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Last active January 10, 2019 00:37
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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
namespace GeoEngine
public class OffsetExistenceIndex
public const int ChunkSize = sizeof(long) * 8; // Размер элемента буфера (количество бит в Int64)
public const int AbsChunkSize = ChunkSize - 1;
public static readonly int ChunkSizeCubeRoot = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Pow(ChunkSize, 1.0 / 3.0));
public readonly Offset3 Size; // Размеры буфера
public readonly Offset3 Zero; // Центр пространства
public long[,,] Data;
public OffsetExistenceIndex(int SizeX, int SizeY, int SizeZ)
int x = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)SizeX / (double)ChunkSizeCubeRoot);
int y = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)SizeY / (double)ChunkSizeCubeRoot);
int z = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)SizeZ / (double)ChunkSizeCubeRoot);
if (x < 2) x = 2;
if (y < 2) y = 2;
if (z < 2) z = 2;
Size = new Offset3(x, y, z);
Zero = new Offset3(x / 2, y / 2, z / 2);
Data = new long[x, y, z];
public void Set(int x, int y, int z, bool bit)
Position posX = new Position(x);
Position posY = new Position(y);
Position posZ = new Position(z);
long chunk = GetChunk(posX.index, posY.index, posZ.index);
int offset = GetOffset(posX.offset, posY.offset, posZ.offset);
if (bit)
chunk |= 1L << offset; // Заполняем бит
chunk &= ~(1L << offset); // Зануляем бит
SetChunk(posX.index, posY.index, posZ.index, chunk);
public void Set(Offset3 offset, bool bit)
Set(offset.x, offset.y, offset.z, bit);
public bool Get(int x, int y, int z)
Position posX = new Position(x);
Position posY = new Position(y);
Position posZ = new Position(z);
long chunk = GetChunk(posX.index, posY.index, posZ.index);
int offset = GetOffset(posX.offset, posY.offset, posZ.offset);
bool b = (chunk & (1L << offset)) != 0;
return b;
public bool Get(Offset3 offset)
return Get(offset.x, offset.y, offset.z);
private long GetChunk(int x, int y, int z)
x += Zero.x;
y += Zero.y;
z += Zero.z;
if (x >= 0 &&
y >= 0 &&
z >= 0 &&
x < Data.GetLength(0) &&
y < Data.GetLength(1) &&
z < Data.GetLength(2))
return Data[x, y, z];
return 0;
private void SetChunk(int x, int y, int z, long chunk)
x += Zero.x;
y += Zero.y;
z += Zero.z;
if (x >= 0 &&
y >= 0 &&
z >= 0 &&
x < Data.GetLength(0) &&
y < Data.GetLength(1) &&
z < Data.GetLength(2))
Data[x, y, z] = chunk;
private int GetOffset(int offsetX, int offsetY, int offsetZ)
return offsetX * ChunkSizeCubeRoot * ChunkSizeCubeRoot + offsetY * ChunkSizeCubeRoot + offsetZ;
struct Position
public int index;
public int offset;
public Position(int n)
offset = n % ChunkSizeCubeRoot;
index = (n - offset) / ChunkSizeCubeRoot;
if (n < 0)
offset += ChunkSizeCubeRoot - 1;
public int GetCount()
long count = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < Data.GetLength(0); x++)
for (int y = 0; y < Data.GetLength(1); y++)
for (int z = 0; z < Data.GetLength(2); z++)
long chunk = Data[x, y, z];
char[] ch = Convert.ToString(chunk, 2).ToCharArray();
foreach (char c in ch)
if (c == '1') count++;
/*int bits = 0;
if (chunk < 0) chunk = -chunk;
while (chunk > 0)
count += chunk & 1L;
chunk >>= 1;
count += ChunkSize - bits - 1;*/
return (int)count;
public void Clear()
Data = null;
Data = new long[Size.x, Size.y, Size.z];
public static void Test()
static void MainTest()
Dictionary<Offset3, int> Control = new Dictionary<Offset3, int>();
Dictionary<Offset3, int> Control2 = new Dictionary<Offset3, int>();
Dictionary<Offset3, int> Control3 = new Dictionary<Offset3, int>();
Dictionary<Offset3, int> Control4 = new Dictionary<Offset3, int>();
FastOffsetDictionary<Offset3, int> Concept = new FastOffsetDictionary<Offset3, int>(new Offset3(200, 200, 200));
FastOffsetDictionary<Offset3, int> Concept2 = new FastOffsetDictionary<Offset3, int>(new Offset3(200, 200, 200));
FastOffsetDictionary<Offset3, int> Concept3 = new FastOffsetDictionary<Offset3, int>(new Offset3(200, 200, 200));
FastOffsetDictionary<Offset3, int> Concept4 = new FastOffsetDictionary<Offset3, int>(new Offset3(200, 200, 200));
for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++)
int x = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-99, 99);
int y = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-99, 99);
int z = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-99, 99);
Offset3 Key = new Offset3(x, y, z);
if (i < 5000)
if (!Control.ContainsKey(Key)) Control.Add(Key, i);
if (!Concept.ContainsKey(Key)) Concept.Add(Key, i);
if (i < 10000)
if (!Control2.ContainsKey(Key)) Control2.Add(Key, i);
if (!Concept2.ContainsKey(Key)) Concept2.Add(Key, i);
if (i < 15000)
if (!Control3.ContainsKey(Key)) Control3.Add(Key, i);
if (!Concept3.ContainsKey(Key)) Concept3.Add(Key, i);
if (!Control4.ContainsKey(Key)) Control4.Add(Key, i);
if (!Concept4.ContainsKey(Key)) Concept4.Add(Key, i);
// Датасеты в дефолтных словарях
Dictionary<Offset3, int>[] A = new Dictionary<Offset3, int>[] { Control, Control2, Control3, Control4 };
// Обертки дефолтных словарей с 1-битным 3D-индексом
FastOffsetDictionary<Offset3, int>[] B = new FastOffsetDictionary<Offset3, int>[] { Concept, Concept2, Concept3, Concept4 };
int control_count = 0;
int concept_count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < A.Length; i++)
TimeMachine.Start("contains_" + i);
foreach (KeyValuePair<Offset3, int> Pair in A[i])
if (A[i].ContainsKey(Pair.Key)) control_count++;
TimeMachine.Stop("contains_" + i);
TimeMachine.Start("contains_" + i + "_new");
foreach (KeyValuePair<Offset3, int> Pair in A[i])
if (B[i].ContainsKey(Pair.Key)) concept_count++;
TimeMachine.Stop("contains_" + i + "_new");
Debug.Log(control_count + " vs " + concept_count);
static void TestPosition()
Position pos;
for (int i = -100000; i < 0; i++)
pos = new Position(i);
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
pos = new Position(i);
static void FindAllSets(OffsetExistenceIndex OEX)
for (int x = 0; x < OEX.Data.GetLength(0); x++)
for (int y = 0; y < OEX.Data.GetLength(1); y++)
for (int z = 0; z < OEX.Data.GetLength(2); z++)
if (OEX.Data[x, y, z] != 0)
Debug.Log(string.Format("FindAllSets: {0},{1},{2} - {3}", x, y, z, OEX.Data[x, y, z]));
// Демка для похожести синтаксиса в тестах
public class FastOffsetDictionary<TKey, TValue> where TKey : IOffset // Все Offset3 можно заменить на TKey и получится универсал
private Dictionary<TKey, TValue> Data;
private OffsetExistenceIndex Index;
public TValue this[TKey key]
return Data[key];
Data[key] = value;
public int Count { get { return Data.Count; } }
public int IndexCount { get { return Index.GetCount(); } }
public FastOffsetDictionary(Offset3 size)
Data = new Dictionary<TKey, TValue>();
Index = new OffsetExistenceIndex(size.x, size.y, size.z);
public bool ContainsKey(TKey key)
return Index.Get(key.AsOffset3());
public void Add(TKey key, TValue value)
Data.Add(key, value);
Index.Set(key.AsOffset3(), true);
public bool Remove(TKey key)
if (Data.Remove(key))
Index.Set(key.AsOffset3(), false);
return true;
return false;
public void Clear()
public Dictionary<TKey, TValue> GetData()
return Data;
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