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Created August 17, 2012 14:13
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Knave small task
import Prelude hiding (or,and)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List (sort)
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
data Type = Insane | Sane | Usual | Undecided deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type Name = String
data Person = Person {ptype :: Type, pname :: Name} deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
type Persons = Map.Map Name Person
makePersons :: [Person] -> Persons
makePersons ps = Map.fromList $ map (\p -> (pname p,p)) ps
showPersons ps = [(name, ptype p) | (name, p) <- Map.toList ps ]
data Opinion = OR Opinion Opinion
| AND Opinion Opinion
| Assert Name Type
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Thought = Thought Name Opinion deriving (Show)
getType :: Name -> Persons -> Type
getType n ps = case Map.lookup n ps of
Just p -> ptype p
_ -> error $ "don't know person with the name " ++ n
correct :: Opinion -> Persons -> Bool
correct (OR op1 op2) ps = correct op1 ps || correct op2 ps
correct (AND op1 op2) ps = correct op1 ps && correct op2 ps
correct (Assert n type2) ps = decide type1 type2
type1 = getType n ps
decide a b | a == b = True
| otherwise = False
allThoughtsCorrect :: [Thought] -> Persons -> Bool
allThoughtsCorrect ts ps = all thoughtCorrect ts
thoughtCorrect (Thought name opinion) = result
cur_type = getType name ps
correctness = correct opinion ps
result = case (correctness, cur_type) of
(True, Sane) -> True
(False, Insane) -> True
(_, Usual) -> True
(_, _) -> False
replace :: Persons -> Person -> Persons
replace ps p = Map.alter f (pname p) ps
where f _ = Just p
checkVariants :: [Thought] -> [Name] -> [[(Name, Type)]]
checkVariants ts names = map showPersons answers
where answers = filter (allThoughtsCorrect ts) (variants names)
variants :: [Name] -> [Persons]
variants names = res
types = [Insane, Sane, Usual]
combinations = replicateM (length names) types
res = [ makePersons [ Person t n | (t,n) <- zip comb names]
| comb <- combinations ]
names = [
"2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7",
"knave", "ace" ]
ts = [
"3" `Thought` (Assert "ace" Insane),
"4" `Thought` (Assert "3" Sane `AND` Assert "2" Sane),
"5" `Thought` ((Assert "4" Insane `AND` Assert "ace" Insane)
`OR` (Assert "4" Sane `AND` Assert "ace" Sane)),
"6" `Thought` (Assert "ace" Sane `AND` Assert "2" Sane),
"7" `Thought` Assert "5" Insane,
"knave" `Thought` (Assert "6" Sane `AND` Assert "7" Sane)
main = mapM_ print numbers
knaves = concatMap (filter (\(n,_) -> n == "knave")) $ checkVariants ts names
find t = length $ filter (\(_,tt) -> t == tt) knaves
numbers = map (\t -> (t,find t)) [Insane, Sane, Usual]
- Программа выдает в этом случае
- (Insane,284)
- (Sane,4)
- (Usual,288)
- Варианты: S -> Sane, I -> Insane, U -> Usual
- [("2",S),("3",U),("4",I),("5",I),("6",I),("7",U),("ace",I),("knave",U)]
- [("2",S),("3",I),("4",U),("5",I),("6",S),("7",S),("ace",S),("knave",S)]
ghc --make knave.hs
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