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Last active December 14, 2018 09:35
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Speed comparison of some common ways to check for truthy values in Bash and a snippet of my full implementation.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Preface:
# There is nothing wrong with using 'if [[ $VAR == yes ]]; then' for evaluating
# internal variables. The following is mainly intended for cases where you do
# not have full control over the variable in question, like user input or envi-
# ronment variables. I am of the belief however that no one should under any
# condition use something like this:
# | VAR=true
# | if $VAR; then
# | do_something
# | fi
# I could harp on about how calling an external command is much less effective
# than using a bash built-in (and believe me, it is over 3000 times slower). But
# I won't, because the time you have spent in your life waiting for
# /usr/bin/true to execute is probably less than it took to read this paragraph
# so far, and the main reason to use this is because it looks good. The real
# problem with this method is that if you use it, it will become a habit. And if
# it becomes a habit, at some point you will use it to evaluate some form of ex-
# ternal input. And when that happens, this:
# | SOME_ENV_VAR=true
# will work just fine, while this:
# will either evaluate to false or crash your script, depending on how errors
# are handled, and this:
# | SOME_ENV_VAR=yes
# will fuck you up. Don't believe me? Just execute 'yes &' in a terminal emula-
# tor and see what happens.
# Here is what I ended up doing:
# Bash 4 or bust
if (( BASH_VERSINFO[0] < 4 )); then
echo "Please get a newer version of Bash."
# Basic safe boolean evaluation. See this Gist for details:
function truthy {
if [[ "${1,,}" == @(y|yes|on|true|1) ]]; then
return 0
return 1
function falsy {
if [[ "${1,,}" == @(n|no|off|false|0) ]]; then
return 0
return 1
# The following function is meant to be used like this:
# | true_false_default $VAR command -with -arguments
# The function will still fail if the default is reached. If a different
# behaviour is desired, it can be achieved like so:
# | true_false_default $VAR "{
# | command -with -arguments
# | another \"command with an argument\"
# | return 0
# | }"
# The encapsulation in a compound command is not strictly necessary here, but
# it makes the whole construct look a lot neater imo. Also make sure to use
# return not exit unless you really mean to.
function true_false_default {
case "${1,,}" in
y | yes | on | true | 1)
return 0 ;;
n | no | off | false | 0)
return 1 ;;
eval "$@"
return 1
# Uncomment this if you include these functions in your bashrc and want to use
# them abso-fucking-lutely everywhere.
# export -f truthy falsy true_false_default
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# The version you will find in /etc/init.d/functions
function truthy_init {
case "$1" in
[tT] | [yY] | [yY][eE][sS] | [oO][nN] | [tT][rR][uU][eE] | 1)
return 0 ;;
return 1
# What many people apperantly do
function truthy_shopt {
last_nocasematch=$(shopt -p nocasematch; true)
shopt -s nocasematch
case "$1" in
t | y | yes | on | true | 1)
code=0 ;;
* )
code=1 ;;
return $code
# What I would do
function truthy_stringop_match {
# @() supposedly requires extglob but it seems to work with shopt -u extglob
# for me
if [[ "${1,,}" == @(t|y|yes|on|true|1) ]]; then
return 0
return 1
# For when you really don't want to use @(). ${,,} still requires Bash 4 though.
function truthy_stringop_case {
case "${1,,}" in
t | y | yes | on | true | 1)
return 0 ;;
return 1
# Continue was added to measure the execution time of the test setup. The test
# will execute 'continue 1' which is what continue defaults to anyway.
for func in "${function_array[@]}"; do
printf $func
time (for i in {1..2000}; do $func 1; done)
echo ' '
real 0m0,034s
user 0m0,034s
sys 0m0,000s
real 0m1,267s
user 0m0,757s
sys 0m0,614s
real 0m0,034s
user 0m0,033s
sys 0m0,000s
real 0m0,033s
user 0m0,032s
sys 0m0,001s
real 0m0,007s
user 0m0,007s
sys 0m0,000s
printf "/usr/bin/true"
time (for i in {1..50000}; do /usr/bin/true ; done)
printf "\nCondtional Expression"
time (for i in {1..50000}; do [[ $variable == yes ]]; done)
printf "\nControl"
time (for i in {1..50000}; do :; done)
real 0m51,519s
user 0m15,902s
sys 0m40,313s
Condtional Expression
real 0m0,113s
user 0m0,109s
sys 0m0,004s
real 0m0,097s
user 0m0,093s
sys 0m0,004s
=> /usr/bin/true is (51.519s - 0.097s) / (0.113s - 0.097s) = 3,213.875 times slower than conditional expressions
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