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Last active July 18, 2019 23:11
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SystemRequirements from CRAN with Downloads
Package Downloads SystemRequirements
stringi 484311 ICU4C (>= 52, optional)
knitr 458342 Package vignettes based on R Markdown v2 or reStructuredText require Pandoc ( The function rst2pdf() require rst2pdf (
curl 419127 libcurl: libcurl-devel (rpm) or libcurl4-openssl-dev (deb).
rmarkdown 395870 pandoc (>= 1.12.3) -
openssl 389541 OpenSSL >= 1.0.1
lubridate 371978 A system with zoneinfo data (e.g. /usr/share/zoneinfo) as well as a recent-enough C++11 compiler (such as g++-4.8 or later). On Windows the zoneinfo included with R is used.
xml2 343074 libxml2: libxml2-dev (deb), libxml2-devel (rpm)
clipr 334945 xclip ( or xsel ( for accessing the X11 clipboard
remotes 318919 Subversion for install_svn, git for install_git
readr 311280 GNU make
httpuv 293145 GNU make
fs 276907 GNU make
haven 273245 GNU make
reprex 232934 pandoc (>= 1.12.3) -
git2r 196581 By default, git2r uses a system installation of the libgit2 headers and library. However, if a system installation is not available, builds and uses a bundled version of the libgit2 source. zlib headers and library. OpenSSL headers and library (non-macOS). LibSSH2 (optional on non-Windows) to enable the SSH transport.
rJava 187628 Java JDK 1.2 or higher (for JRI/REngine JDK 1.4 or higher), GNU make
sparklyr 169757 Spark: 1.6.x or 2.x
XML 169355 libxml2 (>= 2.6.3)
igraph 167117 gmp (optional), libxml2 (optional), glpk (optional)
RCurl 143748 GNU make, libcurl
minqa 130064 GNU make
gdata 123479 perl (>= 5.10.0)
sf 111159 C++11, GDAL (>= 2.0.1), GEOS (>= 3.4.0), PROJ (>= 4.8.0)
redux 110147 hiredis
rgdal 105879 for building from source: GDAL >= 1.11.4, library from and PROJ.4 (proj >= 4.8.0) from; GDAL OSX frameworks built by William Kyngesburye at may be used for source installs on OSX. For installation with older external dependencies, override configure checks with --configure-args="enable-deprecated=yes". Consider source installations using archived versions of rgdal contemporary with installed external dependencies, for example rgdal_0.8-7 for PROJ4 4.8.0 (March 2012).
xlsx 105385 java (>= 1.6)
png 88871 libpng
raster 87519 C++11
rgl 86354 OpenGL, GLU Library, XQuartz (on OSX), zlib (optional), libpng (>=1.2.9, optional), FreeType (optional), pandoc (>=1.14, needed for vignettes)
webshot 85736 PhantomJS ( for taking screenshots, ImageMagick ( or GraphicsMagick ( and OptiPNG ( for manipulating images.
units 84274 udunits-2
reticulate 80563 Python (>= 2.7.0)
Cairo 67867 cairo (>= 1.2
jpeg 55522 libjpeg
gdtools 53966 cairo
rgeos 50203 GEOS (>= 3.2.0); for building from source: GEOS from; GEOS OSX frameworks built by William Kyngesburye at may be used for source installs on OSX.
SparkR 48741 Java (== 8)
GGally 48322 openssl
tm 46952 C++11
rstan 42165 GNU make, pandoc
xgboost 41532 GNU make, C++11
shinyjs 38959 pandoc with https support
StanHeaders 36699 pandoc
RMySQL 36355 libmariadb-client-dev | libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev | libmysqlclient-dev (deb), mariadb-devel (rpm), mariadb | mysql-connector-c (brew), mysql56_dev (csw)
mlflow 32545 MLflow (
V8 32292 V8 version 6 or 7 is recommended, but 3.14 (legacy) is still supported as well. On Debian / Ubuntu you need either libv8-dev or libnode-dev, on Fedora use v8-devel.
RODBC 32273 An ODBC3 driver manager and drivers.
RcppParallel 31287 GNU make, Windows: cmd.exe and cscript.exe, Solaris: g++ is required
pander 30787 pandoc ( for exporting markdown files to other formats.
odbc 29705 C++11, GNU make, An ODBC3 driver manager and drivers.
magick 27806 ImageMagick++: ImageMagick-c++-devel (rpm) or libmagick++-dev (deb)
mailR 27239 Java
DescTools 26779 C++11
loo 26536 pandoc (>= 1.12.3), pandoc-citeproc
questionr 24645 xclip (Linux)
farver 23013 C++11
dbscan 22270 C++11
manipulate 21821 RStudio -
klaR 21754 SVMlight
bookdown 20862 Pandoc (>= 1.17.2)
elliptic 19844 pari/gp
h2o 18851 Java (>= 7)
mapview 18264 GNU make
gmp 17633 gmp (>= 4.2.3)
gdalUtils 17523 GDAL binaries
pkgdown 17236 pandoc
tensorflow 17150 TensorFlow (
gsl 17078 Gnu Scientific Library version >= 2.1
bayesplot 16946 pandoc (>= 1.12.3), pandoc-citeproc
rjags 16396 JAGS 4.x.y
lwgeom 16392 GEOS (>= 3.3.0), PROJ (>= 4.8.0)
ncdf4 16044 netcdf library version 4.1 or later
microbenchmark 16013 On a Unix-alike, one of the C functions mach_absolute_time (macOS), clock_gettime or gethrtime. If none of these is found, the obsolescent POSIX function gettimeofday will be tried.
feather 15998 little-endian platform
XLConnect 15987 Java (>= 6)
Boom 15948 GNU Make, C++11
keras 15862 Keras >= 2.0 (
pdftools 15244 Poppler C++ API: libpoppler-cpp-dev (deb) or poppler-cpp-devel (rpm). The unit tests also require the 'poppler-data' package (rpm/deb)
rsvg 15151 librsvg2
tcltk2 14479 Tcl/Tk (>= 8.5), Tktable (>= 2.9, optional)
MCMCpack 14388 gcc (>= 4.0)
cubature 14378 GNU make
extraDistr 13705 C++11
quanteda 13133 C++11
rstantools 12972 pandoc
freetypeharfbuzz 12920 GNU make
animation 12774 ImageMagick ( or GraphicsMagick ( or LyX ( for saveGIF(); (PDF)LaTeX for saveLatex(); SWF Tools ( for saveSWF(); FFmpeg ( or avconv ( for saveVideo()
lutz 12402 C++11
tiff 12399 tiff and jpeg libraries
XLConnectJars 12248 Java (>= 6)
rcdk 12120 Java JDK 8 or higher
KoNLP 11798 Java (>= 1.6)
RWeka 11563 Java (>= 8)
RPostgres 11553 libpq >= 9.0: libpq-dev (deb) or postgresql-devel (rpm)
Rmpfr 11423 gmp (>= 4.2.3), mpfr (>= 3.0.0)
prophet 11413 C++11
uroot 11340 nvcc (release >= 7.1) (NVIDIA Cuda Compiler driver)
topicmodels 10638 GNU Scientific Library version >= 1.8, C++11
OpenMx 10613 GNU make
rstanarm 10367 GNU make, pandoc (>= 1.12.3), pandoc-citeproc
RGtk2 10098 Cairo (>= 1.0.0), ATK (>= 1.10.0), Pango (>= 1.10.0), GTK+ (>= 2.8.0), GLib (>= 2.8.0)
IRkernel 9946 jupyter, jupyter_kernel_test (Python package for testing)
PKI 9848 OpenSSL library and headers
imager 9630 fftw3,libtiff,C++11
pbdZMQ 9517 Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows, or 'ZeroMQ' library >= 4.0.4. Solaris 10 needs 'ZeroMQ' library 4.0.7 and 'OpenCSW'.
mongolite 9202 OpenSSL, Cyrus SASL (aka libsasl2)
readbitmap 8878 libjpeg, libpng
ROracle 8627 Oracle Instant Client or Oracle Database Client
Rserve 8442 libR, GNU make
seqinr 8323 zlib headers and library.
fst 8125 little-endian platform
ergm 8064 OpenMPI
protolite 7993 libprotobuf and protobuf-compiler
QuantTools 7974 C++11
gifski 7862 Cargo (rustc package manager)
cairoDevice 7834 cairo (>= 1.0)
text2vec 7628 GNU make, C++11
ddalpha 7575 C++11
jqr 7343 libjq: jq-devel (rpm) or libjq-dev (deb)
R2jags 7315 JAGS (
showtext 7284 zlib, libpng, FreeType
RWekajars 7263 Java (>= 8)
R2WinBUGS 7129 OpenBugs for functions bugs() and openbugs() or WinBUGS 1.4 for function bugs()
rticles 6938 GNU make
ggExtra 6894 pandoc with https support
lamW 6428 GNU make
DataExplorer 6332 pandoc (>= 1.12.3) -
GetoptLong 5935 Perl, Getopt::Long
Rglpk 5814 GLPK library package (e.g., libglpk-dev on Debian/Ubuntu)
RcppCCTZ 5682 A 64-bit POSIX OS such as Linux or OS X with IANA time zone data in /usr/share/zoneinfo as well as a recent-enough C++11 compiler (such as g++-4.9 or later which is preferred, g++-4.8 works too). On Windows the zoneinfo included with R is used; and time parsing support is enabled via a backport of std::get_time from the LLVM libc++ library.
sysfonts 5651 zlib, libpng, FreeType
proxyC 5492 C++11
hdf5r 5468 HDF5 (>= 1.8.13)
openNLP 5450 Java (>= 5.0)
prettydoc 5253 pandoc (>= 1.12.3)
blogdown 5215 Hugo (<>) and Pandoc (<>)
MCMCglmm 5185 C++11
RMariaDB 5147 libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev or libmysqlclient-dev (deb), mariadb-connector-c-devel or mariadb-devel (rpm), mariadb-connector-c or mysql-connector-c (brew)
openNLPdata 5131 Java (>= 5.0)
JuliaCall 5079 Julia >= 0.6.0, RCall.jl
RcppAlgos 5078 C++14, gmp (>= 4.2.3)
sodium 5076 libsodium (>= 1.0.3)
shinytest 4952 PhantomJS (
fftwtools 4861 fftw3 (>= 3.1.2)
miniCRAN 4811 Imports the `curl` and `XML` packages. These have system requirements on `libxml2-devel`, `libcurl-devel` and `openssl-devel`.
webdriver 4701 PhantomJS (
rapidjsonr 4608 GNU make
rsparkling 4547 Java (>6)
ndjson 4477 zlib, C++14
WriteXLS 4423 Perl
proj4 4253 proj 4.4.6 or higher (
devEMF 4227 Xft or zlib (only needed for platforms other than OSX and Windows)
tesseract 4177 Tesseract >= 3.03 (libtesseract-dev / tesseract-devel) and Leptonica (libleptonica-dev / leptonica-devel). On Debian you need to install the English training data separately (tesseract-ocr-eng)
rpanel 4097 BWidget
grf 3998 GNU make
osmdata 3904 C++11
tikzDevice 3891 pgf (>= 2.00)
av 3852 FFmpeg >= 3.2: libavfilter-dev (deb), ffmpeg-devel(rpm)
unmarked 3814 GNU make
udunits2 3730 udunits-2
extraTrees 3721 Java (>= 1.6)
RNetCDF 3677 netcdf udunits-2
Rfast 3666 C++11
subprocess 3661 C++11
OpenStreetMap 3638 Java (>= 1.5), JRI
runjags 3541 JAGS (
semver 3427 C++11
RH2 3405 java runtime
RcppGSL 3369 GNU GSL
markovchain 3364 GNU make
JavaGD 3276 GNU make
tabulizer 3208 Java (>= 7.0)
shinyalert 3088 pandoc with https support
metaBMA 3020 GNU make
pomp 2981 For Windows users, Rtools (see
benchr 2927 C++11
udpipe 2870 C++11
PBSmapping 2862 C++11
fftw 2703 fftw3 (>= 3.1.2)
bartMachine 2700 Java (>= 7.0)
TraMineR 2697 C++11
RProtoBuf 2696 ProtoBuf libraries and compiler version 2.2.0 or later; version 3.0.0 or later is supported as well. On Debian/Ubuntu these can be installed as libprotoc-dev, libprotobuf-dev and protobuf-compiler, while on Fedora/CentOS protobuf-devel and protobuf-compiler are needed.
Rsymphony 2608 SYMPHONY libraries and headers
jagsUI 2595 JAGS (
JGR 2568 Java JDK 1.4 or higher
tabulizerjars 2557 Java (>= 7.0)
dtwclust 2502 C++11, GNU make
transformr 2474 C++11
bartMachineJARs 2463 Java (>= 7.0)
R2OpenBUGS 2376 OpenBUGS (>= 3.2.2)
RSAGA 2374 SAGA GIS (2.3 LTS - 7.0.0)
uwot 2362 GNU make
vroom 2334 C++11
webp 2331 libwebp
seewave 2278 LIBSNDFILE
rggobi 2277 GGobi
googlePolylines 2267 C++11
RQuantLib 2255 QuantLib library (>= 1.14) from, Boost library from
rmatio 2254 zlib headers and library.
rcdd 2223 GMP (GNU MP bignum library from <>)
Deducer 2181 Java (>= 1.4), JRI
RSiena 2152 GNU make, tcl/tk 8.5, Tktable
ssh 2139 libssh >= 0.6.0 (the original, not libssh2)
fasterize 2128 C++11
concaveman 2120 GDAL (>= 2.0.0), GEOS (>= 3.3.0), PROJ.4 (>= 4.8.0)
svDialogs 2079 zenity, yad
bamdit 2064 JAGS (>= 3.4.0) (see
mallet 2054 java
Rblpapi 2052 A valid Bloomberg installation. The API headers and dynamic library are downloaded from <> during the build step. See <> as well as <> for API documentation. A compiler recent enough for (at least partial) C++11 support is required; g++-4.6.* or later should be sufficient and g++-4.9.* or later is preferred.
DDRTree 2049 C++11
glmulti 1987 Java (>= 5.0)
cloudml 1984 Python (>= 2.7.0)
liftr 1969 Docker (see <>)
abn 1951 Gnu Scientific Library version >= 1.12
GERGM 1951 GNU make
BRugs 1950 OpenBUGS (>= 3.2.2), hence Windows or Linux
fastdigest 1909 C++11
tfestimators 1889 TensorFlow (
AzureML 1863 Requires external zip utility, available in path. On windows, it's sufficient to install RTools.
cartography 1851 GDAL (>= 2.0.1), GEOS (>= 3.4.0), PROJ.4 (>= 4.8.0)
BayesXsrc 1835 GNU make
strex 1826 C++11
littler 1819 libR
FSelectorRcpp 1797 C++11
asbio 1759 BWidget
keyring 1744 Optional: libsecret on Linux (libsecret-1-dev on Debian/Ubuntu, libsecret-devel on Fedora/CentOS)
argparse 1736 python (>= 3.2)
RcppTOML 1706 A C++11 compiler; g++ (>= 4.8.*) should be fine.
pbdSLAP 1702 'OpenMPI' (>= 1.5.4) on Solaris, Linux, Mac, and FreeBSD. 'MS-MPI' (Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 R2 MS-MPI Redistributable Package) on Windows.
RcppThread 1669 C++11
RQDA 1640 Java (>= 6) for rjpod
cplexAPI 1609 IBM ILOG CPLEX (>= 12.1)
sparklyr.nested 1599 Spark: 1.6.x or 2.x
rriskDistributions 1586 Tcl/Tk (>= 8.5), Tktable (>= 2.9)
grImport 1581 ghostscript
ECOSolveR 1523 GNU make
roll 1518 GNU make, C++11
R2admb 1498 AD Model Builder <>
nopaco 1478 C++11
PReMiuM 1425 GNU make
PopGenome 1395 zlib headers and library.
rzmq 1395 ZeroMQ >= 3.0.0: libzmq3-dev (deb) or zeromq-devel (rpm)
synchronicity 1386 C++11
PMCMRplus 1369 gmp (>= 4.2.3), mpfr (>= 3.0.0) | file
MODIStsp 1352 Cairo >= 1.0.0, ATK (>= 1.10.0), Pango (>= 1.10.0), GTK+ (>= 2.8.0), GLib (>= 2.8.0), Curl, GDAL (>= 1.6.3), PROJ.4 (>= 4.4.9)
FLSSS 1343 GNU make
sparkxgb 1297 Apache Spark 2.3+
s2dverification 1290 cdo
OpenImageR 1281 The package requires a C++11 compiler.
pcaL1 1277 COIN-OR Clp (>= 1.12.0)
adimpro 1272 Image Magick (for reading non PPM format), dcraw (for reading RAW images).
bedr 1265 Preferred genomic operations engine: 'BEDTools', 'BEDOPS' and 'Tabix (>= 1.3)'.
eggCounts 1263 GNU make
pagedown 1259 Pandoc (>= 2.2.3)
reproducible 1254 'unrar' (Linux/macOS) or '7-Zip' (Windows) to work with '.rar' files.
latdiag 1172 dot from graphviz
sass 1165 GNU make
R2wd 1164 Windows
credentials 1161 git (optional)
move 1159 C++11
textmineR 1153 GNU make, C++11
rPython 1122 Python (>= 2.7) and Python headers and libraries (See the INSTALL file)
ridge 1112 Gnu Scientific Library version >= 1.14
rscala 1106 Scala (>= 2.11), Java (>= 8)
nimble 1101 GNU make
stplanr 1084 GNU make
spsurvey 1058 A little-endian processor is required for some functions (see the README file).
opencpu 1036 pandoc, apparmor (optional)
TFMPvalue 1034 C++11
arrangements 1024 gmp (>= 4.2.3)
Rborist 1021 g++ (>= 4.8)
isoband 1013 C++11
RODBCext 986 An ODBC3 driver manager and drivers.
PBSmodelling 983 BWidget
diversitree 976 fftw3 (>= 3.1.2), gsl (>= 1.15)
rgrass7 964 GRASS (>= 7)
landscapemetrics 959 C++11
multinet 944 A C++14 compiler
PythonInR 942 Python (>= 2.7.0) with header files and shared library (UNIX) / static library (Windows)
RMark 938 notepad.exe, mark.exe (>= 8.0) (or mark32.exe and mark64.exe) and rel_32.exe (see README.txt)
bioacoustics 921 C++11, cmake, GNU make
glpkAPI 919 GLPK (>= 4.42)
hipread 916 C++11
pandocfilters 913 pandoc (> 1.12)
robustlmm 912 C++11
openCR 909 GNU make
ijtiff 904 libtiff
Rpoppler 897 Poppler Glib interface headers and libraries (<>) [Debian/Ubuntu: libpoppler-glib-dev, Fedora: poppler-glib-devel]
RPushbullet 889 A user API key (which one can request from the website at <>), and one or more devices to push messages to which may be any one of an (Android or iOS) phone, a (Chrome or Firefox, or Opera or Safari) browser or the (Windows or Mac) desktop application provided the corresponding Pushbullet 'app' has been installed on any one of these.
gpuR 884 C++11 (supporting at least std=c++0x), OpenCL shared library (provided by an SDK such as AMD/NVIDIA) and OpenCL headers including the C++ header file (provided by Khronos if not by SDK)
matchingMarkets 881 Java, C++11
h5 871 libhdf5 (>= 1.8.12) with C++ interface (--enable-cxx=yes) and v18 API enabled
rtiff 870 libtiff
velox 866 C++11
autothresholdr 864 C++11
mixsqp 862 C++11
docxtractr 856 LibreOffice (<>) required to extract data from .doc files.
ICRanks 856 C++11
dclone 843 none, one or more of JAGS (>= 3.0.0), WinBUGS (>= 1.4), OpenBUGS (>= 3.2.2), Stan
RQGIS 837 Python (>= 2.7), QGIS (>= 2.14 & < 3)
fuzzywuzzyR 836 Python (>= 2.4), difflib, fuzzywuzzy ( >=0.15.0 ), python-Levenshtein ( >=0.12.0 ). Detailed installation instructions for each operating system can be found in the README file.
spgrass6 826 GRASS (>= 6.3, < 7)
pbdMPI 825 OpenMPI (>= 1.5.4) on Solaris, Linux, Mac, and FreeBSD. MS-MPI (Microsoft MPI v7.1 (SDK) and Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 R2 MS-MPI Redistributable Package) on Windows.
jaccard 824 C++11
dti 820 gsl
JMbayes 807 JAGS (
seqminer 795 C++11, zlib headers and libraries, GNU make, optionally also bzip2 and POSIX-compliant regex functions.
Rmixmod 794 GNU make
MODIS 785 GDAL (>= 1.8.0)
TDA 785 C++11, gmp
camtrapR 771 ExifTool (
asremlPlus 768 asreml-R 2.x
flsa 767 C++11
kerasR 759 Python (>= 2.7); keras <> (>= 2.0.1)
diffeqr 756 Julia (>= 0.6.0), DifferentialEquations.jl
piton 756 C++11
coreNLP 755 Java (>= 7.0); Stanford CoreNLP < software/corenlp.shtml> (>= 3.5.2)
sdcTable 753 GLPK library, including -dev or -devel part
Rssa 747 fftw (>=3.2)
ari 742 ffmpeg (>= 3.2.4)
redland 741 Mac OSX: redland (>= 1.0.14) ; Linux: librdf0 (>= 1.0.14), librdf0-dev (>= 1.0.14)
crypto 730 libxml2-devel, libcurl-devel, openssl-devel, libsecret-devel, libsodium-devel
wordnet 727 Java (>= 5.0); WordNet database files (direct download: <>; Debian and Fedora package: wordnet)
forestFloor 723 OpenGL, GLU Library, zlib
tfdatasets 720 TensorFlow >= 1.4 (
cronR 711 cron
GGEBiplotGUI 711 BWidget
matlabr 711 MATLAB
dataframes2xls 710 python (>= 2.4)
ANN2 708 C++11
cppRouting 708 GNU make, C++11
gMCP 708 Java (>= 5.0)
parallelDist 707 C++11
morse 704 JAGS (>= 4.0.0) (see
RJDemetra 702 Java SE 8 or higher
gmt 697 gmt
entropart 695 pandoc
hesim 693 C++11
websocket 688 GNU make, OpenSSL >= 1.0.1
implyr 686 Impala driver to support a 'DBI'-compatible R interface
wsrf 681 C++11
XBRL 680 libxml2 (>= 2.9.1)
MonetDB.R 679 MonetDB, available from or MonetDBLite R package
trustOptim 678 C++11
BiBitR 677 Java
blockcluster 677 GNU make
cld3 672 libprotobuf and protobuf-compiler
clpAPI 670 COIN-OR Clp (>= 1.12.0)
rapport 669 pandoc ( for exporting markdown files to other formats.
rpostgis 669 'PostgreSQL' with 'PostGIS' extension
RNetLogo 659 Java (>= 8.0), NetLogo (>= 6.0)
seqHMM 657 C++11
exifr 656 Perl
spcosa 654 Java (>= 6)
HiClimR 652 NetCDF (>= 4.1)
switchr 650 git, svn
bnclassify 645 C++11
dbmss 645 pandoc, GNU make
cleanNLP 642 Python (>= 2.7.0); spaCy <> (>= 2.0); Java (>= 7.0); Stanford CoreNLP <> (>= 3.9.2)
sptemExp 642 C++11
Rfast2 640 C++11
RSurvey 640 Tcl/Tk (>= 8.5), Tktable (>= 2.9, optional)
sendplot 640 libtiff
aphid 638 GNU make
protr 636 ncbi-blast+ (see <>)
mixture 635 GNU make
detrendr 634 GNU make
corpustools 633 C++11
fslr 631 FSL
rJython 629 Java
ctsem 628 GNU make
ggdemetra 628 Java SE 8 or higher
kza 628 fftw (>= 3.2.2)
RBesT 625 GNU make, pandoc (>= 1.12.3), pandoc-citeproc
SpatialPosition 623 GDAL (>= 2.0.1), GEOS (>= 3.4.0), PROJ.4 (>= 4.8.0)
spiderbar 616 C++11
bfp 614 GNU make, C++11
frequency 613 pandoc (>= 1.12.3) -
tkrgl 613 rgl packages for rendering
rtkore 611 GNU make
WebGestaltR 609 C++11
alakazam 604 C++11
xgobi 603 The standalone program xgobi must be installed additionally, see file README, or under Windows
gsynth 602 A C++11 compiler.
SIBER 602 JAGS (>= 4.1)
ROI.plugin.symphony 601 SYMPHONY (>= 5.6.16) libraries and headers
protViz 600 C++11
sequenza 597 pandoc (>= 1.12.3)
CoordinateCleaner 593 GDAL (>= 2.0.1)
arulesNBMiner 592 Java (>= 5.0)
rDEA 591 GLPK (>= 4.52)
greta 588 Python (>= 2.7.0) with header files and shared library; TensorFlow (>= 1.10;; Tensorflow Probability (>=0.3.0;
gert 586 libgit2 (>= 0.26): libgit2-devel (rpm) or libgit2-dev (deb)
blandr 584 pandoc (>=1.12.3)
geojsonR 583 The package requires a C++11 compiler.
DepthProc 582 C++11
iptools 581 C++11
marked 581 ADMB version 11 <> for use.admb=TRUE; see readme.txt
chebpol 574 fftw3 (>= 3.1.2), gsl
CommonJavaJars 573 Java (>= 5.0)
rdwd 573 Pandoc (>= 1.12.3), pandoc-citeproc
outbreaker 571 gsl (>= 1.12)
SGP 570 (PDF)LaTeX ( with 'pdfpages' package for studentGrowthPlot option in visualizeSGP to bind together student growth plots into school catalogs
dodgr 569 C++11, GNU make
FeatureHashing 568 C++11
BrailleR 566 Python 2.7 and wxPython 2.8
R2MLwiN 566 MLwiN, (OpenBUGS, WinBUGS optional)
untb 566 PARI/GP >= 2.3.0 [strongly recommended for logkda()]
rosr 563 Pandoc (>= 2.2.3)
workflowr 561 pandoc (>= 1.12.3) -
BigVAR 560 C++11
DeducerSpatial 560 Java (>= 1.5), JRI
fdasrvf 559 C++11
reproj 559 PROJ (>= 4.4.6)
pbdBASE 555 OpenMPI (>= 1.5.4) on Solaris, Linux, Mac, and FreeBSD. MS-MPI (Microsoft HPC Pack 2012) or MPICH2 (>= 1.4.1p1) on Windows.
recmap 555 C++11
moveVis 553 ImageMagick, FFmpeg, libav
Crossover 552 Java (>= 5.0)
LeafArea 552 ImageJ (>=1.48), ij.jar (see, Java (>=1.6.0)
Rcpp11 551 C++11
bfa 550 GNU make
xslt 550 libxslt: libxslt1-dev (deb), libxslt-devel (rpm)
rbi 547 LibBi (>= 1.4.2)
bayes4psy 544 GNU make
rmcfs 544 Java (>= 7)
simFrame 544 GNU make
pbdDMAT 543 OpenMPI (>= 1.5.4) on Solaris, Linux, Mac, and FreeBSD. MS-MPI (Microsoft HPC Pack 2012) or MPICH2 (>= 1.4.1p1) on Windows.
bayescount 542 JAGS (
RcmdrPlugin.RMTCJags 542 jags (>= 3.0.0)
IncDTW 540 GNU make
kde1d 540 C++11
rvinecopulib 540 C++11
unix 540 POSIX.1-2001
link2GI 539 GNU make
Rlibeemd 539 GNU GSL
Thermimage 539 exiftool, perl, ffmpeg, imagemagick
pcnetmeta 538 JAGS 4.x.y (
BANOVA 537 C++11, JAGS >= 4.1.0 (
RJaCGH 537 zlib headers and library.
WeightedCluster 537 C++11
paramlink 536 For the MERLIN wrapper, MERLIN ( must be installed and pointed to in the PATH environment variable.
fishMod 533 C++11
MixSIAR 533 JAGS (>= 4.1) for the script version, both JAGS and GTK+ for the GUI version. For install instructions, see README file.
HHG 529 C++11
AhoCorasickTrie 521 C++11
disclapmix 521 C++11
PortfolioEffectHFT 520 Java (>= 1.7)
cit 517 gsl (with development libraries)
FastPCS 516 C++11
gbp 516 C++11, GNU make
stevedore 516 docker
dggridR 515 C++11
GCPM 511 Windows, Linux, OS X
prevalence 510 JAGS (>= 3.2.0) (see
prioritizr 509 C++11
rCBA 509 Java (>= 8)
cncaGUI 508 Tcl/Tk package BWidget.
rPref 506 C++11, GNU make, Windows: cmd.exe and cscript.exe
ezknitr 496 pandoc with https support
outbreaker2 496 C++11
pathfindR 495 Java JVM 1.8
Rsomoclu 495 C++11
wgaim 494 asreml-R 3.x
idealstan 492 GNU make
expands 491 Java (>= 5.0)
dcmle 490 JAGS (>= 3.0.0)
hive 490 Apache Hadoop >= 2.6.0 (; Obsolete: Hadoop core >= 0.19.1 and <= 1.0.3 or CDH3 (; standard unix tools (e.g., chmod)
hBayesDM 488 GNU make
AncestryMapper 487 None, but greater than 12 GB of RAM highly recommended.
orca 486 C++11
mbbefd 485 GNU make
BTLLasso 480 C++11
CEC 480 C++11
arrApply 479 C++11
scrm 476 C++11
textTinyR 476 The package requires a C++11 compiler
RJSDMX 473 Java (>= 7)
Emcdf 469 C++11
NLMR 469 C++11
SimilaR 469 C++11
hypergea 468 OpenMP (>=3.0)
VIMGUI 466 BWidget
gridGraphviz 464 graphviz
RKEA 464 Java (>= 5.0)
fwsim 461 C++11
R2SWF 461 zlib, libpng, FreeType
FFD 460 BWidget
bssm 459 C++11
gaselect 458 C++11
bmlm 456 GNU make
MetaSKAT 455 Little Endian
biplotbootGUI 454 Tcl/Tk package BWidget.
patternplot 454 GNU make
bikedata 452 C++11
discretecdAlgorithm 452 C++11
exiftoolr 450 Perl
RcppRedis 450 An available hiredis library (eg via package libhiredis-dev on Debian/Ubuntu, hiredis-devel on Fedora/RedHat, or directly from source from <>) is preferred but otherwise built on demand.
PhViD 449 Tcl/Tk package TkTable.
domino 448 domino (~>1.7.1)
coxinterval 447 GNU make
bayeslm 446 GNU make
BayesFM 445 gfortran (>= 4.6.3)
DALY 444 Tcl/Tk (>= 8.5), Tktable (>= 2.9)
beanz 443 GNU make
ordinalClust 442 C++11
dfpk 441 GNU make
HMMmlselect 441 C++11
ODB 441 zip
dynBiplotGUI 439 gmake
PhyloMeasures 439 C++11
trialr 439 GNU make
BioMedR 437 Java JDK 1.8 or higher
ABC.RAP 436 GNU make
bigtime 436 C++11
dynamichazard 436 C++11
RcppMLPACK 436 A C++11 compiler. Versions 4.8.*, 4.9.* or later of GCC will be fine.
DeducerText 435 Java (>= 1.5), JRI
recosystem 435 C++11
designmatch 432 GLPK library package (e.g., libglpk-dev on Debian/Ubuntu)
planar 431 GNU make
TreeBUGS 431 JAGS (
gpg 430 GPGME: libgpgme-dev / libgpgme11-dev (deb), gpgme-devel (rpm) gpgme (brew). On Linux 'haveged' is recommended for generating entropy when using the GPG key generator.
mvp 430 C++11
rkafka 429 Oracle Java 7,Apache Kafka 2.8.0-
couchDB 428 couchDB instance to connect to and work with.
PTXQC 427 pandoc ( for building Vignettes and output reports as HTML
gridDebug 425 graphviz
BTM 424 C++11
jmotif 424 C++11
DtD 423 C++11
FastRCS 423 C++11
HydeNet 423 JAGS (
opencv 423 OpenCV: libopencv-dev (Debian, Ubuntu) or opencv-devel (Fedora)
ARTP2 422 C++11
bigIntegerAlgos 422 gmp (>= 4.2.3)
plinkQC 422 plink (1.9)
rkafkajars 422 Oracle Java 7
HDPenReg 421 GNU make
TDAstats 421 C++11
edeR 420 Java Runtime Environment
MixGHD 420 GNU make
pbdNCDF4 420 OpenMPI (>= 1.5.4) on Solaris, Linux and Mac.<U+000a>(Parallel) HDF5 and (Parallel) NetCDF4 (4.1 or later)<U+000a>libraries. No MPI library required on Windows.
JointAI 418 JAGS (
Rhpc 418 R built as a shared or static library, 'MPI' library.
rmumps 417 C++11, GNU Make
VBLPCM 417 Gnu Scientific Library
RPyGeo 416 Python (>= 2.6.0), ArcGIS (>= 10.0)
mscstexta4r 415 A valid account MUST be registered with Microsoft's Cognitive Services website <> in order to obtain a (free) API key. Without an API key, this package will not work properly.
apcf 414 C++11, GDAL (>= 2.0.0), GEOS (>= 3.4.0)
meltt 414 Python (>= 2.7)
tiler 414 Python (>= 2.7), python-gdal library (For Windows, gdal installed via OSGeo4W <> recommended) clipboard
libamtrack 413 Gnu Scientific Library version >= 1.8
sound 413 For playing sounds, a command line system tool for playing wav-files is required.
eplusr 411 EnergyPlus (>= 8.3, optional) (<>); udunits2
netrankr 411 C++11
streamMOA 411 Java (>= 8)
FIT 410 C++11
MixAll 410 GNU make
bdpopt 409 JAGS (>= 3.4.0) (see
datastructures 409 C++11
h2o4gpu 409 Python (>= 3.6) with header files and shared library; H2O4GPU (
IsoSpecR 409 C++14
NlinTS 409 C++11
Rmosek 408 MOSEK (>= 6) and MOSEK License (>= 6)
helloJavaWorld 407 Java (>= 1.5)
jSonarR 407 MongoDB, JSON Studio
mwaved 407 fftw3 (>= 3.3.4)
RKEAjars 406 Java (>= 5.0)
TAQMNGR 406 zlib headers and library
diffusr 404 C++11
rollRegres 404 C++11
compendiumdb 402 Perl (>=5), MySQL (>=5.6)
oceanmap 402 ImageMagick
Numero 401 C++11
GeneralizedUmatrix 400 C++11
mutossGUI 400 Java (>= 5.0)
Rcplex 400 IBM ILOG CPLEX libraries and headers
apmsWAPP 399 SAINT_v2.3.4
FastHCS 399 C++11
genie 397 OpenMP, C++11
mscsweblm4r 397 A valid account MUST be registered with Microsoft's Cognitive Services website <> in order to obtain a (free) API key. Without an API key, this package will not work properly.
corehunter 396 Java JRE 8 or higher
DataVisualizations 395 C++11
rblt 395 libhdf5 (>= 1.8.12)
earthtide 394 C++11
RGF 394 Python (2.7 or >= 3.4), rgf_python, scikit-learn (>= 0.18.0), scipy, numpy. Detailed installation instructions for each operating system can be found in the README file.
BuyseTest 393 C++11
HRM 393 C++11
multibiplotGUI 393 Tcl/Tk package BWidget.
tabr 393 LilyPond
dialrjars 392 java (>= 1.6)
Rlgt 392 GNU make
SimInf 392 GNU Scientific Library (GSL)
rucrdtw 391 C++11
RcppCWB 390 GNU make, pcre (>= 7), GLib (>= 2.0.0). On Windows, no prior installations are necessary, as pre-built (i.e. cross-compiled) binaries of required libraries are downloaded from a GitHub repository (<>) during installation. On macOS, static libraries of Glib are downloaded (<>) if Glib is not present.
VARsignR 389 gcc (>= 4.0)
mwa 388 Java (>= 6.0)
rtika 388 Java (>=8)
StMoSim 388 C++11, GNU make
CNull 387 C++11
convexjlr 387 Julia (>= 0.6.0), Convex.jl, SCS.jl, ECOS.jl
dynr 387 GNU make
oaqc 387 C++11
cycleRtools 386 Java (>= 1.5)
patchDVI 385 The 'Japanese.Rnw' vignette requires uplatex and dvipdfmx.
rdataretriever 385 Python (>= 3.0) and Python headers and libraries
jdx 384 Java Runtime Environment (>= 8)
MaxentVariableSelection 384 maxent.jar file
survSNP 384 GNU GSL (>= 1.14)
spate 383 fftw3 (>= 3.1.2)
coga 382 GNU GSL
DeLorean 382 GNU make
paws.common 382 pandoc (>= 1.12.3) -
bayesdfa 380 GNU make
PVAClone 380 JAGS (>= 3.0.0)
sparseHessianFD 379 C++11
caRpools 377 MAGeCK (=0.51, from, bowtie2 (
evaluator 377 pandoc
DatabionicSwarm 376 C++11
jmcm 375 C++11
RCPmod 375 C++11
ADMMsigma 374 GNU make
mboxr 374 Anaconda (
pbdDEMO 374 OpenMPI (>= 1.5.4) on Solaris, Linux, Mac, and FreeBSD. MS-MPI (Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 R2 MS-MPI Redistributable Package) on Windows.
SBSA 374 GNU make
CollapsABEL 373 PLINK2, Java (>= 8.0), mysql
collUtils 373 Java (>= 1.6)
IUPS 372 JAGS (>= 3.3.0)
orQA 372 GNU make
RWebLogo 372 Python (>=2.6) in path and NumPy module installed, ghostscript (>=9.0)
beastier 370 BEAST2 (
bsam 370 JAGS (>= 4.2.0)
JMcmprsk 370 GNU GSL
redist 370 gmp, libxml2
relSim 370 C++11
ChoR 369 Java (>= 8)
beadarrayMSV 367 GGobi
BMTME 367 C++11
conStruct 367 GNU make
contoureR 367 C++11
emstreeR 367 C++11 compiler.
jmvconnect 367 jamovi (>=, C++11
networkreporting 367 GNU make
ordinalgmifs 367 C++11
svKomodo 367 Komodo Edit (, SciViews-K (
COMBIA 365 perl (>= 5.10.0)
RFreak 364 Java (>= 5.0)
Rrdrand 364 need the RDRAND instruction on Intel CPU. and C compiler must be able to compile a GNU-style in-line assembler.
rtk 364 C++11
subspace 363 Java (>= 6)
XRJulia 363 Julia, v 1.0 or later
lvec 362 C++11
DEploid 361 C++11
iRF 361 C++11
MFPCA 361 libfftw3 (>= 3.3.4)
SpeciesMix 361 C++11
ambient 360 C++11
DRIP 360 Gnu Scientific Library version >= 1.12
ProjectionBasedClustering 359 C++11
RKEEL 358 Java (>= 8)
smam 358 GNU GSL, GNU make, C++11
R2GUESS 357 GNU Scientific Library (>= 1.12)
mleap 356 Apache Spark 2.0+, Apache Maven 3.5+, Java JDK 8, MLeap Runtime 0.10.1+
sismonr 356 Julia, v 1.0 or later
easyNCDF 355 netcdf development libraries
inpdfr 355 XPDF (
Myrrix 355 Java (>= 5.0)
idm 354 ImageMagick ( or GraphicsMagick (
Myrrixjars 354 Java (>= 5.0)
RDieHarder 354 GNU GSL for the GSL random-number generators
Rnightlights 354 aria2, curl, gdal, wget
breathteststan 353 GNU make, pandoc (>= 1.12.3), pandoc-citeproc
BAYESDEF 352 Tcl/Tk package
CONS 352 Tcl/Tk package
gee4 352 C++11
pivmet 351 pandoc (>= 1.12.3), pandoc-citeproc
sharx 351 jags (>= 1.0.3)
eDMA 350 Requires the OpenMP library for parallel computing. If the OpenMP library is not available, the code is executed sequentially and a warning is printed.
idem 350 GNU make
kantorovich 350 GMP (
SpatPCA 350 GNU make
datr 349 dat (>= 13.10.0)
genotypeR 349 The SequenomMarkers() marker design function requires 'vcftools' and 'Perl' on 'windows', and, in addition, 'awk' and 'bash' on '*nix'.
rJPSGCS 349 Java (>= 8), zlib headers and library.
LCMCR 348 Gnu Scientific Library version >= 1.12
rnetcarto 348 GNU GSL
bacistool 347 JAGS (>= 4.3.0)
DCM 347 Tcl/Tk package
PAC 345 C++11
simplexreg 345 GNU Scientific Library version >= 1.8
odeintr 344 C++11
raptr 344 C++11
ruimtehol 344 C++11
covTestR 343 C++11
elexr 343 Python (>= 2.7 or >= 3.5) and elex package
flan 343 GNU GSL
rpg 343 C++11
swmmr 343 SWMM (>=5.1.012)
localsolver 342 At least trial version of LocalSolver to be downloaded from
pbdPROF 342 OpenMPI (>= 1.5.4) on Solaris, Linux, Mac, and FreeBSD. No MPI library required on Windows yet.
rubias 342 GNU make
causalMGM 341 Java (>= 1.7), JRI
freesurfer 341 Freesurfer (
GRANBase 341 svn, git
FishResp 340 Display resolution >= 1280x800; RAM >= 4GB
libsoc 340 libxml2: libxml2-dev (deb), libxml2-devel (rpm)
dialr 339 java (>= 1.6)
fdaPDE 339 C++11
nFCA 339 Ruby, Graphviz
RClickhouse 339 C++11
rMouse 339 Java >= 7
ldat 338 C++11
lightsout 338 pandoc with https support
PCMRS 337 C++11
MSIseq 336 Java
decido 335 C++11
diskImageR 335 ImageJ (all OS), Xcode (Mac)
glmmfields 334 GNU make
lfl 334 C++11
lira 334 JAGS (>= 3.0.0) (see
RMOAjars 334 Java (>= 5.0)
fastcmh 333 C++11
gkmSVM 333 C++11
Libra 333 GNU Scientific Library (GSL)
pseudorank 332 C++11
WhopGenome 332 zlib headers and library
BiplotGUI 331 windows
knor 331 GNU make C++11, pthreads
PenCoxFrail 331 C++11
RMOA 331 Java (>= 5.0)
CaseBasedReasoning 330 C++11
GPCMlasso 330 C++11
milr 330 GNU make
GREP2 329 SRAtoolkit, Salmon, Java, FastQC, MultiQC
breathtestcore 328 pandoc
RcppEnsmallen 328 C++11
cordillera 327 ELKI (>=0.6.0 if used)
dfped 327 C++11
MetaStan 327 GNU make
babelwhale 326 Docker and/or Singularity (>=3.0)
catSurv 326 C++11, GNU make
lowmemtkmeans 325 C++11
KSgeneral 323 fftw3 (>=3.3.4), C++11
Rdrools 323 Java (>= 7.0)
RNCBIEUtilsLibs 322 Java
valr 322 C++11
DetR 321 C++11
magickGUI 321 ImageMagick (>=
poisbinom 321 fftw (>= 3)
CASMAP 320 C++11
geno2proteo 320 Perl (>= 2.0.0)
coveffectsplot 319 pandoc with https support
tutorial 318 pandoc (>= 1.12.3) -
bcgam 317 Rtools (>= 3.3) for Windows, Xcode (>= 9.0) for Mac OS X
PortfolioEffectEstim 317 Java (>= 1.7)
PRIMME 316 A POSIX system. Currently Linux and OS X are known to work. GNU make.
sbrl 316 gmp (>= 4.2.0), gsl
collector 315 pandoc
excerptr 315 Python (>= 3.0.0)
m2r 315 Macaulay2 <>
pbdRPC 315 ssh (OpenSSH) or plink (PuTTY) on Solaris, Linux, and Mac.
alfr 314 Alfresco Content Repository (Community or Enterprise)
curveDepth 314 C++11
deisotoper 314 Java (>= 8.0)
FSInteract 314 C++11
rDotNet 314 mono 4.x or higher on OSX / Linux, .NET 4.x or higher on Windows, 'msbuild' and 'nuget' available in the path
TKF 314 gsl
dfmeta 312 C++11
dgmb 312 tktable, BWidget
GeoMongo 312 MongoDB (>= 3.4.0), Python (>= 2.7). Installation instructions and links can be found in the README file.
ggquickeda 311 pandoc with https support
jsr223 311 Java Runtime Environment (>= 8)
motmot 311 C++11
Rcereal 310 C++11
mvst 309 GNU Scientific Library
NetworkInference 309 C++11
SASmarkdown 309 SAS
CPAT 308 GNU make
qualpalr 308 GNU make
rGroovy 308 Java (>= 7)
RSCABS 307 Cairo (>= 1.0.0), ATK (>= 1.10.0), Pango (>= 1.10.0), GTK+ (>= 2.8.0), GLib (>= 2.8.0)
SFS 307 C++11
DataPackageR 306 pandoc (>= 1.12.3) -
SBRect 306 java
bfw 305 JAGS >=4.3.0 <>, Java JDK >=1.4 <>
LocalControl 305 C++11
metaMix 305 Open MPI (>=1.4.3)
osrmr 305 To use the Localhost of OSRM, you need to build OSRM <> locally
spatsoc 305 GEOS (>= 3.2.0)
BALD 304 JAGS (>= 4.3.0), GNU make
re2r 304 GNU make
sgmcmc 304 TensorFlow (, TensorFlow Probability (
spm12r 304 MATLAB
fsdaR 303 (license-free) MATLAB Runtime (MCR) V 9.0
rsubgroup 303 Java (>= 6.0)
febr 302 pandoc
lmSubsets 302 C++11
nbconvertR 302 pandoc, ipython (>= 3.0) or jupyter, ipython/jupyter notebook optional dependencies, pywin32 (on windows)
reclin 302 C++11
microclass 301 GNU make
x.ent 301 Perl (>= 5.0), Unitex (>= 3.0
heuristicsmineR 300 C++11
gdalcubes 299 cxx11, gdal, libgdal, libproj, libcurl, netcdf4
pdSpecEst 298 GNU make, C++11
eseis 297 gipptools dataselect
StatCharrms 297 GTK+ (>= 2.8.0)
inca 296 C++11
popRange 296 Python 2.7.x or Python 3.2.x-3.4.x, NumPy (Python scientific computing package)
nmfgpu4R 294 CUDA >= v7.0, Nvidia GPU (e.g. GeForce or Tesla) with compute capability >= 3.0 (Kepler)
nmslibR 294 Python (>= 2.7), nmslib ( >= 1.7.1), scipy ( >= 1.0.0), numpy ( >= 1.14.0). Detailed installation instructions for each operating system can be found in the README file.
Phxnlme 294 Phoenix NLME with Phoenix Modeling Language (PML) license
rchallenge 294 pandoc (>= 1.12.3) -
walker 293 C++14, GNU make
geoops 292 C++11
junctions 292 C++11
represtools 292 GNU make
s2 292 OpenSSL >= 1.0.0, C++11
trackdem 292 Python 2.7, Libav, ExifTool
binostics 291 C++11
clusternor 291 GNU make C++11, pthreads
genlogis 291 RStudio -
NestedCategBayesImpute 291 GNU make
SMITIDvisu 291 C++11
gcForest 290 Python (>= 3.5.0)
mod09nrt 290 MRTSwath
RcppHMM 290 C++11
RNewsflow 290 C++11
scanstatistics 290 C++11
spray 290 C++11
Rsmlx 289 'Monolix' (<>)
GreedyExperimentalDesign 288 Java (>= 7.0)
rbi.helpers 287 libbi (>= 1.4.2)
Rdroolsjars 287 Java (>= 7.0)
REBayes 287 MOSEK ( and MOSEK license.
sentometrics 287 GNU make
xyz 286 C++11
Rbgs 285 Java JRE 1.6 or higher ; Xuggle-xuggler-5.4.jar in library paths and class paths.
parglm 284 C++11
dosearch 283 C++11
landsepi 283 C++11, gsl, gdal >= 1.11.0
libstableR 283 GNU GSL
miceFast 283 C++11
ora 283 Oracle client
RWinEdt 283 WinEdt >= 5.2
orthoDr 282 GNU make
rerf 282 GNU make
Rlda 281 GNU make
rodeo 281 The tools to run 'R CMD SHLIB' on 'Fortran' code. The used 'Fortran' compiler must support pointer initialization which is a feature of the 2008 standard.
EMMIXgene 280 C++11
episode 280 GNU make
conquestr 279 ACER ConQuest (>=4.30.2)
isqg 279 C++11
rmdfiltr 279 pandoc (>= 2.0;
bisque 278 A system with a recent-enough C++11 compiler (such as g++-4.8 or later).
ctrdata 277 mongo database, sed, php, cat, perl
rchie 277 V8 <= 3.15: libv8-3.14-dev (deb), v8-314-devel (rpm), v8-3.14 (arch), v8@3.15 (homebrew)
IRATER 276 AD Model Builder <>
stmgp 276 PLINK must be installed
survHE 276 GNU make
networkR 275 C++11
proccalibrad 275 MRTSwath
MDFS 274 C++11
SpatMCA 274 GNU make
upmfit 274 JAGS (
chicane 271 bedtools
facilitation 271 C++11
MADPop 271 GNU make
mssm 271 C++11
pcFactorStan 271 GNU make
ProFound 271 C++11
slowraker 271 Java (>= 5.0)
NetRep 270 A compiler with C++11 support for the thread library, Requires Rtools >= 33 (i.e. R >= 3.3.0) to build on Windows.
strider 270 C++11
bigMap 269 GNU make
gastempt 269 GNU make
logKDE 269 C++11
nhdR 269 7-zip command line tool (7z)
rLindo 268 LINDO API 8.0
timechange 267 A system with zoneinfo data (e.g. /usr/share/zoneinfo) as well as a recent-enough C++11 compiler (such as g++-4.8 or later). On Windows the zoneinfo included with R is used.
osmose 266 Java (>= 8)
pm4py 266 Python (>= 3.6)
reinforcelearn 266 (Python and gym only required if gym environments are used)
cogmapr 265 libcurl: libcurl-devel (rpm) or libcurl4-openssl-dev (deb).
GreedyExperimentalDesignJARs 265 Java (>= 7.0)
NPMOD 265 Tcl/Tk package
particles 265 C++11
rpostgisLT 265 PostgreSQL with PostGIS extension
otsad 264 Python (>= 3.0.1); bencode-python3 (1.0.2)
qCBA 264 Java (>= 8)
rapidraker 264 Java (>= 7.0)
roptim 264 C++11
Orcs 263 GNU make, 7zip, unix2dos
Rgretl 263 gretl (>= 2017c), gretlcli
SimJoint 263 GNU make
HierDpart 262 GNU make
RcppGreedySetCover 262 C++11
Plasmidprofiler 261 Pandoc (>= 1.15)
ssMousetrack 261 GNU make
uavRmp 261 GNU make
RTest 260 ImageMagick++: ImageMagick-c++-devel (rpm) or libmagick++-dev (deb)
rdoxygen 259 doxygen
fRLR 257 GNU Scientific Library (GSL). Note: users should have GSL installed.
ISEtools 257 OpenBUGS (>=3.0) OR jags (>=4.0.0)
textrecipes 257 GNU make, C++11
gcbd 256 Debian or Ubuntu system with access to Goto Blas, Intel MKL, Atlas development build as well as a Nvidia GPU with CUDA support
validatejsonr 255 GNU make
supc 253 C++11
jarbes 252 JAGS (>= 3.4.0) (see
TexExamRandomizer 251 C++11, A modern compiler (>=gcc-4.9), And latexmk is necessary to compile all output documents with the functions provided by this package
oppr 250 C++11
imptree 249 C++11
PreKnitPostHTMLRender 248 pandoc (>= 1.12.3) -
rrum 248 C++11
ledger 247 ledger (>= 3.1), hledger (>= 1.4), beancount (>= 2.0)
rcrypt 247 GnuPG (
TukeyRegion 247 C++11
rlo 245 libreoffice, python-uno
monoreg 244 GNU GSL
r2pmml 244 Java (>= 8.0)
RcppMeCab 244 MeCab 0.996 (or mecab-ko 0.9.2) or higher, GNU make
Rgnuplot 244 gnuplot
IOHanalyzer 242 C++11
sparkbq 242 Spark (>= 2.2.x)
pysd2r 241 'python3' needs to built for the same architecture R is built for (32 or 64 bit).
rmdcev 241 GNU make C++14
skm 241 GNU make
SOFIA 240 Circos
ruta 239 Python (>= 2.7); keras <> (>= 2.1)
SCAT 239 C++11
touch 239 C++11
nlrx 238 'NetLogo' (>= 5.3.1), 'Java' (JDK 1.8)
rde 238 xclip ( or xsel ( for accessing the X11 clipboard
sparktf 237 TensorFlow (
SeqGrapheR 236 ggobi
spongecake 236 FFmpeg (
RcppEigenAD 235 C++11
ph2hetero 233 GNU make
StepSignalMargiLike 233 C++11
SuperGauss 233 fftw3 (>= 3.1.2)
tkRplotR 233 Tcl/Tk (>= 8.6)
gtfsrouter 231 C++11
metapost 231 mpost
phase1PRMD 229 JAGS (
phylotaR 229 BLAST+ (>=2.0)
r.blip 229 Java (>= 1.5)
rstanemax 229 GNU make
latte 228 LattE <>, 4ti2 <>
OpenCL 227 OpenCL library
tokenbrowser 226 C++11
SAR 224 GNU make
streambugs 222 C99
vaultr 222 vault
OsteoBioR 221 GNU make
rstap 221 GNU make
mdendro 219 Java (>= 6)
RTD 218 embulk, embulk-output-td
rasciidoc 216 asciidoc (<>), source-highlight is recommend.
valection 215 valection (>= 1.0.0)
hopit 214 C++11
RepoGenerator 213 GitHub, 'RStudio'
vlad 213 C++11
ieeeround 211 A C library with the fesetround/fegetround functions.
rhli 210 GNU make
vapour 210 GDAL (>= 2.0.0), PROJ.4 (>= 4.8.0)
bayesCL 208 OpenCL library; single-precision AMD or Nvidia GPU;
telefit 208 A system with a recent-enough C++11 compiler (such as g++-4.8 or later).
saotd 207 GSL (>=2.4), MPFR (>= 4.0.0), udunits2 (>=2.2.26-3)
SCPME 207 GNU make
resautonet 206 C++11
RAppArmor 205 linux (>= 3.0), libapparmor-dev
specklestar 205 fftw3 (>= 3.1.2)
piecepackr 204 ghostscript
MDSGUI 203 windows, 'BWidget', 'Tktable'
Scalelink 202 GNU make
tfio 197 TensorFlow >= 1.4 (
youtubecaption 195 Anaconda (
TooManyCellsR 190 'TooManyCells' (
unine 188 C++11
tapkee 187 'tapkee' (
rsyslog 178 POSIX.1-2001
CARrampsOcl 167 OpenCL library; double-precision AMD or Nvidia GPU;<U+000a>GNU make
lda.svi 160 C++11
modeLLtest 159 GNU make
rTRNG 158 GNU make
RVowpalWabbit 156 The Boost 'program_options' library ( is required.
SnakeCharmR 154 Python (>= 2.7) and Python headers and libraries (See the file)
P2C2M 151 gcc (>= 4.9), Python (= 2.7)
bigGP 147 OpenMPI or MPICH2
jackalope 147 C++11
ragg 139 C++11, GNU Make, pkg-config, freetype2 libpng
RcppGetconf 137 A POSIX system. Currently Linux and OS X are known to work.
exif 136 C++11
qtpaint 136 GNU make
rrd 131 The package depends on libraries from the RRD project <>. On Debian-based systems, install 'librrd-dev', on CentOS based systems install 'rrdtool-devel', and on Fedora-based systems install 'rrdtool-devel' <>. For more information, see the README.
permGPU 105 Nvidia's CUDA toolkit (>= release 6.0)
altair 96 Python (>= 3.5.0), (Python) Altair (>= 3.1.0)
kmcudaR 95 CUDA 8.0 tookit, OpenMP 4.0 capable compiler
qtbase 95 Qt4 libraries and headers (, cmake (
ulid 75 C++11
iai 0 Julia (>= 1.0) and Interpretable AI System Image (>= 1.0.0)
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