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Created March 25, 2016 23:01
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simple lifegame on terminal
#|-*- mode:lisp -*-|#
exec ros -Q -- $0 "$@"
(ql:quickload :cl-charms :silent t)
(:use :cl :charms/ll))
(defun make-board (w h)
(make-array (list w h)
:element-type 'fixnum
:initial-element 0))
(defun randomize-board (board)
(dotimes (i (array-total-size board))
(setf (row-major-aref board i) (random 2)))
(defun print-board-no-curses (board)
(destructuring-bind (w h) (array-dimensions board)
(dotimes (y h)
(dotimes (x w)
(princ (if (plusp (aref board x y)) "o" "_")))
(defun print-board-curses (board)
(destructuring-bind (w h) (array-dimensions board)
(dotimes (y h)
(move y 0)
(dotimes (x w)
(addch (char-code (if (plusp (aref board x y)) #\o #\.)))))))
(defun step-board (board)
(destructuring-bind (w h) (array-dimensions board)
(let ((new-board (make-board w h)))
(labels ((population-at (board x y)
(if (and (< -1 x w)
(< -1 y h))
(aref board x y)
(count-neighbor (board x y)
(+ (population-at board (1- x) (1- y))
(population-at board (1- x) y)
(population-at board (1- x) (1+ y))
(population-at board x (1- y))
(population-at board x (1+ y))
(population-at board (1+ x) (1- y))
(population-at board (1+ x) y)
(population-at board (1+ x) (1+ y))))
(get-next-state (board x y)
(if (or (and (= (population-at board x y) 1)
(member (count-neighbor board x y) '(2 3)))
(and (= (population-at board x y) 0)
(= (count-neighbor board x y) 3)))
1 0)))
(dotimes (y h)
(dotimes (x w)
(setf (aref new-board x y)
(get-next-state board x y))))
(defun main (&rest argv)
(declare (ignorable argv))
(curs-set 0)
(keypad *stdscr* TRUE)
(nodelay *stdscr* TRUE)
(do ((ch (getch) (getch))
(board (randomize-board (make-board *cols* *lines*))
(step-board board)))
((= ch (char-code #\q)))
(print-board-curses board)
(sleep 0.1))
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