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Last active September 11, 2018 20:55
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WIP brewery scheduler
from pyschedule import Scenario, solvers, plotters
from datetime import datetime, date, time, timedelta
import matplotlib
from colorhash import ColorHash
hide_list = []
begin = date(year=2018, month=8, day=13)
today =
until = begin + timedelta(days=130)
horizon = (until - begin).days
print("From {0} to {1} ({2} days)".format(begin, until, horizon))
S = Scenario('lss_brewing', horizon=horizon)
# Available fermenters
donkey = S.Resource('ferm.donkey')
diddy = S.Resource('ferm.diddy')
funky = S.Resource('ferm.funky')
dread = S.Resource('ferm.dread')
dixie = S.Resource('ferm.dixie')
kiddy = S.Resource('ferm.kiddy')
fermenters = donkey | diddy | funky | dread | dixie | kiddy
fermenters_all = [donkey, diddy, funky, dread, dixie, kiddy]
# Make sure beer is bottled or transfered to BBT before another fermentation
# starts
for t in range(horizon):
for fermenter in fermenters_all:
fermenter['block'][:t] <= 1
fermenter['block'][:t] >= -1
# brite tanks
cheeta = S.Resource('brite.cheeta')
brites_any = cheeta
brites_all = [cheeta]
# Brewhouse
brewhouse = S.Resource('brewhouse')
capper = S.Resource('capper', size=2)
chambre_garde_spot1 = S.Resource('chamber.spot1')
chambre_garde_spot2 = S.Resource('chamber.spot2')
chambre_garde_spot3 = S.Resource('chamber.spot3')
chambre_garde_spot4 = S.Resource('chamber.spot4')
chambre_garde_spot5 = S.Resource('chamber.spot5')
chambre_garde_spot6 = S.Resource('chamber.spot6')
chambre_garde_spot7 = S.Resource('chamber.spot7')
chambre_garde = chambre_garde_spot1 | chambre_garde_spot2 | chambre_garde_spot3 | chambre_garde_spot4 | chambre_garde_spot5 | chambre_garde_spot6 | chambre_garde_spot7
# Staff
gui = S.Resource('staff.guillaume')
pierre = S.Resource('staff.pierre')
val = S.Resource('staff.valentin')
all_staff = (gui, pierre, val)
# Weekends
from dateutil.rrule import DAILY, rrule, SA
def find_saturdays(start_date, end_date):
return rrule(DAILY, dtstart=start_date, until=end_date, byweekday=(SA))
all_saturdays = find_saturdays(begin, until)
for we_no, saturday in enumerate(all_saturdays):
We = S.Task(name="We{0}".format(we_no), length=2)
We += all_staff
in_days = ( - begin).days
S += We <= in_days+2, We >= in_days
def make_batch(S, name, fixed_starting_date=None, min_starting_date=None, deadline=None, keg=False, fermentation_days=15, priority=50, title=None):
brewday = S.Task('{0}_brewday'.format(name))
brewday.label = title or name
fermentation = S.Task('{0}_fermentation'.format(name), length=fermentation_days)
fermentation.block = 1
fermentation.label = title or name
if not keg:
bottling = S.Task('{0}_bottling'.format(name), length=1)
bottling.label = title or name
bottling.block = -1
maturation = S.Task('{0}_maturation'.format(name), length=21)
maturation.label = title or name
transfer_to_brite = S.Task('{0}_to_brite'.format(name), length=1)
transfer_to_brite.block = -1
transfer_to_brite.label = title or name
brite_carbonation = S.Task('{0}_carbonation'.format(name), length=2)
brite_carbonation.label = title or name
kegging = S.Task('{0}_kegging'.format(name), length=1)
kegging.label = title or name
brewday += {pierre, brewhouse}
brewday.schedule_cost = - priority
# brewday += fermentation # don't ferment if no brewday
fermentation += fermenters # use any of fermenters
if not keg:
# fermentation += bottling # dep
bottling += {all_staff, fermenters, capper}
bottling += fermentation * fermenters_all # In case of overlap, use the same fermenter for capping and fermentation
maturation += chambre_garde
# bottling += maturation # dep
# fermentation += transfer_to_brite # don't transfer if not fermented
# transfer_to_brite += brite_carbonation # don't carbonate if not transferred
transfer_to_brite += {brites_any, fermenters} # resources
transfer_to_brite += fermentation * fermenters_all # use the same fermenter for transfer and fermentation
brite_carbonation += brites_any
brite_carbonation += transfer_to_brite * brites_all # use the same brite for carbonation and transfer
kegging += {brites_any}
# kegging += brite_carbonation
kegging += transfer_to_brite * brites_all # use the same fermenter for brite and kegging
if fixed_starting_date:
fixed_starting_date_in_future_days = (fixed_starting_date - begin).days
if min_starting_date:
min_starting_date_in_future_days = (min_starting_date - begin).days
if deadline:
deadline_in_future_days = (deadline - begin).days
chain = [brewday <= fermentation]
if fixed_starting_date:
chain += [brewday > fixed_starting_date_in_future_days, brewday < fixed_starting_date_in_future_days + 1]
if min_starting_date:
chain += [brewday > min_starting_date_in_future_days]
if keg:
# chain += [#fermentation < transfer_to_brite,
chain += [fermentation < transfer_to_brite,
(fermentation - transfer_to_brite) < 4,
# transfer_to_brite < fermentation + (fermentation.length + 3),
transfer_to_brite <= brite_carbonation]
# brite_carbonation < kegging,
# kegging - brite_carbonation < 4]
# kegging < brite_carbonation + (brite_carbonation.length + 3)] # 5=number of days of slack before kegging
if deadline:
chain += [transfer_to_brite < (deadline_in_future_days - 21)] # 21 = maturation time
# chain += [#fermentation < bottling,
chain += [fermentation < bottling,
(fermentation - bottling) < 4,
bottling <= maturation] # 5=number of days of slack allowed before bottling
if deadline:
chain += [maturation < deadline_in_future_days]
return chain
# Batches to brew
# kegs
# Already produced
S += make_batch(S, "batch_bottle_hopshot", fixed_starting_date=date(2018, 8, 14), deadline=date(2018, 10, 30), title="Bouteilles HopShot")
S += make_batch(S, "batch_bottle_papayou", fixed_starting_date=date(2018, 8, 29), priority=100, title="Bouteilles Papayou")
S += make_batch(S, "batch_ligne_papayou", fixed_starting_date=date(2018, 8, 31), keg=True, priority=100, title="Futs Papayou (Lignes div.)")
S += make_batch(S, "batch_bottle_granivore", fermentation_days=11, fixed_starting_date=date(2018, 8, 17), priority=100, title="Bouteilles Granivore", deadline=date(2018, 10, 30))
# Beerstro
S += make_batch(S, "batch_keg_hs", fixed_starting_date=date(2018, 9, 14), keg=True, deadline=date(2018, 10, 30), title="Futs HopShot Beerstro")
S += make_batch(S, "batch_keg_granivore", fermentation_days=11, keg=True, fixed_starting_date=date(2018, 9, 10), deadline=date(2018, 10, 30), title="Futs Granivore Beerstro")
# TAZ TKT: 7 + 2TS
# S += make_batch("batch_beerstro_granivore", min_starting_date=today, fermentation_days=14, deadline=date(2018, 10, 30), keg=True, priority=100)
# S += make_batch("batch_beerstro_hopshot", min_starting_date=today, deadline=date(2018, 10, 30), keg=True, priority=100)
# # LE BAL
S += make_batch(S, "batch_bal_smoking", min_starting_date=today, deadline=date(2018, 11, 10), keg=True, priority=100, title="BAL Smoking")
S += make_batch(S, "batch_bal_yoga", min_starting_date=today, fermentation_days=18, deadline=date(2018, 11, 10), keg=True, priority=100, title="BAL Yoga")
S += make_batch(S, "batch_bal_taz", min_starting_date=today, deadline=date(2018, 11, 10), keg=True, priority=100, title="BAL TAZ")
S += make_batch(S, "batch_bal_hopshot", min_starting_date=today, deadline=date(2018, 11, 10), keg=True, priority=100, title="BAL HopShot")
S += make_batch(S, "batch_biche1", min_starting_date=today, deadline=date(2018, 12, 1), keg=True, priority=100, title="Biche Futs 1")
S += make_batch(S, "batch_biche2", min_starting_date=today, deadline=date(2018, 12, 1), keg=True, priority=100, title="Biche Futs 2")
S += make_batch(S, "batch_biche3", min_starting_date=today, deadline=date(2018, 12, 1), keg=True, priority=100, title="Biche Futs 3")
# bottles
## Novembre
# S += make_batch("batch_bottle_pm", deadline=date(2018, 10, 30), priority=0)
S += make_batch(S, "batch_bottle_grani", fermentation_days=11, min_starting_date=today, deadline=date(2018, 11, 10), priority=10, title="Bouteilles Grani")
S += make_batch(S, "batch_bottle_arctic", min_starting_date=today, deadline=date(2018, 10, 30), priority=10, title="Bouteilles Papayou")
# ## S += make_batch("batch_bottle_taz", deadline=date(2018, 11, 10), priority=0)
S += make_batch(S, "batch_bottle_hs2", min_starting_date=today, deadline=date(2018, 12, 1), priority=10, title="Bouteilles Noel HS")
S += make_batch(S, "batch_bottle_taz2", min_starting_date=today, deadline=date(2018, 12, 1), priority=10, title="Bouteilles Noel TAZ")
S += make_batch(S, "batch_bottle_pm2", min_starting_date=today, deadline=date(2018, 12, 1), priority=10, title="Bouteilles Noel PapaMex")
S += make_batch(S, "batch_bottle_grani2", fermentation_days=11, min_starting_date=today, deadline=date(2018, 12, 1), priority=10, title="Bouteilles Noel Grani")
S += make_batch(S, "batch_bottle_arctic2", min_starting_date=today, deadline=date(2018, 12, 1), priority=10, title="Bouteilles Noel Papayou")
# S += make_batch(S, "batch_bottle_explo1", min_starting_date=today, deadline=date(2018, 12, 1), priority=10, title="Bouteilles Explo1")
# S += make_batch(S, "batch_bottle_explo2", min_starting_date=today, deadline=date(2018, 11, 1), priority=10, title="Bouteilles Explo1")
# Batch colab
S += make_batch(S, "batch_paparafael", min_starting_date=today, deadline=date(2018, 10, 30), keg=True, priority=100, title="Futs NEIPA Papa Rafa")
def make_json(solution):
events = []
for idx, sol in enumerate(solution):
# start_date = datetime.combine(begin + timedelta(sol[2]),
# time(hour=9, minute=0))
# end_date = datetime.combine(begin + timedelta(sol[3]),
# time(hour=16, minute=0))
start_date = begin + timedelta(sol[2])
end_date = begin + timedelta(sol[3])
if hasattr(sol[0], 'label'):
title = sol[0].label
title = sol[0].name
'id': "ev-{0}".format(idx),
'resourceId': sol[1].name,
'start': start_date.isoformat(),
'end': end_date.isoformat(),
'title': title,
'color': ColorHash(title).hex
import json
with open('events.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(events, outfile)
# A small helper method to solve and plot a scenario
def run(S) :
if solvers.mip.solve(S, kind="CBC", time_limit=3000, msg=1):
# if solvers.ortools.solve(S, time_limit=500, msg=1):
# plotters.matplotlib.plot(S, fig_size=(20, 20), hide_tasks=[] + hide_list, vertical_text=False)
print('no solution exists')
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