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Last active April 23, 2023 05:18
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Beerus dockerize

Beerus dockerize


Dockerfile must be placed at the root of beerus project.

FROM rust:1.69 as builder

WORKDIR /beerus
COPY . .
RUN cargo build --all --locked --release

FROM ubuntu:22.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ca-certificates
COPY --from=builder /beerus/target/release/beerus /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=builder /beerus/target/release/beerus-rpc /usr/local/bin/

LABEL description="Docker image for Beerus, light client for Starknet." \
      image.authors="Keep Starknet Strange team." \
      image.description="Docker image for Beerus, light client for Starknet." \
      image.source="" \


# Uncomment the line below for helios RPC if we still have 2 endpoints.
#EXPOSE 3031

# Can be changed to beerus if needed. But RPC has more usages.
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/beerus-rpc"]

Do not forget to add the following .dockerignore file at the same level of the Dockerfile. This avoid copying all build artifacts and git stuff.


To build, go into the beerus root directory and run: docker build -t beerus-rpc .

Environment file

To run the container correctly, an environment file is expected to set the variables used by beerus. The following file is an example:


Run the container

docker run --rm --init --env-file ../beerus_docker.env beerus-rpc

Some details here:

  1. --init option is used to ensure a PID 1 process is started before our. Usefull to keep the possibility to kill the container with signals.
  2. --rm to auto remove the container when killed / stopped.
  3. --env-file the path to the file of the previous step.
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