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Created October 17, 2021 06:02
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Rodux store:dispatch error
23:56:36.778 ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Rodux.Store:140: Reducers may not dispatch actions. - Client - Store:140
23:56:36.778 Stack Begin - Studio
23:56:36.778 Script 'ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Rodux.Store', Line 140 - function dispatch - Studio - Store:140
23:56:36.778 Script 'ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Rodux.Store', Line 89 - Studio - Store:89
23:56:36.778 Script 'ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Rodux.loggerMiddleware', Line 12 - Studio - loggerMiddleware:12
23:56:36.778 Script 'ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Rodux.Store', Line 98 - Studio - Store:98
23:56:36.778 Script 'Players.glinesbdev.PlayerScripts.Modules.Store', Line 46 - Studio - Store:46
23:56:36.778 Script 'ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Knit.Util.Remote.ClientRemoteSignal', Line 100 - Studio - ClientRemoteSignal:100
23:56:36.778 Stack End - Studio
function Service:SetProfile(player: Player, key: string, value: any)
DataManager:Set(player, key, value)
self.Client.FetchStoreAction:Fire(player, { type = ReducerActions.UPDATE_PLAYER_PROFILE })
local function reducer(state, action)
local newState = state or {}
if action.type == ReducerActions.UPDATE_PLAYER_PROFILE then
return Llama.Dictionary.merge(newState, services.PlayerProfileService:GetProfile())
return newState
services.PlayerProfileService.FetchStoreAction:Connect(function(serverAction: { type: string, payload: any })
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