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Created May 6, 2021 14:01
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Chapel code example to illustrate issue with inheritance, overriding methods and named vars.
Chapel code example to illustrate issue with inheritance, overriding methods and named vars.
Declare a base class Foo with a hello proc. It has 3 named args with defaults.
Next Declare Bar which inherits from Foo and overrides Foo's hello proc with its own
default values for the named args.
When we declare a Foo with a concrete implementation of Bar we see that the Bar hello proc
gets invoked as expected, but the default args do not; they are still Foo's defaults.
Since the overridden proc of Bar's gets invoked, I would have expected Bar's defaults to go
along with it, but that's not the case based on the output.
class Foo {
proc hello(greeting:string="foo default greeting", prefix:string="FOO_default_prefix", suffix:string="FOO_default_suffix"): string throws {
return "FOO.hello(...)=> greeting:`" + greeting + "`, prefix:`" + prefix + "`, suffix:`" + suffix + "`";
class Bar : Foo {
override proc hello(greeting:string="bar default greeting", prefix:string = "default_bar[", suffix:string = "]bar_default"): string throws {
return "I'm in BAR.hello(...)=> greeting:`" + greeting + "`, prefix:`" + prefix + "`, suffix:`" + suffix + "`";
// Create Foo with concrete Foo impl
// 1. Prove we get the defaults
// 2. Pass in greeting and get defaults on prefix & suffix
// 3. Pass in greeting & prefix, get default on suffix
var f:Foo = new Foo();
writeln(f.hello(greeting="hello", prefix="<<<"));
// Create Bar with concrete Bar impl
// 1. Prove we get Bar's defaults
// 2. Pass in greeting and get Bar's defaults on prefix & suffix
// 3. Pass in greeting & prefix, get Bar's default on suffix
var b:Bar = new Bar();
writeln(b.hello(greeting="I'm Bar"));
writeln(b.hello(greeting="I'm Bar", prefix="<<<"));
// Create Foo with conreate Bar impl.
// This uses Bar's overridden proc hello, but doesn't get the Bar default named args, why?
// 1. We see it inokes Bar's hello method in the output, but we get Foo's named defaults
// 2. Pass in greeting, we see Bar's method invoked, but still get Foo defaults on prefix & suffix
// 3. Pass in greetin & suffix, same thing, We see Bar's output message, but still Foo default suffix.
var fb:Foo = new Bar();
writeln("----Foo with Bar as impl----");
writeln(fb.hello(greeting="expect Bar defaults"));
writeln(fb.hello(greeting="expect Bar defaults minus passed in prefix", prefix="<<<"));
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glitch commented May 6, 2021

OUTPUT from sample program

FOO.hello(...)=> greeting:`foo default greeting`, prefix:`FOO_default_prefix`,  suffix:`FOO_default_suffix`
FOO.hello(...)=> greeting:`hello`, prefix:`FOO_default_prefix`,  suffix:`FOO_default_suffix`
FOO.hello(...)=> greeting:`hello`, prefix:`<<<`,  suffix:`FOO_default_suffix`
I'm in BAR.hello(...)=> greeting:`bar default greeting`, prefix:`default_bar[`,  suffix:`]bar_default`
I'm in BAR.hello(...)=> greeting:`I'm Bar`, prefix:`default_bar[`,  suffix:`]bar_default`
I'm in BAR.hello(...)=> greeting:`I'm Bar`, prefix:`<<<`,  suffix:`]bar_default`
----Foo with Bar as impl----
I'm in BAR.hello(...)=> greeting:`foo default greeting`, prefix:`FOO_default_prefix`,  suffix:`FOO_default_suffix`
I'm in BAR.hello(...)=> greeting:`expect Bar defaults`, prefix:`FOO_default_prefix`,  suffix:`FOO_default_suffix`
I'm in BAR.hello(...)=> greeting:`expect Bar defaults minus passed in prefix`, prefix:`<<<`,  suffix:`FOO_default_suffix`

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