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Created February 8, 2014 18:15
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Wrapper around vspec to support simple benchmarks
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Usage: vbench [non_standard_runtimepaths ...] input_script [reference_output]
# 'vbench' is a wrapper around vspec that adds benchmarking capabilities.
# vbench runs a test script, just like vspec. When the test script follows the
# convention of outputting a time measurement alongside a successful test
# result, in the following format,
# ok 1 - Test case outputs time measurement
# # (0.234)
# then vbench understands the # line as a benchmark time measurement. vbench
# can compare these measurements with those from an earlier run, and show the
# difference +/- between runs.
# Example. (a) Run test script like vspec, (b) run and save reference
# measurements, (c) compare new measurements with reference measurements.
# $ vbench ~/.vim/bundle/vspec t/string.vim
# $ vbench ~/.vim/bundle/vspec t/string.vim > string_ref
# $ vbench ~/.vim/bundle/vspec t/string.vim string_ref
use v5.14;
use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);
use strict;
use warnings;
my $okline = qr/^ok \d+ - (.*)$/;
my $timeline = qr/^# \((\d+.\d+)\)$/;
my @rtps;
my $inputscript;
my $refoutput;
# This is simple: if the last arg ends in '.vim' it's the test script.
if (@ARGV > 0 and $ARGV[-1] =~ /\.vim$/) {
@rtps = @ARGV[0 .. $#ARGV-1];
$inputscript = $ARGV[-1];
$refoutput = '/dev/null';
elsif (@ARGV > 1 and $ARGV[-2] =~ /\.vim$/) {
@rtps = @ARGV[0 .. $#ARGV-2];
$inputscript = $ARGV[-2];
$refoutput = $ARGV[-1];
else {
say "Usage: $0 [non_standard_runtimepaths ...] input_script [reference_output]";
exit 1;
my $cmd = "vspec " . (join ' ', @rtps) . " $inputscript";
# The pipe has the :crlf IO layer because vspec output may have line
# endings that look like CRLF line endings.
open my $vspec, '-|:crlf', $cmd or die "Can't start vspec";
open my $ref, '<', $refoutput or die "Can't open reference file";
sub get_reftimes {
my %reftimes;
my $key;
for my $line (<$ref>) {
given ($line) {
when (/$okline/) { $key = $1 }
when (defined $key and /$timeline/) {
$reftimes{$key} = $1;
$key = undef;
default { $key = undef }
return %reftimes;
sub minus_string {
my ($time, $reftime) = @_;
return sprintf("-%.1f%% (%.3f)", (1.0 - $time/$reftime) * 100, $reftime);
sub plus_string {
my ($time, $reftime) = @_;
return sprintf("+%.1f%% (%.3f)", ($time/$reftime - 1.0) * 100, $reftime);
# main
my %reftimes = get_reftimes();
my $key;
while (my $line = <$vspec>) {
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /$okline/) {
$key = $1;
say "$line";
elsif (defined $key and $line =~ /$timeline/ and defined $reftimes{$key}) {
my $reftime = $reftimes{$key};
my $tolerance = $reftime * 0.015;
if ($reftime - $tolerance > $1) {
say "$line ", GREEN, minus_string($1, $reftime), RESET;
elsif ($reftime + $tolerance < $1) {
say "$line ", RED, plus_string($1, $reftime), RESET;
elsif ($reftime > $1) {
say "$line ", YELLOW, minus_string($1, $reftime), RESET;
else {
say "$line ", YELLOW, plus_string($1, $reftime), RESET;
$key = undef;
else {
$key = undef;
say "$line";
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