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Last active November 23, 2022 10:14
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Shiny CRUD
# Get table metadata. For now, just the fields
# Further development: also define field types
# and create inputs generically
GetTableMetadata <- function() {
fields <- c(id = "Id",
name = "Name",
used_shiny = "Used Shiny",
r_num_years = "R Years")
result <- list(fields = fields)
return (result)
# Find the next ID of a new record
# (in mysql, this could be done by an incremental index)
GetNextId <- function() {
if (exists("responses") && nrow(responses) > 0) {
max(as.integer(rownames(responses))) + 1
} else {
return (1)
CreateData <- function(data) {
data <- CastData(data)
rownames(data) <- GetNextId()
if (exists("responses")) {
responses <<- rbind(responses, data)
} else {
responses <<- data
ReadData <- function() {
if (exists("responses")) {
UpdateData <- function(data) {
data <- CastData(data)
responses[row.names(responses) == row.names(data), ] <<- data
DeleteData <- function(data) {
responses <<- responses[row.names(responses) != unname(data["id"]), ]
# Cast from Inputs to a one-row data.frame
CastData <- function(data) {
datar <- data.frame(name = data["name"],
used_shiny = as.logical(data["used_shiny"]),
r_num_years = as.integer(data["r_num_years"]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(datar) <- data["id"]
return (datar)
# Return an empty, new record
CreateDefaultRecord <- function() {
mydefault <- CastData(list(id = "0", name = "", used_shiny = FALSE, r_num_years = 2))
return (mydefault)
# Fill the input fields with the values of the selected record in the table
UpdateInputs <- function(data, session) {
updateTextInput(session, "id", value = unname(rownames(data)))
updateTextInput(session, "name", value = unname(data["name"]))
updateCheckboxInput(session, "used_shiny", value = as.logical(data["used_shiny"]))
updateSliderInput(session, "r_num_years", value = as.integer(data["r_num_years"]))
ui <- fluidPage(
#use shiny js to disable the ID field
#data table
DT::dataTableOutput("responses", width = 300),
#input fields
shinyjs::disabled(textInput("id", "Id", "0")),
textInput("name", "Name", ""),
checkboxInput("used_shiny", "Used Shiny", FALSE),
sliderInput("r_num_years", "R Years", 0, 25, 2, ticks = FALSE),
#action buttons
actionButton("submit", "Submit"),
actionButton("new", "New"),
actionButton("delete", "Delete")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# input fields are treated as a group
formData <- reactive({
sapply(names(GetTableMetadata()$fields), function(x) input[[x]])
# Click "Submit" button -> save data
observeEvent(input$submit, {
if (input$id != "0") {
} else {
UpdateInputs(CreateDefaultRecord(), session)
}, priority = 1)
# Press "New" button -> display empty record
observeEvent(input$new, {
UpdateInputs(CreateDefaultRecord(), session)
# Press "Delete" button -> delete from data
observeEvent(input$delete, {
UpdateInputs(CreateDefaultRecord(), session)
}, priority = 1)
# Select row in table -> show details in inputs
observeEvent(input$responses_rows_selected, {
if (length(input$responses_rows_selected) > 0) {
data <- ReadData()[input$responses_rows_selected, ]
UpdateInputs(data, session)
# display table
output$responses <- DT::renderDataTable({
#update after submit is clicked
#update after delete is clicked
}, server = FALSE, selection = "single",
colnames = unname(GetTableMetadata()$fields)[-1]
# Shiny app with 3 fields that the user can submit data for
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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philibe commented Mar 25, 2019

Thank you for this gist and your article on ipub about grouped fields by sapply().

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der-lu commented Jan 3, 2020

hey. nice shiny app..

im searching exactly something like this for my crud based DB app. Can you guve some assistance in changung the code for saving the data locally?

thx :)

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Harish2f commented Jun 2, 2020

Nice one. Does this support persistent data storage?

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Harish2f commented Jun 2, 2020

How could we integrate with MySQL to use persistent data storage

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TarJae commented Aug 9, 2020

Thank you. Very helpful!

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