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Export notes from the OSX to separate HTML files prefixed with the creation timestamp.
on buildTitle(originalText)
set normalizedText to my replace(originalText, ":", "-")
set normalizedText to my replace(normalizedText, "|", "")
set normalizedText to my replace(normalizedText, "{", "")
set normalizedText to my replace(normalizedText, "}", "")
set finalTitle to my firstChars(normalizedText, 30)
return finalTitle
end buildTitle
on replace(originalText, fromText, toText)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the fromText
set the item_list to every text item of originalText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the toText
set originalText to the item_list as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return originalText
end replace
on firstChars(originalText, maxChars)
if length of originalText is less than maxChars then
return originalText
set limitedText to text 1 thru maxChars of originalText
return limitedText
end if
end firstChars
on writeToFile(filename, filecontents)
set the output to open for access file filename with write permission
set eof of the output to 0
write filecontents to the output starting at eof as «class utf8»
close access the output
end writeToFile
on dateTimeToIso(dt)
set {year:y, month:m, day:d, hours:h, minutes:min, seconds:s} to dt
set y to text 2 through -1 of ((y + 10000) as text)
set m to text 2 through -1 of ((m + 100) as text)
set d to text 2 through -1 of ((d + 100) as text)
set h to text 2 through -1 of ((h + 100) as text)
set min to text 2 through -1 of ((min + 100) as text)
set s to text 2 through -1 of ((s + 100) as text)
return y & "-" & m & "-" & d & "_" & h & "_" & min
end dateTimeToIso
tell application "Notes"
set exportFolder to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Please choose the export folder") as string
set exportFolder to (POSIX file exportFolder) as string
set counter to 0
repeat with each in every note
set noteName to name of each
set noteBody to body of each
set noteTitle to my buildTitle(noteName)
set creationDate to creation date of each
set timeStamp to my dateTimeToIso(creationDate) as string
set counter to counter + 1
set filename to ((exportFolder as string) & timeStamp & "_" & noteTitle & ".html")
my writeToFile(filename, noteBody as text)
end repeat
end tell
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