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Created October 22, 2012 20:07
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Sortable items: side-by-side boxes with li items that are sortable and draggable
.dragging.connected{ 'data-slabel' => 'Personal Information' }
= link_to '#', class: 'add-all-fields floatright lightblue-btn tooltip-title', title:'Add All Questions' do
= raw '→'
= link_to '+', '#add-new-questions', class: 'add-new-question floatright green-btn tooltip-title', title:'Add New Question', role: 'button'
Personal Information
Drag or Double Click to Add
= raw '→'
%li Street Address
.sorting.connected{ 'data-slabel' => 'Personal Information' }
= link_to '-', '#', class: 'remove-all-fields floatright lightblue-btn tooltip-title', title:'Remove All'
Personal Information
%li First Name
%li Last Name
%li Email
class SortableCreation
# sortable creation form with drag/drop and sorting of items
domclass =
container: '.item-wrapper'
parent: '#item_id'
constructor: (creation) ->
@creation = creation
@classes = domclass
matchHeights = ->
# initially match heights of sortable boxes
@wrapper = {}
$("#{domclass.creation} .sorting").each ->
@wrapper = buildWrapper $(@)
setHeights @wrapper
if @wrapper.sheight < @wrapper.dheight
@wrapper.sorting.css 'height', @wrapper.dheight
updateSortingHeight = (item) ->
# update height of the sortable boxes to be equal
@wrapper = buildWrapper item
resetHeights @wrapper
setHeights @wrapper
if @wrapper.sheight < @wrapper.dheight
@wrapper.sorting.css 'height', @wrapper.dheight
@wrapper.dragging.css 'height', @wrapper.sheight
buildWrapper = (item) ->
container = item.closest '.row-fluid'
wrapper = {}
wrapper.dragging = container.find '.dragging'
wrapper.sorting = container.find '.sorting'
return wrapper
resetHeights = (@wrapper) ->
@wrapper.dragging.css 'height', 'auto'
@wrapper.sorting.css 'height', 'auto'
setHeights = (@wrapper)->
@wrapper.dheight = @wrapper.dragging.height()
@wrapper.sheight = @wrapper.sorting.height()
updateHeight: (item) ->
updateSortingHeight item
setSortable: ->
connectWith: '.connected'
placeholder: "placeholder"
cursor: 'move'
revert: true
items: 'li'
stop: (event, ui) ->
updateSortingHeight ui.item
findSection = (item) ->
return item.closest('.connected').data 'slabel'
findDragging = (item) ->
return item.closest('.row-fluid').find '.dragging'
findItems: ->
$(domclass.parent).find('.connected li').each ->
li = $(@)
question = {}
question.self = li = li.prop 'id'
question.value = $.trim li.text()
question.type = if li.closest('.connected').hasClass('sorting') then 'sorting' else 'dragging'
question.section = findSection li
question.parent = li.closest '.connected'
item = new Question question
init: ->
class Question extends AdoptionCreation
constructor: (question) ->
@question = question
bindAll: ->
$('a.delete-question', @question.self).on 'click', @remove
if @question.type == 'dragging'
@question.self.on 'dblclick', @bindDblClick
remove: (e) =>
@updateHeight @question.self
@question.parent.sortable 'refresh'
bindDblClick: =>
question = @question.self
sorting = question.closest('.row-fluid').find '.sorting'
sorting.append(question.detach()).sortable 'refresh'
question.type = 'sorting'
@updateHeight question
$ ->
if $('#your_id').length > 0
new SortableCreation($('#your_id'))
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