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Created October 24, 2014 20:40
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Backend ECF Work
Preface: Some of this may not be backend. I am just including anything that MAY need work from the backend then we can flesh out what can be fixed on the front end.
1. Supporting as a guest (without login) -> after chosing a pledge, the adress fields vanish but then on „weiter“ (continue) there´s an error message to fill them in and they reappear. This game can be played forever and will be a reason to cancel the transaltion in the middle
2. After chosing a reward youre prompted to login, after logging in you STILL get to the welcome page but you NEED to go back to the page where you left of. We´ve already send this error in a few times and for weeks, this needs to be fixed.
3. There needs to be an error message when someone tries to support with an uneven amount (12,50) that only full euros can be pledged („Du kannst nur mit vollen Eurobeträgen unterstützen.“)
4. ...connected to this error: payments that do not go through (because people didn´t have a credit card connected to their account and broke of the transaltion therefore) were still captured by the platform and the people still show up as supporters. One of my projects had therefore 16 € „collected“ but only 4 € (!) actually showed up on my paypal account:
5. Rich text editor for Rewards is not functioning sometimes (for example, you cannot make text bold, which would be important for Headlines)
6. After sending project in you get the message: "Thanks! Your project is being reviewed by our staff. Please allow up to 72 hours. You will receive an email from us when the review is complete.“ This needs to be translated, because we have another timeframe! ("Vielen Dank! Wir haben deinen Projektvorschlag erhalten und prüfen ihn so schnell wie möglich. Du erhälst eine E-Mail von uns, sobald wir fertig sind.“) All the translations are in the google doc, last commented on on oct. 8 by Bradyn and Cam.
7. The time should be displayed in German way (14:30 statt 2:30)
The ending time of the projects is not displayed correctly, there seems to be an hour difference (says it ends at 3:30 pm but actually ends at 2:30. (Please notice that during sunday, the German clocks will be set an hour back, so we will be 7 hours before you. (When it is 8 in the morning in UTAH, it will be 15:00 in Germany (3 pm)
8. Profile countries should be german by default (I know, that´s already fixed) but it needs to be the same for the already exisiting accounts
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