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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Lens Cookbook

Optic Cookbook

The imports for building the various field-oriented optics are pretty minimal. It's not until you make a Getter or a Fold that you need to look outside of base.

This cookbook only covers the field oriented optics and not the constructor oriented ones. If you want to build a Prism or an Iso without a lens dependency, you should copy the definition of lens' prism and iso combinators and add a profunctors dependency to your project. Those two combinators are quite self-contained.

-- For Lenses
-- fmap is imported by default!

-- For Traversals
import Control.Applicative (Applicative((<*>),pure),(<$>))

-- For Getters and Folds
import Data.Functor.Contravariant (Contravariant(contramap))

Simple Optics

Building a Lens for a product type. The keys to these is that while you can cover more than one constructor, every constructor case will need to apply your function f to a single value.

data T1 = C1 Int Char Bool

t1Int :: Functor f => (Int -> f Int) -> T1 -> f T1
t1Int f (C1 x y z) = fmap (\x' -> C1 x' y z) (f x)

t1Char :: Functor f => (Char -> f Char) -> T1 -> f T1
t1Char f (C1 x y z) = fmap (\y' -> C1 x y' z) (f y)

t1Bool :: Functor f => (Bool -> f Bool) -> T1 -> f T1
t1Bool f (C1 x y z) = fmap (\z' -> C1 x y z') (f z)

Building a Traversal for a single field in a sum type. Once you add the Applicative constraint you are free to have constructor cases which handle zero (using pure) or more than one field (using <*>).

data T2 = C2a Int Char | C2b Bool

t2Char :: Applicative f => (Int -> f Int) -> T2 -> f T2
t2Char f (C2a x y) = fmap (\x' -> C2a x' y) (f x)
t2Char _ s@(C2b _) = pure s

Building a Traversal for multiple fields in a single constructor.

data T3 = C3 Int Int Int

t3Int :: Applicative f => (Int -> f Int) -> T3 -> f T3
t3Int f (C3 x y z) = C3 <$> f x <*> f y <*> f z

Before we can build Getters and Folds we need a helper function. This is available as Control.Lens.coerce but we want to define everything ourselves here. This will require a dependency on contravariant. A Getter will need to collect exactly one field from each constructor while a Fold is free to visit zero or many fields in the same manner as a Traversal.

coerce :: (Contravariant f, Functor f) => f a -> f b
coerce = contramap (const ()) . fmap (const ())

Building a Getter for a single field. This isn't an interesting example, but it shows you what the definition looks like.

data T4 = C4 Int Char Bool

t4IntGetter :: (Contravariant f, Functor f) => (Int -> f Int) -> T4 -> f T4
t4IntGetter f (C4 x _ _) = coerce (f x)

Building a Fold for all the Ints in a sum type. You should actually make a Traversal in this case (because you can), but this is just an example.

data T5 = C5a Int Int | C5b Int | C5c

t5IntFold :: (Contravariant f, Applicative f) => (Int -> f Int) -> T5 -> f T5
t5IntFold f (C5a x y) = coerce (f x) <*> f y
t5IntFold f (C5b x  ) = coerce (f x)
t5IntFold _ C5c       = pure C5c

Type-changing Optics

Building a type-changing Lens. Notice that you can only change types when you visit all of the fields that mention a type variable. The t6_1 example only visits one of the two a typed fields, so its type can't change. The t6_3 example visits the lone b typed field, so it's able to replace that value with a different type.

data T6 a b = C6 a a b

t6_1 :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> T6 a b -> f (T6 a b)
t6_1 f (C6 x y z) = fmap (\x' -> C6 x' y z) (f x)

t6_3 :: Functor f => (b -> f c) -> T6 a b -> f (T6 a c)
t6_3 f (C6 x y z) = fmap (\z' -> C6 x y z') (f z)

The patterns for all of these are the same syntactically as the simple versions above. If you're having trouble figuring out what type to give your optic, just ask GHC!

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