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Created August 17, 2020 03:54
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(* Standard ML of New Jersey v110.91 *)
structure Cont = SMLofNJ.Cont
type 'a cont = 'a Cont.cont
val callcc = Cont.callcc
val throw = Cont.throw
(* Function application for reducing parens a la Haskell *)
infix 3 $
fun f $ x = f x
val stdout = TextIO.stdOut
val stderr = TextIO.stdErr
val stdin = TextIO.stdIn
val removeNewline = String.translate (fn c => if c = #"\n" then "" else String.str c)
fun writeOut ending pipe s = (TextIO.output (pipe, s ^ ending); TextIO.flushOut pipe)
val write = writeOut "" stdout
val print = writeOut "\n" stdout
val printConcat = print o concat
val printErr = writeOut "\n" stderr
val printErrConcat = printErr o concat
fun readUserInput prompt = (writeOut "" stdout prompt; ( removeNewline o TextIO.inputLine) stdin)
fun withFile filename f =
let val fstrm = TextIO.openIn filename
val out = f fstrm
in TextIO.closeIn fstrm; out end
type intinf =
fun id x = x
fun curry f x y = f (x, y)
fun uncurry f (x, y) = f x y
val forceParseInt = Option.valOf o Int.fromString
val forceParseIntInf = Option.valOf o IntInf.fromString
fun pairToString f g (a, b) = concat ["(", f a, ", ", g b, ")"]
val intPairToString = pairToString Int.toString Int.toString
val explodeInt = map (forceParseInt o Char.toString) o String.explode o Int.toString
fun lpad n p xs = if length xs < n then p :: lpad (n - 1) p xs else xs
fun enumerate xs =
let fun helper i [] = []
| helper i (x :: xs) = (x, i) :: helper (i + 1) xs
in helper 0 xs end
fun takeWhile _ [] = []
| takeWhile f (x :: xs) = if f x then x :: takeWhile f xs else []
fun strides _ [] = []
| strides eq xs =
let val stride = takeWhile (curry eq $ hd xs) xs
in stride :: strides eq (List.drop (xs, length stride)) end
structure ListUtil =
fun isPrefix [] ys = true
| isPrefix xs [] = false
| isPrefix (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = if x = y then isPrefix xs ys else false
fun extract (xs, n, NONE) = List.drop (xs, n)
| extract (xs, n, SOME l) = List.take (List.drop (xs, n), l)
fun indexOf xss xs =
let fun find i cc [] = NONE
| find i [] c = SOME 0
| find i cc c = if isPrefix cc c then SOME i else find (i + 1) cc (tl c)
in find 0 xss xs end
fun split xss xs =
case indexOf xss xs of
NONE => [xs]
| SOME idx =>
let val element = extract (xs, 0, SOME idx)
val rest = extract (xs, idx + length xss, NONE)
in element :: split xss rest end
fun replaceAll xss' xss xs =
case indexOf xss xs of
NONE => xs
| SOME idx =>
let val element = extract (xs, 0, SOME idx)
val rest = extract (xs, idx + length xss, NONE)
in element @ xss' @ replaceAll xss' xss rest end
fun flatten xs = List.foldl op@ [] xs
signature HEAP =
type 'a heap
val make : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a heap
val get : intinf -> 'a heap -> 'a
val set : intinf -> 'a heap -> 'a -> unit
val size : 'a heap -> int
val fromList : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a heap
val toList : 'a heap -> 'a list
infix 7 lmodi ldivi
fun op ldivi (a : intinf, b : int) = IntInf.div (a, Int.toLarge b)
fun op lmodi (a : intinf, b : int) = IntInf.mod (a, Int.toLarge b)
structure IntInfUtil =
val explodeIntInf =
map (forceParseIntInf o String.str) o String.explode o IntInf.toString
structure IntMap = BinaryMapFn (struct
type ord_key = intinf
val compare =
type 'v intmap = 'v
structure Heap :> HEAP =
structure M = IntMap
(* store, allocator, size *)
type 'a heap = 'a ref intmap ref * (unit -> 'a) * int ref
fun make alloc = (ref M.empty, alloc, ref 0)
fun get loc (h, alloc, c) =
case M.find (! h, loc) of
SOME rv => ! rv
| NONE =>
let val default = alloc ()
in (h := M.insert (! h, loc, ref default); c := !c + 1; default) end
fun set loc (h, alloc, c) v =
case M.find (! h, loc) of
SOME rv => rv := v
| NONE => (h := M.insert (! h, loc, ref v); c := !c + 1)
fun size (_, _, c) = ! c
fun fromList alloc xs =
let fun createEntry ((x, i), m) =
M.insert (m, Int.toLarge i, ref x)
val store = List.foldl createEntry M.empty $ enumerate xs
in (ref store, alloc, ref $ length xs) end
fun toList ((h, _, _) : 'a heap) : 'a list = map op! $ M.listItems (! h)
type 'a heap = 'a Heap.heap
signature INTCODE =
type internal_state
val initialProgramState : intinf list -> internal_state
val defaultHandlers : string option -> (unit -> unit) * (string option cont -> 'a) * (string * unit cont -> 'b)
val interpret : intinf list -> intinf heap
val interpretLowLevel : (unit -> string option) * (string -> unit) -> internal_state -> intinf heap
val interpretWithHandlers : (unit -> string option) * (string -> unit) -> intinf list -> intinf heap
val interpretUnsafe : (unit -> unit) * (string option cont -> 'a) * (string * unit cont -> 'b) -> internal_state -> intinf heap
(* Basic Intcode Interpreter *)
structure Intcode :> INTCODE =
open IntInfUtil
exception Halt
exception GetInput of string option cont
exception SendOutput of string * unit cont
exception Unhandled
exception UnknownMode of int
exception UnknownOpCode of int
datatype evalmode = POSITION | IMMEDIATE | RELATIVE
(* Program Counter, Heap, Relative Base *)
type internal_state = intinf ref * intinf heap * intinf ref
type withmode = evalmode * intinf
datatype instruction =
| Add of withmode * withmode * withmode
| Mul of withmode * withmode * withmode
| Input of withmode
| Output of withmode
| JumpIfTrue of withmode * withmode
| JumpIfFalse of withmode * withmode
| LessThan of withmode * withmode * withmode
| Equals of withmode * withmode * withmode
| Adjust of withmode
val toLarge = Int.toLarge
val fromLarge = Int.fromLarge
fun evalmode_toString POSITION = "POS"
| evalmode_toString IMMEDIATE = "IMM"
| evalmode_toString RELATIVE = "REL"
fun parseInstr (pc : intinf) (heap : intinf heap) : instruction =
let fun getMode 0 = POSITION
| getMode 1 = IMMEDIATE
| getMode 2 = RELATIVE
| getMode n = raise UnknownMode n
fun get d = Heap.get (pc + toLarge d) heap
fun getAll ds = map get ds
val (modeint, opcode) = let val x = fromLarge $ get 0 in (x div 100, x mod 100) end
val modes = rev o lpad 3 1 o lpad 2 0 o explodeInt $ modeint
val modes = Vector.fromList o getMode $ modes
fun getWithMode d = (Vector.sub (modes, d - 1), get d)
fun collectTernary pcon = pcon (getWithMode 1, getWithMode 2, getWithMode 3)
fun collectBinary pcon = pcon (getWithMode 1, getWithMode 2)
case opcode of
1 => collectTernary Add
| 2 => collectTernary Mul
| 3 => Input $ getWithMode 1
| 4 => Output $ getWithMode 1
| 5 => collectBinary JumpIfTrue
| 6 => collectBinary JumpIfFalse
| 7 => collectTernary LessThan
| 8 => collectTernary Equals
| 9 => Adjust $ getWithMode 1
| 99 => HaltProgram
| c => raise UnknownOpCode c
fun eval (pcref, heap, relbase) =
let fun get l = Heap.get l heap
fun set l v = Heap.set l heap v
fun deriveLocation (IMMEDIATE, c) = c
| deriveLocation (POSITION, l) = l
| deriveLocation (RELATIVE, d) = !relbase + d
fun derive (IMMEDIATE, c) = c
| derive (POSITION , l) = get l
| derive (RELATIVE , d) = get $ !relbase + d
val pc = ! pcref
fun adv n = (pcref := pc + n; eval (pcref, heap, relbase))
fun jmp l = (pcref := l ; eval (pcref, heap, relbase))
case parseInstr pc heap of
Add (in1, in2, out) => (
set $ deriveLocation out $ derive in1 + derive in2;
adv 4
| Mul (in1, in2, out) => (
set $ deriveLocation out $ derive in1 * derive in2;
adv 4
| Input out => (
let val c = callcc (fn k => raise GetInput k)
in set (deriveLocation out) o Option.valOf o forceParseIntInf $ c end;
adv 2
| Output src => (
let val s = IntInf.toString $ derive src
in callcc (fn k => raise SendOutput (s, k)) end;
adv 2
| JumpIfTrue (cond, loc) =>
if derive cond <> 0 then (jmp o derive) loc
else adv 3
| JumpIfFalse (cond, loc) =>
if derive cond = 0 then (jmp o derive) loc
else adv 3
| LessThan (c1, c2, out) => (
set (deriveLocation out) (if derive c1 < derive c2 then 1 else 0);
adv 4
| Equals (c1, c2, out) => (
set (deriveLocation out) (if derive c1 = derive c2 then 1 else 0);
adv 4
| Adjust adj => (
relbase := !relbase + derive adj;
adv 2
| HaltProgram => raise Halt
fun defaultHandlers promptOpt =
let val prompt = Option.getOpt (promptOpt, "Enter Input: ")
val inputHdlr = (fn k => throw k $ readUserInput prompt)
val outputHdlr = (fn (s, k) => (print s; throw k ()))
in (fn () => (), inputHdlr, outputHdlr) end
fun initialProgramState program =
(ref $ toLarge 0, Heap.fromList (fn () => toLarge 0) program, ref $ toLarge 0)
fun interpretUnsafe (onHalt, onInput, onOutput) (pc, heap, relbase) =
eval (pc, heap, relbase)
handle Halt => (onHalt (); heap)
| GetInput k => (onInput k; raise Unhandled)
| SendOutput (s, k) => (onOutput (s, k); raise Unhandled)
fun interpretLowLevel (i, out) (pc, heap, relbase) =
interpretUnsafe (id, (fn k => throw k $ i ()), (fn (s, k) => (out s; throw k ()))) (pc, heap, relbase)
fun interpretWithHandlers (i, out) program =
interpretLowLevel (i, out) $ initialProgramState program
fun interpret program =
interpretWithHandlers (fn () => readUserInput "Enter Input: ", print) program
structure IntPairKey = struct
type ord_key = int * int
fun compare ((a, b), (x, y)) =
(* Sorting by descending y first
since it doesn't affect semantics
and makes printing easier for part 2
case ( (y, b), (a, x)) of
(EQUAL, ord) => ord
| (ord, _) => ord
structure IntPairMap = BinaryMapFn (IntPairKey)
structure IntPairSet = BinarySetFn (IntPairKey)
structure IPM = IntPairMap
structure IPS = IntPairSet
type 'a intpairmap = 'a
type intpairset = IntPairSet.set
fun attemptDequeue q = (SOME $ Queue.dequeue q) handle Queue.Dequeue => NONE
structure PathFinder =
datatype action = FORWARD | LEFT | RIGHT
datatype orientation = NORTH | SOUTH | EAST | WEST
type position = int * int
datatype state = State of { facing : orientation, pos : position, path : action list, visitLimits : int intpairmap, seen : intpairset }
type stateq = state Queue.queue
fun makeState (d : orientation, p : position, pth : action list, v : int intpairmap, seen : intpairset) =
State { facing = d, pos = p, path = pth, visitLimits = v, seen = seen }
fun rotateLeft NORTH = WEST
| rotateLeft WEST = SOUTH
| rotateLeft SOUTH = EAST
| rotateLeft EAST = NORTH
fun rotateRight NORTH = EAST
| rotateRight EAST = SOUTH
| rotateRight SOUTH = WEST
| rotateRight WEST = NORTH
fun moveForward NORTH (r, c) = (r - 1, c)
| moveForward SOUTH (r, c) = (r + 1, c)
| moveForward EAST (r, c) = (r, c + 1)
| moveForward WEST (r, c) = (r, c - 1)
fun applyActions d (r, c) [] = (d, r, c)
| applyActions d (r, c) (act :: acts) =
case act of
FORWARD => applyActions d (moveForward d (r, c)) acts
| LEFT => applyActions (rotateLeft d) (r, c) acts
| RIGHT => applyActions (rotateRight d) (r, c) acts
fun findPaths (positions : ((int * int) * char) list) (intersections : (int * int) list) =
let val [robotPosition] = map (#1) o List.filter (curry op= #"^" o (#2)) $ positions
val scaffolds = map (#1) o List.filter (curry op= #"#" o (#2)) $ positions
val intersectionSet = List.foldl IPS.add' IPS.empty intersections
val scaffoldSet = List.foldl IPS.add' IPS.empty scaffolds
val scaffoldVisitLimitMap = List.foldl (fn (p, m) =>
let val limit = if IPS.member (intersectionSet, p) then 2 else 1
in IPM.insert (m, p, limit) end
) IPM.empty scaffolds
fun isValidPath path seen =
let val diff = IPS.difference (scaffoldSet, seen)
in IPS.isEmpty diff end
(* Returns (direction and new location, actions to get there) pairs *)
fun getPotentialActions (State { facing, pos, visitLimits, ... }) =
let fun canVisit (_, r, c) =
case IPM.find (visitLimits, (r, c)) of
NONE => false
| SOME n => n > 0
val possibleActions = [
val around = map (fn acts => applyActions facing pos acts) possibleActions
val around = (around, possibleActions)
val around = List.filter (canVisit o (#1)) around
in around end
fun dfs (st as State { facing, pos, path, visitLimits, seen }, k : action list option cont) : action list option =
let val actions = getPotentialActions st
fun actionToState ((d, r, c), acts) =
let val (SOME n) = IPM.find (visitLimits, (r, c))
val visitLimits' = IPM.insert (visitLimits, (r, c), n - 1)
in makeState (d, (r, c), rev acts @ path, visitLimits', IPS.add (seen, (r, c))) end
case map actionToState actions of
[] => if isValidPath path seen then throw k (SOME (rev path)) else ()
| states => (fn st => ignore $ dfs (st, k)) states;
val initialState = makeState (NORTH, robotPosition, [], scaffoldVisitLimitMap, IPS.empty)
val (SOME path) = callcc (fn k => dfs (initialState, k))
val grouped = strides op= path
fun toProgram [] = []
| toProgram ([RIGHT] :: xs) = "R" :: toProgram xs
| toProgram ([LEFT] :: xs) = "L" :: toProgram xs
| toProgram (ms :: xs) = Int.toString (length ms) :: toProgram xs
in toProgram grouped end
structure ASCII =
structure M = IntPairMap
exception SignalUnknown of int
fun make rountinesOpt =
let exception Impossible
val asciiCont : (unit -> (int * unit cont) cont) ref = ref (fn () => raise Impossible)
val routineCont : (unit -> string option cont cont) ref = ref (fn () => raise Impossible)
fun onInput k = throw $ (! routineCont) () $ k
fun onOutput (s, k) = throw $ (! asciiCont) () $ (forceParseInt s, k)
val locationMap : char intpairmap ref = ref M.empty
val lines : char list list ref = ref [[]]
val row : int ref = ref 0
val col : int ref = ref 0
val dust : int ref = ref 0
fun getLines () = let val ls = rev o map rev $ (!lines) in map String.implode ls end
fun getState () = (!locationMap, getLines (), !dust)
fun setCont k = asciiCont := (fn () => k)
fun setRoutineCont k = routineCont := (fn () => k)
fun consume ch =
let val (loc as (r, c)) = (!row, !col)
val (ln :: lns) = !lines
val ln' = ch :: ln
val lns' = ln' :: lns
locationMap := M.insert (!locationMap, loc, ch);
col := c + 1;
case Char.ord ch of
10 => (lines := ([] :: lns'); row := r + 1; col := 0)
| _ => lines := lns'
fun checkpointAndCall setk k v =
callcc (fn continue => (setk continue; throw k v))
fun cameraServer (ord, k) =
let val _ = consume $ Char.chr ord handle Char => if !dust = 0 then (dust := ord) else raise Char
in cameraServer $ checkpointAndCall setCont k () end
fun routineServer [] k = raise Impossible
| routineServer (r :: rs) k =
let fun subserver [] k = routineServer rs k
| subserver (c :: cs) k = subserver cs $ checkpointAndCall setRoutineCont k (SOME o Int.toString $ Char.ord c)
val cs = String.explode (String.concatWith "," r) @ [Char.chr 10]
in subserver cs k end
fun spinUp (setk, server) k = server $ callcc (fn continue => (setk continue; throw k ()))
callcc $ spinUp (setCont, cameraServer);
callcc $ spinUp (setRoutineCont, routineServer $ Option.getOpt (rountinesOpt, []));
(onInput, onOutput, getState)
fun splitIntoRoutines maxSize xs =
let open ListUtil
datatype state = State of { progs : string list list, remaining : string list, depth : int }
fun depthRequiredBFS d q k =
case attemptDequeue q of
NONE => ()
| SOME (State { progs, remaining, depth }) => (
case (depth = d, length remaining = 0) of
(true, true) => throw k $ SOME progs
| (false, true) => ()
| (true, false) => ()
| _ =>
fun makeStates n =
if n >= maxSize orelse n > length remaining then []
let val newProg = extract (remaining, 0, SOME n)
val remaining' = flatten $ split newProg remaining
val st = State { progs = newProg :: progs, remaining = remaining', depth = depth + 1 }
in st :: makeStates (n + 1) end
in (fn st => Queue.enqueue (q, st)) $ makeStates 2 end;
depthRequiredBFS d q k
val initialState = State { progs = [], remaining = xs, depth = 0 }
val initialQueue : state Queue.queue = Queue.mkQueue ()
val _ = Queue.enqueue (initialQueue, initialState)
val r = callcc (fn k => (depthRequiredBFS 3 initialQueue k; NONE))
in r end
(* Entry Functions *)
fun withInput fOpt f =
let val filename = Option.getOpt (fOpt, "../../inputs/")
val rawInput = withFile filename (Option.valOf o TextIO.inputLine)
val isDelim = curry op= #","
val tokenized = map forceParseIntInf o String.tokens isDelim $ rawInput
in f tokenized end
fun part1 fOpt = withInput fOpt (fn program => (
let val state = Intcode.initialProgramState program
val (_, outputHdlr, getState) = ASCII.make NONE
val (haltHdlr, inputHdlr, _) = Intcode.defaultHandlers NONE
val hdlrs = (haltHdlr, inputHdlr, outputHdlr)
val heap = Intcode.interpretUnsafe hdlrs state
val (writes, lines, _) = getState ()
fun isIntersection (x, y) =
let val checks = [(x - 1, y), (x + 1, y), (x, y - 1), (x, y + 1)]
val opts = map (curry IPM.find $ writes) checks
val chars = map (fn opt => Option.getOpt (opt, #" ")) opts
in List.all (curry op= #"#") chars end
val scaffolds = List.filter (curry op= #"#" o (#2)) $ IPM.listItemsi writes
val intersections = List.filter isIntersection $ map (#1) scaffolds
val parameters = map op* intersections
val sum = List.foldl op+ 0 parameters
val _ = print o concat $ lines
in (intersections, sum, getState ()) end
fun part2 fOpt = withInput fOpt (fn program => (
let val program = 2 :: tl program
val state = Intcode.initialProgramState program
val (intersections, _, (writes, _, _)) = part1 fOpt
val positions = IPM.listItemsi writes
val fullRoutine = PathFinder.findPaths positions intersections
val SOME [a, b, c] = splitIntoRoutines 11 fullRoutine
val reduced = ListUtil.replaceAll ["A"] a fullRoutine
val reduced = ListUtil.replaceAll ["B"] b reduced
val reduced = ListUtil.replaceAll ["C"] c reduced
val (inputHdlr, outputHdlr, getState) = ASCII.make $ SOME ([reduced, a, b, c, ["n"]])
val (haltHdlr, _, _) = Intcode.defaultHandlers NONE
val hdlrs = (haltHdlr, inputHdlr, outputHdlr)
val state = Intcode.initialProgramState program
val heap = Intcode.interpretUnsafe hdlrs state
val (_, _, dust) = getState ()
in (fullRoutine, [a, b, c], reduced, dust) end
fun main ((name, args) : string * string list) : unit =
let fun exec "part1" x =
let val (_, ans, _) = part1 x
in print $ Int.toString ans end
| exec "part2" x =
let val (_, _, _, ans) = part2 x
in print $ Int.toString ans end
| exec s _ = raise Fail $ concat ["Invalid part, must be part1 or part2"]
case args of
[part, file] => exec part $ SOME file
| [part] => exec part $ NONE
| _ => raise Fail $ concat ["usage: ", name, " part [infile]"]
handle Fail s => (printErr s; OS.Process.exit(OS.Process.failure))
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