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Last active July 31, 2018 03:27
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variable-length message binary protocol parser combinators
module Parser where
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Word
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import System.IO
data Parser s f a
= Blind !Int (s -> a)
| Decide !Int (s -> Parser s f a)
| Lift (f (Parser s f a))
class Split a where
split :: Int -> a -> (a,a)
instance Split [a] where split = splitAt
instance Split B.ByteString where split = B.splitAt
instance Functor f => Functor (Parser s f) where
fmap f (Blind i k) = Blind i (f . k)
fmap f (Decide i k) = Decide i (fmap f . k)
fmap f (Lift x ) = Lift (fmap (fmap f) x)
instance (Functor f, Split s) => Applicative (Parser s f) where
pure = Blind 0 . const
Lift x <*> p = Lift (fmap (<*> p) x)
Decide i k <*> p =
Decide i $ \s -> k s <*> p
Blind i f <*> Decide j g =
Decide (i+j) $ \s ->
case split i s of
(si,sj) -> f si <$> g sj
Blind i f <*> Blind j g =
Blind (i+j) $ \s ->
case split i s of
(si,sj) -> f si (g sj)
(>>-) :: Functor f => Parser s f a -> (a -> Parser s f b) -> Parser s f b
Lift x >>- f = Lift (fmap (>>- f) x)
Decide i k >>- f = Decide i ((>>- f) . k)
Blind i k >>- f = Decide i (f . k)
-- Example use case ----------------------------------------------------
word8 :: Parser [Word8] f Word8
word8 = Blind 1 head
word16 :: Parser [Word8] f Word16
word16 = Blind 2 $ \[hi,lo] -> fromIntegral hi * 0x100 + fromIntegral lo
data Message = Message
{ version :: Word8
, command :: Word8
, address :: Address
, port :: Word16
deriving Show
data Address
= IPv4 Word8 Word8 Word8 Word8
| IPv6 Word16 Word16 Word16 Word16 Word16 Word16 Word16 Word16
| DomainName [Word8]
deriving Show
parseAddress :: Parser [Word8] Maybe Address
parseAddress =
word8 >>- \tag ->
case tag of
1 -> IPv4 <$> word8 <*> word8 <*> word8 <*> word8
3 -> IPv6 <$> word16 <*> word16 <*> word16 <*> word16
<*> word16 <*> word16 <*> word16 <*> word16
4 -> word8 >>- \len ->
DomainName <$> replicateM (fromIntegral len) word8
_ -> Lift Nothing
parseMessage :: Parser [Word8] Maybe Message
parseMessage = Message <$> word8 <*> word8 <*> parseAddress <*> word16
prompt :: Int -> IO [Word8]
prompt i =
do putStrLn ("Input list of " ++ show i ++ " Word8")
driver :: Show a => Parser [Word8] Maybe a -> IO ()
driver (Blind i k) =
do xs <- prompt i
print (show (k xs))
driver (Lift Nothing) = putStrLn "Parse failed"
driver (Lift (Just p)) = driver p
driver (Decide i k) =
do xs <- prompt i
driver (k xs)
main =
do hSetBuffering stdin LineBuffering
driver parseMessage
*Parser> main
Input list of 3 Word8
Input list of 6 Word8
"Message {version = 5, command = 1, address = IPv4 127 0 0 1, port = 20560}"
*Parser> main
Input list of 3 Word8
Input list of 1 Word8
Input list of 9 Word8
"Message {version = 5, command = 1, address = DomainName [1,2,3,4,5,6,7], port = 2057}"
*Parser> main
Input list of 3 Word8
Parse failed
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