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Forked from BtbN/twitterfeed.php
Last active March 17, 2022 19:35
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Twitter JSON to RSS feed proxy for Twitter API 1.1
Via for the api auth.
Via for the formatting.
I updated it to do rss insteaed of atom.
$token = '';
$token_secret = '';
$consumer_key = '';
$consumer_secret = '';
$user_screen_name = '';
#region auth
$host = '';
$method = 'GET';
$path = '/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json'; // api call path
$query = array( // query parameters
'screen_name' => $twitter_name,
'count' => 20,
'exclude_replies' => 'true',
'tweet_mode' => 'extended',
'contributor_details' => 'false',
$oauth = array(
'oauth_consumer_key' => $consumer_key,
'oauth_token' => $token,
'oauth_nonce' => (string)mt_rand(), // a stronger nonce is recommended
'oauth_timestamp' => time(),
'oauth_signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1',
'oauth_version' => '1.0'
$oauth = array_map("rawurlencode", $oauth); // must be encoded before sorting
$query = array_map("rawurlencode", $query);
$arr = array_merge($oauth, $query); // combine the values THEN sort
asort($arr); // secondary sort (value)
ksort($arr); // primary sort (key)
// http_build_query automatically encodes, but our parameters
// are already encoded, and must be by this point, so we undo
// the encoding step
$querystring = urldecode(http_build_query($arr, '', '&'));
$url = "https://$host$path";
// mash everything together for the text to hash
$base_string = $method."&".rawurlencode($url)."&".rawurlencode($querystring);
// same with the key
$key = rawurlencode($consumer_secret)."&".rawurlencode($token_secret);
// generate the hash
$signature = rawurlencode(base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $base_string, $key, true)));
// this time we're using a normal GET query, and we're only encoding the query params
// (without the oauth params)
$url .= "?".http_build_query($query);
$url=str_replace("&amp;","&",$url); //Patch by @Frewuill
$oauth['oauth_signature'] = $signature; // don't want to abandon all that work!
ksort($oauth); // probably not necessary, but twitter's demo does it
// also not necessary, but twitter's demo does this too
function add_quotes($str) { return '"'.$str.'"'; }
$oauth = array_map("add_quotes", $oauth);
// this is the full value of the Authorization line
$auth = "OAuth " . urldecode(http_build_query($oauth, '', ', '));
// if you're doing post, you need to skip the GET building above
// and instead supply query parameters to CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS
$options = array( CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array("Authorization: $auth"),
//CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $postfields,
CURLOPT_URL => $url,
// do our business
$feed = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($feed, $options);
$json = curl_exec($feed);
//echo ('10 ' . $json . '<br />');
# endregion
$all = json_decode($json, true);
if (!$all)
echo 'Could not decode JSON response';
$updated = date(DATE_ATOM, strtotime($all[0]['created_at']));
header('Content-type: application/rss+xml; charset=UTF-8', true);
$image_url = $all[0]['user']['profile_image_url'];
<rss xmlns:media="" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:dc="" version="2.0">
<title>@<?php echo $user_screen_name ?> on Twitter</title>
<description>@<?php echo $user_screen_name ?> on Twitter</description>
<pubDate><?php echo date(DATE_RSS, strtotime($updated))?></pubDate>
<link><?php echo $user_screen_name ?></link>
<atom:link href="https://<?php echo $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]?>" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/>
<link><?php echo $user_screen_name ?></link>
<url><?php echo $image_url ?></url>
<title>@<?php echo $user_screen_name ?> on Twitter</title>
foreach($all as $row)
$id = $row['id_str'];
$text = $row['full_text'];
$is_retweet = isset($row['retweeted_status']);
$title = $row['retweeted_status']['full_text'];
$entry = "RT @" . $row['retweeted_status']['user']['screen_name'] . ": " . $row['retweeted_status']['full_text'];
} else {
$title = $text;
$entry = $text;
$expansion_target = $row;
$expansion_target = $row['retweeted_status'];
if(isset($expansion_target['entities']) and isset($expansion_target['entities']['urls']))
// expand URLs
$urls = $expansion_target['entities']['urls'];
foreach($urls as $url)
$url_orig = $url['url'];
$url_expanded = $url['expanded_url'];
// don't link twitter and youtube urls so reader can embed them.
if (preg_match("/\b(|||\b/i", $url_expanded)) {
$url_expanded_tagged = "<br /><br />" . $url_expanded;
} else {
$url_expanded_tagged = "<br /><br /><a href='$url_expanded'>$url_expanded</a>";
$title = str_replace($url_orig, "", $title);
$entry = str_replace($url_orig, $url_expanded_tagged, $entry);
if(isset($expansion_target['extended_entities']) and isset($expansion_target['extended_entities']['media']))
$media = $expansion_target['extended_entities']['media'];
foreach($media as $medium)
$medium_orig = $medium['url'];
$medium_raw = $medium['media_url_https'];
$medium_display = $medium['display_url'];
$medium_expanded = $medium['expanded_url'];
$medium_expanded_tagged = "<br /><br /><a href='$medium_expanded'><img src='$medium_raw'></img></a>";
$title = str_replace($medium_orig, "", $title);
$entry = str_replace($medium_orig, $medium_expanded_tagged, $entry);
$name = htmlspecialchars($row['user']['name']);
$screen_name = $row['user']['screen_name'];
$url = $row['user']['url'];
$profile_image_url = $row['user']['profile_image_url'];
$source = htmlspecialchars($row['source']);
//$entry = htmlspecialchars($entry);
$title = htmlspecialchars($title);
$created = date(DATE_ATOM, strtotime($row['created_at']));
// replace line breaks with spaces
$title = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $title));
// get first sentence
$title = preg_replace('/(.*?[?!.](?=\s|$)).*/', '\\1', $title);
// remove final period
$title = trim($title, '.');
<title><?php echo $title?></title>
<link><?php echo $screen_name?>/status/<?php echo $id?></link>
<![CDATA[ <?php echo $entry ?> ]]>
<pubDate><?php echo date(DATE_RSS, strtotime($created))?></pubDate>
<dc:creator><?php echo $name?></dc:creator>
<guid isPermaLink="false"><?php echo $screen_name?>/status/<?php echo $id?></guid>
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