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Created February 21, 2013 18:05
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Save gligoran/5006763 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Install PowerShell script that adds a reference to/from /Scripts/references.js for fancyBox. The accompanying uninstall script. These are part of the FancyBox NuGet package.
function AddOrUpdate-Reference($scriptsFolderProjectItem) {
try {
$referencesFileProjectItem = $scriptsFolderProjectItem.ProjectItems.Item("_references.js")
catch {
# _references.js file not found
if ($referencesFileProjectItem -eq $null) {
# _references.js file not found
$referencesFilePath = $referencesFileProjectItem.FileNames(1)
$referencesTempFilePath = Join-Path $env:TEMP "_references.tmp.js"
if (-not (Select-String -path $referencesFilePath $fancyBoxFileName -quiet)) {
# File has no existing matching reference line
# Add the full reference line to the beginning of the file
"/// <reference path=""$fancyBoxFileName"" />" | Add-Content $referencesTempFilePath -Encoding UTF8
Get-Content $referencesFilePath | Add-Content $referencesTempFilePath
# Copy over the new _references.js file
Copy-Item $referencesTempFilePath $referencesFilePath -Force
Remove-Item $referencesTempFilePath -Force
function Remove-Reference($scriptsFolderProjectItem) {
try {
$referencesFileProjectItem = $scriptsFolderProjectItem.ProjectItems.Item("_references.js")
catch {
# _references.js file not found
if ($referencesFileProjectItem -eq $null) {
$referencesFilePath = $referencesFileProjectItem.FileNames(1)
$referencesTempFilePath = Join-Path $env:TEMP "_references.tmp.js"
if (Select-String -path $referencesFilePath $fancyBoxFileName -quiet) {
# Delete the line referencing the file
Get-Content $referencesFilePath | ForEach-Object { if (-not (Select-String -inputobject $_ $fancyBoxFileName -quiet)) { $_ } } > $referencesTempFilePath
# Copy over the new _references.js file
Copy-Item $referencesTempFilePath $referencesFilePath -Force
Remove-Item $referencesTempFilePath -Force
$fancyBoxFileName = "jquery.fancybox.js"
# Get the project item for the scripts folder
try {
$scriptsFolderProjectItem = $project.ProjectItems.Item("Scripts")
$projectScriptsFolderPath = $scriptsFolderProjectItem.FileNames(1)
catch {
# No Scripts folder
Write-Host "No scripts folder found"
param($installPath, $toolsPath, $package, $project)
. (Join-Path $toolsPath common.ps1)
if ($scriptsFolderProjectItem -eq $null) {
# No Scripts folder
Write-Host "No Scripts folder found"
# Update the _references.js file
AddOrUpdate-Reference $scriptsFolderProjectItem
param($installPath, $toolsPath, $package, $project)
. (Join-Path $toolsPath common.ps1)
# Update the _references.js file
Remove-Reference $scriptsFolderProjectItem
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