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Last active July 8, 2018 19:42
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module Underscore (doUnderscore) where
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Data.Generics (everything, everywhereM, mkM, mkQ)
import Data.Monoid (Any(Any))
-- | The placeholder for arguments is the wildcard @_@
placeholder :: Exp
placeholder = UnboundVarE (mkName "_")
-- | Predicate for checking if the 'placeholder' is contained in an 'Exp'
hasPlaceholder :: Exp -> Bool
hasPlaceholder = everything (||) (False `mkQ` (==) placeholder)
doUnderscore :: ExpQ -> ExpQ
doUnderscore expQ =
do exprs <- traverse onlyNoBindS =<< onlyDoE =<< expQ
startTransformation (reverse exprs)
-- | Ensure that only no-bind statements are used in the do-notation
onlyNoBindS :: Stmt -> ExpQ
onlyNoBindS (NoBindS s) = pure s
onlyNoBindS _ = fail nonNoBind
-- | Ensure that the top-most expression is do-notation
onlyDoE :: Exp -> Q [Stmt]
onlyDoE (DoE stmts) = pure stmts
onlyDoE _ = fail noTopDo
startTransformation ::
[Exp] {- ^ reversed list of expressions from top-level do-notation -} ->
ExpQ {- ^ fina let-expression -}
startTransformation [] = fail emptyDoNotation
startTransformation (x:xs)
| hasPlaceholder x = fail placeholderInFinalExpr
| otherwise = stepTransformation (length xs) [] x xs
stepTransformation ::
Int {- ^ counter for generating unique names -} ->
[Dec] {- ^ accumulated let bindings -} ->
Exp {- ^ current result -} ->
[Exp] {- ^ remaining expressions to transform -} ->
ExpQ {- ^ final let-expression -}
stepTransformation _ [] cur [] = pure cur -- skip let when not needed
stepTransformation _ decs cur [] = pure (LetE decs cur)
stepTransformation i decs cur (fun:xs) =
do var <- newName ("x" ++ show i)
let decs' = ValD (VarP var) (NormalB cur) [] : decs
replaceUnderscore e
| e == placeholder = (Any True, VarE var)
| otherwise = pure e
(Any found, fun') = everywhereM (mkM replaceUnderscore) fun
unless found (reportWarning (missingPlaceholder i))
stepTransformation (i-1) decs' fun' xs
-- Warning and error messages
wrapMsg :: String -> String
wrapMsg msg = "doUnderscore: " ++ msg
missingPlaceholder :: Int -> String
missingPlaceholder i = wrapMsg ("Placeholder not used in " ++ ordinal i ++ " expression")
placeholderInFinalExpr, emptyDoNotation, noTopDo, nonNoBind :: String
placeholderInFinalExpr = wrapMsg "placeholder used in final expression"
emptyDoNotation = wrapMsg "non-empty do-notation expected"
noTopDo = wrapMsg "top-level do-notation expected"
nonNoBind = wrapMsg "only no-bind statements expected"
-- | Pretty rendering of ordinals for error messages.
ordinal :: Int -> String
ordinal 1 = "1st"
ordinal 2 = "2nd"
ordinal 3 = "3rd"
ordinal n = show n ++ "th"
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