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Last active March 7, 2020 15:13
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MacCormack scheme for riverbed variation model
let chart, worker;
let Z0, Q, B, n, s0, porosity, a, b, reachLength, simulationTime, delX, delT, delayMs, qsInjected;
let calculatedProfiles;
function updateGraph() {
if (worker != undefined) {
worker = new Worker('worker.js');
Z0 = document.getElementById("z0").valueAsNumber;
Q = document.getElementById("discharge").valueAsNumber;
B = document.getElementById("width").valueAsNumber;
n = document.getElementById("manningsn").valueAsNumber;
s0 = document.getElementById("bedslope").valueAsNumber;
porosity = document.getElementById("porosity").valueAsNumber;
a = document.getElementById("a").valueAsNumber;
b = document.getElementById("b").valueAsNumber;
reachLength = document.getElementById("reach").valueAsNumber;
simulationTime = document.getElementById("maxT").valueAsNumber;
delX = document.getElementById("delX").valueAsNumber;
delT = document.getElementById("delT").valueAsNumber;
delayMs = document.getElementById("delayMs").valueAsNumber;
let q0 = Q / B; let h0 = Math.pow(q0 * q0 * n * n / s0, 0.3);
qsInjected = document.getElementById("qsInjected").valueAsNumber * a * Math.pow(q0 / h0, b);
worker.onmessage = (event) => {
let data =;
if (data.msgType == 'progress') {
document.title = data.msgData;
} else {
profileCounter = 0;
calculatedProfiles = data.msgData;
let maxZ = findMaxZ(calculatedProfiles);
setTimeout(function repeat() {
profile = calculatedProfiles[profileCounter++];
if (profile != null) {
drawChart(profile, calculatedProfiles[0], maxZ);
setTimeout(repeat, delayMs);
}, delayMs);
Z0, Q, B, n, s0, porosity, a, b, reachLength, simulationTime, delX, delT, delayMs, qsInjected
function findMaxZ(calculatedProfiles) {
let maxZ = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < calculatedProfiles.length; i++) {
let profile = calculatedProfiles[i];
for (let j = 0; j < profile.x.length; j++) {
if (profile.z[j] > maxZ) {
maxZ = profile.z[j];
return maxZ;
function drawChart(profile, initialProfile,maxZ) {
let ctx = document.getElementById('chart').getContext('2d');
if (chart != undefined) {
chart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'line',
data: {
labels: profile.x,
datasets: [{
label: 'Bed level z (m)',
data: profile.z,
borderColor: ['rgba(25, 99, 132, 1)'],
borderWidth: 1,
fill: false,
pointRadius: 1
label: 'Initial bed level z (m)',
data: initialProfile.z,
borderColor: ['rgba(255, 99, 132, 1)'],
borderWidth: 1,
fill: false,
pointRadius: 1
}/* ,
label: 'Flow depth h (m)',
data: profile.h,
borderColor: ['rgba(255, 99, 132, 1)'],
borderWidth: 1,
fill: false,
pointRadius: 1
label: 'Specific discharge q',
data: profile.q,
borderColor: ['rgba(255, 99, 132, 1)'],
borderWidth: 1,
fill: false,
pointRadius: 1
} */]
options: {
animation: {
duration: 1
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
beginAtZero: false,
autoSkip: true,
min: Z0 - reachLength * s0,
max: maxZ
scaleLabel: {
display: true,
labelString: 'Meters (m)'
xAxes: [{
ticks: {
autoSkip: true,
min: 0,
max: reachLength
scaleLabel: {
display: true,
labelString: 'x (m)'
title: {
display: true,
text: profile.t + " s"
maintainAspectRatio: false,
responsive: false
<script src=""></script>
Riverbed Variation - Unsteady
<div id="chartDiv">
<canvas id="chart" width="1400" height="600" style="border:1px solid">
<label for="z0">Z0 (m)</label>
<input type="range" min=1 max=10000 value=50 class="slider" id="z0"
<label id="z0Val">50</label>
<label for="discharge">Discharge (cumecs)</label>
<input type="range" min=0 max=100 value=14 class="slider" id="discharge"
<label id="dischargeVal">14</label>
<label for="width">Width (m)</label>
<input type="range" min=1 max=100 value=23 class="slider" id="width"
<label id="widthVal">23</label>
<label for="manningsn">Manning's n</label>
<input type="range" min=0.0001 max=0.1 value=0.03 step=0.001 class="slider" id="manningsn"
<label id="manningsnVal">0.03</label>
<label for="porosity">Porosity</label>
<input type="range" min=0 max=1 value=0.4 step=0.1 class="slider" id="porosity"
<label id="porosityVal">0.4</label>
<label for="a">a</label>
<input type="range" min=0.0001 max=0.1 value=0.0015 step=0.0001 class="slider" id="a"
<label id="aVal">0.0015</label>
<label for="b">b</label>
<input type="range" min=1 max=10 value=5 class="slider" id="b"
<label id="bVal">5</label>
<label for="reach">Reachlength (m)</label>
<input type="range" min=0 max=10000 value=300 class="slider" id="reach" step=10
<label id="reachVal">300</label>
<label for="delX">delX (m)</label>
<input type="range" min=1 max=100 value=30 class="slider" id="delX"
<label id="delXVal">30</label>
<label for="maxT">Simulation time (s)</label>
<input type="range" min=1 max=10000 value=4000 class="slider" id="maxT"
<label id="maxTVal">4000</label>
<label for="delT">delT (s)</label>
<input type="range" min=1 max=1000 value=3 class="slider" id="delT"
<label id="delTVal">3</label>
<label for="bedslope">Bed slope</label>
<input type="range" min=0 max=0.5 value=0.00225 step=0.00001 class="slider" id="bedslope"
<label id="bedslopeVal">0.00225</label>
<label for="delayMs">Delay ms</label>
<input type="range" min=0 max=5000 value=0 class="slider" id="delayMs"
<label id="delayMsVal">0</label>
<label for="qsInjected">Injected multiple of normal sediment discharge</label>
<input type="range" min=0 max=5 value=2 step=0.1 class="slider" id="qsInjected"
<label id="qsInjectedVal">2</label>
<input type="button" value="Calculate" id="calculate" onClick="updateGraph()">
<script src="code.js"></script>
let reportCounter, timerId;
let Z0, Q, B, n, s0, porosity, a, b, reachLength, simulationTime, delX, delT, delayMs, qsInjected;
onmessage = function (ev) {
function compute(data) {
({ Z0, Q, B, n, s0, porosity, a, b, reachLength, simulationTime, delX, delT, delayMs, qsInjected } = data);//javascript destructuring FTW!
let profile = {
t: 0,
x: [],
z: [],
h: [],
q: []
let profiles = [];
let q0 = Q / B;
let h0 = Math.pow(q0 * q0 * n * n / s0, 0.3);
/*initialize boundary profile*/
profile.t = 0;
for (let x = 0; x <= reachLength + (simulationTime / delT + 1) * delX; x += delX) {
profile.z.push(Z0 - x * s0);
profiles.push(copyObject(profile)); //push finished profile to the profiles array
/*end initialization*/
for (let cnt = 0; cnt <= simulationTime / delT; cnt++) {
let currentProfile = copyObject(profiles[cnt]); //current profile is used to calculate future profiles
profile.t = (cnt + 1) * delT;
let suggested_delT = delX / (Math.sqrt(9.81 * currentProfile.h[0]) + currentProfile.q[0] / currentProfile.h[0]);
console.log("Suggested delT = " + suggested_delT + "\nUsing delT = " + delT);
if (suggested_delT < delT) {
console.log("Unstability warning @ !" + cnt * delT);
let hi_star, qi_star, zi_star, himinus1_star, qiminus1_star, ziminus1_star;
for (let i = 0; i <= Math.trunc(reachLength / delX + simulationTime / delT + 1); i++) {
//information simulationTime / delT * delX downstream of the downstream boundary is required for this scheme
hi_star = find_hi_star(currentProfile, i);
if (cnt > 0) {
qi_star = find_qi_star(currentProfile, i);
} else {
qi_star = q0;
if (cnt > 0) {
zi_star = find_zi_star(currentProfile, i, qi_star, hi_star);
} else {
zi_star = currentProfile.z[i] - 1 / (1 - porosity) * (qs(qi_star, hi_star, a, b) * hi_star / qi_star - 0) - delT / delX * 0
himinus1_star = find_himinus1_star(currentProfile, i);
if (cnt > 0) {
qiminus1_star = find_qiminus1_star(currentProfile, i);
} else {
qiminus1_star = q0;
if (cnt > 0) {
ziminus1_star = find_ziminus1_star(currentProfile, i, qiminus1_star, himinus1_star);
} else {
if (i == 0) {
ziminus1_star = currentProfile.z[0];
} else {
ziminus1_star = currentProfile.z[i - 1] - 1 / (1 - porosity) * (qs(qiminus1_star, himinus1_star, a, b) * himinus1_star / qiminus1_star - 0) - delT / delX * 0
let hi_star2 = hi_star - delT / delX * (qi_star - qiminus1_star);
let qi_star2;
if (cnt > 0) {
qi_star2 = qi_star - delT * 9.81 * i_e(qi_star, hi_star) * hi_star - delT / delX * (p(qi_star, hi_star) - p(qiminus1_star, himinus1_star) + (zi_star - ziminus1_star) * 9.81 * hi_star);
} else {
qi_star2 = q0;
let zi_star2 = zi_star - 1 / (1 - porosity) * (qs(qi_star2, hi_star2, a, b) * hi_star2 / qi_star2 - qs(qi_star, hi_star, a, b) * hi_star / qi_star) - delT / delX * (1 / (1 - porosity)) * (qs(qi_star, hi_star, a, b) - qs(qiminus1_star, himinus1_star, a, b));
//averaged result
let hi_kplus1 = (currentProfile.h[i] + hi_star2) / 2;
let qi_kplus1 = (currentProfile.q[i] + qi_star2) / 2;
let zi_kplus1 = (currentProfile.z[i] + zi_star2) / 2;
//console.log(hi_kplus1, qi_kplus1, zi_kplus1);
profile.x.push(i * delX);
reportBack({ msgType: 'progress', msgData: Math.round(profiles[cnt].t / simulationTime * 100) });
console.log('Calculation finished!');
//prune the profiles array
for (let i = 0; i < profiles.length; i++) {
let tmp = profiles[i];
let usefulLength = Math.trunc(reachLength / delX + 1);
tmp.x.length = usefulLength;
tmp.z.length = usefulLength;
tmp.h.length = usefulLength;
tmp.q.length = usefulLength;
reportBack({ msgType: 'data', msgData: profiles });
function reportBack(dataParcel) {
function copyObject(object) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object));
function p(q, h) {
return q * q / h + 0.5 * 9.81 * h * h;
function qs(q, h, a, b) {
return a * Math.pow(q / h, b);
function i_e(q, h) {//calculates energy slope
return q * q * n * n / Math.pow(h, 10 / 3);
function find_hi_star(profile, i) {
return profile.h[i] - delT / delX * (profile.q[i + 1] - profile.q[i]);
function find_qi_star(profile, i) {
return profile.q[i] - 9.81 * profile.h[i] * i_e(profile.q[i], profile.h[i]) * delT - delT / delX * (p(profile.q[i + 1], profile.h[i + 1]) - p(profile.q[i], profile.h[i]) + 9.81 * profile.h[i] * (profile.z[i + 1] - profile.z[i]));
function find_zi_star(profile, i, qi_star, hi_star) {
if (i > 0) {
return profile.z[i] - (1 / (1 - porosity)) * (qs(qi_star, hi_star, a, b) * hi_star / qi_star - qs(profile.q[i], profile.h[i], a, b) * profile.h[i] / profile.q[i]) - delT / delX * (1 / (1 - porosity)) * (qs(profile.q[i + 1], profile.h[i + 1], a, b) - qs(profile.q[i], profile.h[i], a, b));
} else if (i == 0) {
return profile.z[i] - (1 / (1 - porosity)) * (qsInjected * hi_star / qi_star - qsInjected * profile.h[i] / profile.q[i]) - delT / delX * (1 / (1 - porosity)) * (qs(profile.q[i + 1], profile.h[i + 1], a, b) - qsInjected);
function find_qiminus1_star(profile, i) {
if (i == 0) {
return profile.q[0];
} else {
return find_qi_star(profile, i - 1);
function find_himinus1_star(profile, i) {
if (i == 0) {
return profile.h[0];
} else {
return find_hi_star(profile, i - 1);
function find_ziminus1_star(profile, i, qiminus1_star, himinus1_star) {
if (i == 0) {
return profile.z[0] + delX * (profile.z[0] - profile.z[1]) / delX;
} else {
return find_zi_star(profile, i - 1, qiminus1_star, himinus1_star);
function clearProfile(profile) {
profile.x = [];
profile.h = [];
profile.q = [];
profile.z = [];
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