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Created August 17, 2020 03:51
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(* Standard ML of New Jersey v110.91 *)
(* Function application for reducing parens a la Haskell *)
infix 3 $
fun f $ x = f x
fun curry f x y = f (x, y)
(* List Helpers *)
fun filter f = List.filter f
fun range (n, m) = if n <= m then n :: range (n + 1, m) else []
fun adjacentPairs [] = []
| adjacentPairs xs = (xs, tl xs)
fun takeWhile _ [] = []
| takeWhile f (x :: xs) = if f x then x :: takeWhile f xs else []
fun strides _ [] = []
| strides eq xs =
let val stride = takeWhile (curry eq $ hd xs) xs
in stride :: strides eq (List.drop (xs, length stride)) end
fun compress _ [] = []
| compress eq xs =
map (fn ys => (hd ys, length ys)) $ strides eq xs
(* Int Manipulation Helpers *)
val forceParseInt = Option.valOf o Int.fromString
val explodeInt =
map (forceParseInt o Char.toString) o String.explode o Int.toString
val implodeInt =
concat o map Int.toString
fun withDigits f = f o explodeInt
(* Predicate Logic and Filters *)
infix 5 /\
fun p /\ q = (fn x => p x andalso q x)
fun monotonicDigits i = withDigits (List.all op<= o adjacentPairs) i
fun identicalAdjacentPair i = withDigits (List.exists op= o adjacentPairs) i
fun identicalAdjacentPairOnly i =
let fun isPairCount (_, 2) = true
| isPairCount _ = false
in withDigits (List.exists isPairCount o compress op=) i end
(* Solvers *)
fun solvePart1 () =
let val values = range (172930, 683082)
val pred = monotonicDigits /\ identicalAdjacentPair
val results = filter pred values
in (length results, results) end
fun solvePart2 () =
let val values = range (172930, 683082)
val pred = monotonicDigits /\ identicalAdjacentPairOnly
val results = filter pred values
in (length results, results) end
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