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Created August 22, 2015 21:41
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My Clojure solution for Dijkstra's 'dining philosophers' problem
;; Philosophers sitting around a table, one chopstick per person.
;; Dijkstra's "dining philosophers" problem.
(let [logger (agent nil)]
(defn log [& args]
(send-off logger #(apply println %2) args)))
(defn philosophers
"Returns a vector of philosophers with the given names, each having a
chopstick on their left and right. A chopstick contains a reference to the
philosopher who is currently using it, or nil if it is not being used."
(let [chopsticks (repeatedly (count names) #(ref nil))
pairs (map vec (partition 2 1 (cycle chopsticks)))]
(mapv #(hash-map :name %1 :chopsticks %2)
(defn can-eat? [philo]
(every? nil? (map deref (:chopsticks philo))))
(defn eating? [philo]
(every? #(= philo %) (map deref (:chopsticks philo))))
(defn eat [philo]
(when (can-eat? philo)
(doseq [user (:chopsticks philo)] (ref-set user philo))
(log (:name philo) "is now eating"))))
(defn think [philo]
(when (eating? philo)
(doseq [user (:chopsticks philo)] (ref-set user nil))
(log (:name philo) "stops eating and thinks some more"))))
(defn begin-feast
"Begins a feast for a table of philosophers with the given names. Starts
futures that run indefinitely; returns these futures to make it possible
to cancel the feast."
(doall (for [p (philosophers names)]
(while true
(if (eating? p)
(think p)
(eat p))
(Thread/sleep (+ 1000 (rand-int 2000))))))))
(defn end-feast
"Takes a collection of philosopher-futures and cancels them all."
(doseq [f futures] (future-cancel f)))
;; Luxemburg
;; Wittgenstein Leibniz
;; Shelley Chomsky
(def fs (begin-feast ["Luxemburg" "Wittgenstein" "Shelley" "Chomsky" "Leibniz"]))
; to cancel:
; (end-feast fs)
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