. If the memory is
  /// bound to type `T`, then it contains values of type `T`.
  /// - Parameter source: A collection of `UInt8` elements. `source.count` must
  ///   be less than or equal to this buffer slice's `count`.
  public func copyBytes<C: Collection>(from source: C) where C.Element == UInt8

  /// Initializes the memory referenced by this buffer with the given value,
  /// binds the memory to the value's type, and returns a typed buffer of the
  /// initialized memory.
  /// The memory referenced by this buffer must be uninitialized or
  /// initialized to a trivial type, and must be properly aligned for
  /// accessing `T`.
  /// After calling this method on a raw buffer with non-nil `baseAddress` `b`,
  /// the region starting at `b` and continuing up to
  /// `b + self.count - self.count % MemoryLayout<T>.stride` is bound to type `T` and
  /// initialized. If `T` is a nontrivial type, you must eventually deinitialize
  /// or move the values in this region to avoid leaks. If `baseAddress` is
  /// `nil`, this function does nothing and returns an empty buffer pointer.
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - type: The type to bind this buffer’s memory to.
  ///   - repeatedValue: The instance to copy into memory.
  /// - Returns: A typed buffer of the memory referenced by this raw buffer.
  ///     The typed buffer contains `self.count / MemoryLayout<T>.stride`
  ///     instances of `T`.
  func initializeMemory<T>(as type: T.Type, repeating repeatedValue: T) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>

  /// Initializes the buffer's memory with the given elements, binding the
  /// initialized memory to the elements' type.
  /// When calling the `initializeMemory(as:from:)` method on a buffer `b`,
  /// the memory referenced by `b` must be uninitialized or initialized to a
  /// trivial type, and must be properly aligned for accessing `S.Element`.
  /// The buffer must contain sufficient memory to accommodate
  /// `source.underestimatedCount`.
  /// This method initializes the buffer with elements from `source` until
  /// `source` is exhausted or, if `source` is a sequence but not a
  /// collection, the buffer has no more room for its elements. After calling
  /// `initializeMemory(as:from:)`, the memory referenced by the returned
  /// `UnsafeMutableBufferPointer` instance is bound and initialized to type
  /// `S.Element`.
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - type: The type of element to which this buffer's memory will be bound.
  ///   - source: A sequence of elements with which to initialize the buffer.
  /// - Returns: An iterator to any elements of `source` that didn't fit in the
  ///   buffer, and a typed buffer of the written elements. The returned
  ///   buffer references memory starting at the same base address as this
  ///   buffer.
  public func initializeMemory<S: Sequence>(
    as type: S.Element.Type, from source: S
  ) -> (unwritten: S.Iterator, initialized: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<S.Element>)

  /// Initializes the buffer's memory with the given elements, binding the
  /// initialized memory to the elements' type.
  /// When calling the `initializeMemory(as:fromElements:)` method on a buffer
  /// `b`, the memory referenced by `b` must be uninitialized, or initialized
  /// to a trivial type. `b` must be properly aligned for accessing `C.Element`.
  /// This method initializes the buffer with the contents of `fromElements`
  /// until `fromElements` is exhausted or the buffer runs out of available
  /// space. After calling `initializeMemory(as:fromElements:)`, the memory
  /// referenced by the returned `UnsafeMutableBufferPointer` instance is bound
  /// and initialized to type `C.Element`. This method does not change
  /// the binding state of the unused portion of `b`, if any.
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - type: The type of element to which this buffer's memory will be bound.
  ///   - fromElements: A collection of elements to be used to
  ///     initialize the buffer's storage.
  /// - Returns: A typed buffer of the initialized elements. The returned
  ///   buffer references memory starting at the same base address as this
  ///   buffer, and its count indicates the number of elements copied from
  ///   the collection `elements`.
  func initializeMemory<C: Collection>(
    as type: C.Element.Type,
    fromElements source: C
  ) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<C.Element>

  /// Moves instances from an initialized source buffer into the
  /// uninitialized memory referenced by this buffer, leaving the source memory
  /// uninitialized and this buffer's memory initialized.
  /// When calling the `moveInitializeMemory(as:from:)` method on a buffer `b`,
  /// the memory referenced by `b` must be uninitialized, or initialized to a
  /// trivial type. `b` must be properly aligned for accessing `C.Element`.
  /// The region of memory starting at this pointer and covering
  /// `fromElements.count` instances of the buffer's `Element` type
  /// must be uninitialized, or `Element` must be a trivial type. After
  /// calling `moveInitialize(as:from:)`, the region is initialized and the
  /// memory region underlying `source` is uninitialized.
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - type: The type of element to which this buffer's memory will be bound.
  ///   - fromElements: A buffer containing the values to copy.
  ///     The memory region underlying `source` must be initialized.
  ///     The memory regions referenced by `source` and this buffer may overlap.
  /// - Returns: A typed buffer of the initialized elements. The returned
  ///   buffer references memory starting at the same base address as this
  ///   buffer, and its count indicates the number of elements copied from
  ///   `source`.
  func moveInitializeMemory<T>(
    as type: T.Type,
    fromElements source: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>
  ) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>

  /// Moves instances from an initialized source buffer slice into the
  /// uninitialized memory referenced by this buffer, leaving the source memory
  /// uninitialized and this buffer's memory initialized.
  /// The region of memory starting at this pointer and covering
  /// `fromElements.count` instances of the buffer's `Element` type
  /// must be uninitialized, or `Element` must be a trivial type. After
  /// calling `moveInitialize(as:from:)`, the region is initialized and the
  /// memory region underlying `source[..<source.endIndex]` is uninitialized.
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - type: The type of element to which this buffer's memory will be bound.
  ///   - fromElements: A buffer containing the values to copy.
  ///     The memory region underlying `source` must be initialized.
  ///     The memory regions referenced by `source` and this buffer may overlap.
  /// - Returns: A typed buffer of the initialized elements. The returned
  ///   buffer references memory starting at the same base address as this
  ///   buffer, and its count indicates the number of elements copied from
  ///   `source`.
  func moveInitializeMemory<T>(
    as type: T.Type,
    fromElements source: Slice<UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>>
  ) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>

  /// Binds this buffer’s memory to the specified type and returns a typed buffer
  /// of the bound memory.
  /// Use the `bindMemory(to:)` method to bind the memory referenced
  /// by this buffer to the type `T`. The memory must be uninitialized or
  /// initialized to a type that is layout compatible with `T`. If the memory
  /// is uninitialized, it is still uninitialized after being bound to `T`.
  /// - Warning: A memory location may only be bound to one type at a time. The
  ///   behavior of accessing memory as a type unrelated to its bound type is
  ///   undefined.
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - type: The type `T` to bind the memory to.
  /// - Returns: A typed buffer of the newly bound memory. The memory in this
  ///   region is bound to `T`, but has not been modified in any other way.
  ///   The typed buffer references `self.count / MemoryLayout<T>.stride` instances of `T`.
  public func bindMemory<T>(to type: T.Type) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>

  /// Executes the given closure while temporarily binding the buffer to
  /// instances of type `T`.
  /// Use this method when you have a buffer to raw memory and you need
  /// to access that memory as instances of a given type `T`. Accessing
  /// memory as a type `T` requires that the memory be bound to that type.
  /// A memory location may only be bound to one type at a time, so accessing
  /// the same memory as an unrelated type without first rebinding the memory
  /// is undefined.
  /// Any instance of `T` within the re-bound region may be initialized or
  /// uninitialized. The memory underlying any individual instance of `T`
  /// must have the same initialization state (i.e.  initialized or
  /// uninitialized.) Accessing a `T` whose underlying memory
  /// is in a mixed initialization state shall be undefined behaviour.
  /// If the byte count of the original buffer is not a multiple of
  /// the stride of `T`, then the re-bound buffer is shorter
  /// than the original buffer.
  /// After executing `body`, this method rebinds memory back to its original
  /// binding state. This can be unbound memory, or bound to a different type.
  /// - Note: The buffer's base address must match the
  ///   alignment of `T` (as reported by `MemoryLayout<T>.alignment`).
  ///   That is, `Int(bitPattern: self.baseAddress) % MemoryLayout<T>.alignment`
  ///   must equal zero.
  /// - Note: A raw buffer may represent memory that has been bound to a type.
  ///   If that is the case, then `T` must be layout compatible with the
  ///   type to which the memory has been bound. This requirement does not
  ///   apply if the raw buffer represents memory that has not been bound
  ///   to any type.
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - type: The type to temporarily bind the memory referenced by this
  ///     pointer. This pointer must be a multiple of this type's alignment.
  ///   - body: A closure that takes a typed pointer to the
  ///     same memory as this pointer, only bound to type `T`. The closure's
  ///     pointer argument is valid only for the duration of the closure's
  ///     execution. If `body` has a return value, that value is also used as
  ///     the return value for the `withMemoryRebound(to:capacity:_:)` method.
  ///   - buffer: The buffer temporarily bound to instances of `T`.
  /// - Returns: The return value, if any, of the `body` closure parameter.
  func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>(
    to type: T.Type, _ body: (UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>) throws -> Result
  ) rethrows -> Result

  /// Returns a typed buffer to the memory referenced by this buffer,
  /// assuming that the memory is already bound to the specified type.
  /// Use this method when you have a raw buffer to memory that has already
  /// been bound to the specified type. The memory starting at this pointer
  /// must be bound to the type `T`. Accessing memory through the returned
  /// pointer is undefined if the memory has not been bound to `T`. To bind
  /// memory to `T`, use `bindMemory(to:capacity:)` instead of this method.
  /// - Note: The buffer's base address must match the
  ///   alignment of `T` (as reported by `MemoryLayout<T>.alignment`).
  ///   That is, `Int(bitPattern: self.baseAddress) % MemoryLayout<T>.alignment`
  ///   must equal zero.
  /// - Parameter to: The type `T` that the memory has already been bound to.
  /// - Returns: A typed pointer to the same memory as this raw pointer.
  func assumingMemoryBound<T>(to type: T.Type) -> UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>

Source compatibility

This proposal consists solely of additions and is therefore source compatible.

Effect on ABI stability

The functions proposed here generally small wrappers around existing functionality. They will be implemented as @_alwaysEmitIntoClient functions, which means they will have no ABI impact.

Effect on API resilience

All functionality implemented as @_alwaysEmitIntoClient will back-deploy.

Alternatives considered


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