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Created November 16, 2011 23:30
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JS: Helper for dealing with url vars/params in a string
Param Helper (Jed Verity 2011)
Given query = "?foo=bar&oof=rab":
query.param('foo') // 'bar'
query.param('oof') // 'rab'
query.param(1) // { key: 'foo', val: 'bar' }
query.param(2) // { key: 'oof', val: 'rab' }
query.param() // [{ key: 'foo, val: 'bar'}, { key: 'oof', val: 'rab' }]
query.param('foo', 'nobar') // '?foo=nobar2&oof=rab'
query.param('new') // null
query.param('new', 'arg') // '?foo=bar&oof=rab&new=arg'
Works the same if query = '#foo=bar&oof=rab' or query = '&foo=bar&oof=rab'
String.prototype.param = function(key, value) {
var index = parseInt(key, 10),
re = index || !key ? '([^=]*)' : key,
restr = '[?#&]' + re + '=([^&]*)',
reobj = RegExp(restr, index || !key ? "g" : ''),
match = this.match(reobj),
result = null,
new_val, obj, stage;
if ( match && !value ) {
if (index || !key) {
obj = [];
stage = index ? [match[index-1]] : match;
for (var i = 0; i < stage.length; i++) {
new_val = stage[i].match(restr);
obj.push({key: new_val[1], val: new_val[2]});
result = !key ? obj : obj[0];
} else {
result = decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
} else if ( value ) {
new_val = '&' + key + '=' + value;
result = match ? this.replace(match[0], new_val) : (this + new_val) ;
return result;
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