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Last active July 3, 2021 00:06
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Fennel Lexer
(local keywords (require :keywords))
(local types {:arg "ARG"
:fn "FUNC"
:keyword "KEYWORD"
:lbracket "LBRACKET"
:lcurly "LCURLY"
:lparen "LPAREN"
:num "NUMBER"
:rbracket "RBRACKET"
:rcurly "RCURLY"
:rparen "RPAREN"
:str "STRING"
:sym "SYMBOL"
:tbl "TABLE"
:wild "WILDCARD"})
(local bindables [:collect true
:each true
:for true
:icollect true
:lambda true
:λ true
:let true
:local true
:with-open true])
(local parsers {})
(fn paren? [char]
(string.find char "[%(%)]"))
(fn bracket? [char]
(string.find char "[%[%]]"))
(fn paren-or-bracket? [char]
(or (paren? char) (bracket? char)))
(fn space? [char]
(string.find char "%s"))
(fn number? [char]
(string.find char "%d"))
(fn string? [char]
(string.find char "[\"\']"))
(fn table? [char]
(string.find char "[%{]"))
(fn wildcard? [char]
(string.find char "[_]"))
(fn symbol? [char]
"Does a token not meet one of the above conditions?"
(string.find char "[^%(%)%[%]\"\'_%d%s%{%}]"))
(fn keyword? [token]
(var found false)
(each [_ list (pairs keywords) :until found]
(each [_ keyword (ipairs list)]
(when (= token keyword)
(set found true))))
(fn bindable? [str]
(. bindables str))
(fn parsers.create-token [token line col type tokens]
(table.insert tokens {: line :column (- col (# token)) : type : token})
(fn parsers.tokenize-parens [text char pos col line tokens]
(let [paren-type (match char
"(" types.lparen
")" types.rparen
"{" types.lcurly
"}" types.rcurly
"[" types.lbracket
"]" types.rbracket)]
(->> (parsers.create-token char line col paren-type tokens)
(parsers.begin text (+ pos 1) (+ col 1) line))))
(fn parsers.tokenize-string [text pos col line tokens str-token]
(match (string.sub text pos pos)
(where str (string? str)) (->> (parsers.create-token str-token line col types.str tokens)
(parsers.begin text (+ pos 1) (+ col 1) line))
char (parsers.tokenize-string text (+ pos 1) (+ col 1) line tokens (.. str-token char))))
(fn parsers.tokenize-number [text pos col line tokens str-token]
(match (string.sub text pos pos)
(where char (not (number? char))) (->> (parsers.create-token str-token line col types.num tokens)
(parsers.begin text (+ pos 1) (+ col 1) line))
num (parsers.tokenize-number text (+ pos 1) (+ col 1) line tokens (.. str-token num))))
(fn parsers.tokenize-table [text pos col line tokens str-token]
(match (string.sub text pos pos)
"}" (->> (parsers.create-token (.. str-token "}") line col types.tbl tokens)
(parsers.begin text (+ pos 1) (+ col 1) line))
tbl (parsers.tokenize-table text (+ pos 1) (+ col 1) line tokens (.. str-token tbl))))
(fn parsers.tokenize-symbol [text pos col line tokens str-token]
(match (string.sub text pos pos)
(where sym (not (symbol? sym))) (->> (parsers.create-token str-token line col types.sym tokens)
(parsers.begin text pos col line))
char (parsers.tokenize-symbol text (+ pos 1) (+ col 1) line tokens (.. str-token char))))
(fn parsers.base [text pos col line tokens]
(match (string.sub text pos pos)
"" tokens
"\n" (parsers.begin text (+ pos 1) 0 (+ line 1) tokens)
(where spc (space? spc)) (parsers.begin text (+ pos 1) (+ col 1) line tokens)
(where paren (paren-or-bracket? paren)) (parsers.tokenize-parens text paren pos col line tokens)
(where str (string? str)) (parsers.tokenize-string text (+ pos 1) (+ col 1) line tokens "")
(where num (number? num)) (parsers.tokenize-number text pos col line tokens "")
(where tbl (table? tbl)) (parsers.tokenize-table text pos col line tokens "")
(where sym (symbol? sym)) (parsers.tokenize-symbol text pos col line tokens "")
_ (parsers.begin text (+ pos 1) (+ col 1) line tokens)))
(fn parsers.begin [text pos col line tokens]
(match (string.sub text pos pos)
" " (parsers.begin text (+ pos 1) (+ col 1) line tokens)
_ (parsers.base text pos col line tokens)))
{:begin parsers.begin}
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