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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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Dispatch decorators for Flux
* Dispatch decorators for Flux (using ES2016 via Babel stage 1)
* There are some nice things about this:
* 1. Action types are specified at design time.
* 2. Any method's return value can be dispatched by prepending the decorator, without breaking up method definition itself.
* 3. Easier testing of action creator methods by forcing return value + simpler mocking of dispatch.
* 4. Easier grokking of all actions attached to a given class.
let dispatch = ( ACTION ) => {
return function( target, key, descriptor ) {
let method = descriptor.value;
descriptor.value = function( ...args ) {
let result = target, ...args );
myDispatchFn( ACTION, result );
return result;
return descriptor;
class MyClass {
@dispatch( 'SOME-ACTION-TYPE' )
someActionCreator( someArg ) {
// possibly some other logic in here
return { someKey: 'someValue' };
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