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Forked from robinsmidsrod/
Created December 11, 2015 09:26
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Save gluk64/506cadb49b98c6b8836e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
json-logger: A practical script to capture multiline output from e.g. cron jobs into a single logstash JSON event

Can be used in crontab like this:

# m h  dom mon dow   command
0    * * * * /home/portfolio/portfolio/bin/                2> >(json-logger -ep pf_session)                | json-logger -p pf_session
0    2 * * * /home/portfolio/portfolio/bin/ 2> >(json-logger -ep pf_purge_deleted_messages) | json-logger -p pf_purge_deleted_messages
0,30 * * * * /home/portfolio/portfolio/bin/      2> >(json-logger -ep pf_expire_page_views)      | json-logger -p pf_expire_page_views

I would suggest you put it in /usr/bin to avoid having to setup your PATH variable.

This is what you need of config in Logstash to capture the events generated by json-logger:

input {
    tcp {
        type   => 'json-logger'
        port   => 3517
        format => "json_event"

You can of course also use the UDP input, but then your events are limited to 8K because of the UDP packet size limitation.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2012 Robin Smidsrød <>
# Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself
use strict;
use warnings;
use Encode qw(decode FB_QUIET);
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Getopt::Long::Descriptive qw(describe_options);
use JSON qw(decode_json encode_json);
use DateTime;
use File::Slurp qw(read_file);
my ($opt, $usage) = describe_options(
"json-logger %o",
[ 'config|f=s', "default: /etc/json-logger/json-logger.json",
{ default => '/etc/json-logger/json-logger.json' } ],
[ 'encoding|c=s', "input encoding (input-encoding) default: utf-8" ],
[ 'mimetype|m=s', "input mimetype (input-mimetype) default: text/plain" ],
[ 'is-stderr|e', "event is error output default: false" ],
[ 'timezone|z=s', "event timezone (event-timezone) default: UTC" ],
[ 'type|t=s', "event type (event-type) default: json-logger" ],
[ 'tags|g=s@', "event tags (event-tags) default: none" ],
[ 'program|p=s', "event program default: json-logger",
{ default => 'json-logger' } ],
[ 'send-empty|y', "send empty events (send-empty) default: false" ],
[ 'server|s=s', "server to emit to (server) default:" ],
[ 'port|o=i', "port to emit to (port) default: 3517" ],
[ 'protocol|l=s', "sending protocol (protocol) default: tcp" ],
[ 'help|h', "bring up this help message" ],
# Exit immediately if help requested
if ( $opt->help ) {
print STDERR $usage->text;
print STDERR "\nThe words in parenthesis are the JSON config file keys.\n";
exit 1; # indicate error to caller
# Fetch the start timestamp
my $start_epoch = time();
# Read in config file
my $conf = -r $opt->config
? decode_json( read_file( $opt->config ) )
: {};
# Generate a timestamp in the requested timezone
my $tz = $opt->timezone || $conf->{'event-timezone'} || 'UTC';
my $start_ts = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $start_epoch, time_zone => $tz );
# Figure out what protocol to use
my $protocol = $opt->protocol || $conf->{'protocol'} || 'tcp';
# Figure out what type of event to emit
my $event_type = $opt->type || $conf->{'event-type'} || 'json-logger';
# Figure out what type of tags to attach to event
my $event_tags = $opt->tags || $conf->{'event-tags'} || [];
# Figure out what encoding to use for input data
my $input_encoding = $opt->encoding || $conf->{'input-encoding'} || 'utf-8';
# Figure out what content type our input is
my $mimetype = $opt->mimetype || $conf->{'input-mimetype'} || 'text/plain';
# Figure out hostname to use
my $source_host = qx(hostname);
chomp $source_host;
# Get network settings
my $server = $opt->server || $conf->{'server'} || '';
my $port = $opt->port || $conf->{'port'} || 3517;
# Set up some kind of @source variable
my $source = "$protocol://$server:$port/client/$source_host/" . $opt->program;
my $source_path = "/client/$source_host/" . $opt->program;
# Slurp in all lines of output and try to decode it according to input-encoding
# Silently convert broken input
my $input = "";
$input .= $_ while <>;
chomp $input;
$input = decode($input_encoding, $input, FB_QUIET);
# Deal with empty output from program, exit if unwanted
my $is_empty = 0;
if ( length $input == 0 ) {
if ( $opt->send_empty ) {
$input = "Program <" . $opt->program . "> produced no output";
$is_empty = 1;
else {
# Create socket for transmission of event
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerAddr => $server,
PeerPort => $port,
Proto => $protocol,
Timeout => 10,
# Calculate end timestamp and duration
my $end_epoch = time();
my $end_ts = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $end_epoch, time_zone => $tz );
my $duration = $end_epoch - $start_epoch;
# Encode JSON
my $json = encode_json({
'@timestamp' => $end_ts->strftime('%FT%T.%9N%z'),
'@message' => $input,
'@type' => $event_type,
'@tags' => $event_tags,
'@source' => $source,
'@source_path' => $source_path,
'@source_host' => $source_host,
'@fields' => {
'started_at' => $start_ts->strftime('%FT%T.%6N%z'),
'duration' => 0 + $duration,
'program' => $opt->program,
'fd' => ( $opt->is_stderr ? 'stderr' : 'stdout' ),
'mimetype' => $mimetype,
( $is_empty ? ( 'empty' => JSON::true ) : () ),
# Send to socket if available
if ( $sock ) {
# Crash and burn on STDERR if socket failed
print STDERR "Unable to send JSON event to $protocol://$server:$port/: $!\n";
print STDERR "$json\n";
exit 1;
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