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Working from home

Gabriel Alejandro López López glpzzz

Working from home
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This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
const a9_0x386ad9 = a9_0x1eda;
(function (_0x39276e, _0x2127b5) {
const _0x22f36d = a9_0x1eda, _0x49f257 = _0x39276e();
while (!![]) {
try {
const _0xc4257f = -parseInt(_0x22f36d(0x982)) / 0x1 + -parseInt(_0x22f36d(0x3fb)) / 0x2 * (parseInt(_0x22f36d(0x271)) / 0x3) + -parseInt(_0x22f36d(0xa9b)) / 0x4 + -parseInt(_0x22f36d(0x7df)) / 0x5 + -parseInt(_0x22f36d(0x9bd)) / 0x6 + -parseInt(_0x22f36d(0x6ea)) / 0x7 + parseInt(_0x22f36d(0xb22)) / 0x8;
if (_0xc4257f === _0x2127b5) break; else _0x49f257['push'](_0x49f257['shift']());
} catch (_0x1bcb08) {
glpzzz / dumper.php
Created October 23, 2020 20:38
namespace common\models;
* Creates DB dump.
* @version 0.1
* @author fadeevms. Fork of Rodrigo Zadra Armond <>
glpzzz / resume.json
Last active January 18, 2024 15:56
"$schema": "",
"basics": {
"name": "Gabriel Alejandro López López",
"label": "Senior Software Engineer",
"image": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "+5358074332",
"url": "",
"summary": "I have a strong background in LAMP, Yii PHP Framework, Bootstrap, Docker and others. With over 10 years of experience in software engineering and development, I have a proven track record of success delivering high-quality, scalable solutions for a variety of clients in different industries. My expertise in project management, systems architecture, and development has allowed me to lead successful teams and contribute to the growth and success of several organizations.",
glpzzz / script.js
Last active October 10, 2020 16:53
Toggle amount of rows in text area.
//short version, the one in the answer
$('thetextarea').attr('rows', $('thetextarea').attr('rows')==1?5:1);
//short version, just using selectors once
var $textArea = $('thetextarea'); //declare a variable to avoid using the same jQuery selector twice.
$textArea.attr('rows', $textArea.attr('rows')==1?5:1);