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Last active January 22, 2018 18:23
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  • Save gluxon/8c01acc39d8037b214fc35f4bbb48b0e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gluxon/8c01acc39d8037b214fc35f4bbb48b0e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
  1. Select Custom Test Case for Test Case Type
  2. Paste the following bash script. Modify testFunction, testArguments, and testAssertion appropriately.
testAssertion="(ref-approx-=? student reference 0.001)"
# Optional extra message, could be used to display info about the test case

# Get first file with .rkt extension.
studentAnswersFile="$(ls | grep ".rkt" | head -n 1)"
stdinToGenericTester="\"$studentAnswersFile\"\n$testFunction\n(list $testArguments)\n$testMessage\n(lambda (student reference) $testAssertion)\n"
RESULT=`echo -e $stdinToGenericTester | plt-r5rs genericTester.scm 2>> DEBUG`
# Treat the last line of the output as a fake exit status
EXITSTATUS=`echo "$RESULT" | tail -n 1`

# every student has to include the pledge in their code
pledge="I confirm that my submitted solutions are the result of my own intellectual effort, and comply with the 1729 honor code and the UConn standards for academic integrity"
# Check if pledge appears in stends answer file
if grep -q "$pledge" $studentAnswersFile ; then
  if [ $EXITSTATUS = "#t" ] ; then
    echo "true" > OUTPUT
    echo "false" > OUTPUT
  echo "Error: Statement to uphold 1729 honor code was not found." >> DEBUG
  echo "false"> OUTPUT
  1. Upload two files: genericTester.scm and referenceSolution.scm. A copy of genericTester.scm can be found below. referenceSolution.scm should be the perfect solution.
; Generic scheme function output comparison
; (Last modified 1/17/18)
; This file attempts to automate test running. To use it, zip it with the
; perfect code "referenceSolution.scm" and upload to Mimir.

(define (testEntry)
  (define student-answers-file (read (current-input-port)))
  (define test-function (read (current-input-port)))
  (define test-arguments (read (current-input-port)))
  (define test-extra-message (read (current-input-port)))
  (display "Testing function: " (current-error-port))
  (display test-function (current-error-port))
  (display "\n" (current-error-port))
  (if (not (eq? test-extra-message ""))
      (begin (display test-extra-message (current-error-port))
             (display "\n" (current-error-port))))
  ; Load student solution and grab their answer
  (load student-answers-file)
  (define student-out
    (apply (eval test-function (interaction-environment))
           (eval test-arguments (interaction-environment))))

  ; Load our solution and grab our answer.
  (load "referenceSolution.scm")
  (define reference-out
    (apply (eval test-function (interaction-environment))
           (eval test-arguments (interaction-environment))))

  ; test-assertion should be a lambda we can pass student-out and reference-out
  ; to. Ex: "(lambda (student reference) (< (abs (- student reference)) 0.0001))
  (define test-assertion (read (current-input-port)))

  (newline) ; ensure only #t or #f is the last line
  (display ((eval test-assertion (interaction-environment)) student-out reference-out))

(define (ref-bool-equal? a b)
  ; tests whether a and b have same truth value
  ; double negation forces true thing to be #t
  ; useful for boolean functions
  (not (not (or (and a b)(and (not a)(not b))))))

(define (ref-approx-=? a b tol)
  ; tests whether a is within tol of b
  ; a, b, and tol are numbers
  ; useful for floats
  (< (abs (- a b)) tol))

(define (ref-general-equal? x y)  ;; works for numbers, strings, symbols, lists
  (cond ((eq? x y) #t)
        ((and (number? x)(number? y))
        (= x y))
        ((and (string? x)(string? y))
         (string=? x y))
        ((and (pair? x)(pair? y))
         (and (ref-general-equal? (car x)(car y))
              (ref-general-equal? (cdr x)(cdr y))))

(define (ref-general-member? x y)
  (cond ((null? y) #f)
        ((ref-general-equal? x (car y))
         (ref-general-member? x (cdr y)))))

(define (ref-remove-one x lst)
   (cond ((null? lst) lst)
         ((ref-general-equal? x (car lst))
          (cdr lst))
          (cons (car lst)(ref-remove-one x (cdr lst))))))

(define (ref-permutation? x y)
  (cond ((null? x)(null? y))
        ((null? y) #f)
        ((ref-general-member? (car x) y)
         (ref-permutation? (cdr x)(ref-remove-one (car x) y)))
        (else #f)))


;; some useful (?) comparison functions
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