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Last active August 10, 2017 14:01
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Basic example of using rspec_api_documentation
require 'acceptance_helper'
resource 'Posts' do
explanation 'Posts are entities holding some text information.
They can be created and seen by anyone'
post '/posts' do
with_options scope: :post do
parameter :title, 'Title of a post. Can be empty'
parameter :body, 'Main text of a post. Must be longer than 10 letters', required: true
response_field :id, 'Id of the created post'
response_field :title, 'Title of the created post'
response_field :body, 'Main text of the created post'
header 'Accept', 'application/json'
header 'Content-Type', 'application/json'
let(:title) { 'Foo' }
let(:body) { 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet' }
example_request 'Creating a post' do
explanation 'You can create a post by sending its body text and an optional title'
expect(status).to eq 201
response = JSON.parse(response_body)
expect(response['title']).to eq title
expect(response['body']).to eq body
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