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Last active December 22, 2018 07:46
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import csv
from ldif3 import LDIFParser
from pprint import pprint
def main():
Used to read ldif dumped from an AWS Simple AD and report on disabled accounts.
How it works
Read an ldif record and extract given name, surname and account control flag:
userAccountControl: 66048
the second from the right when you convert *userAccountControl* to binary:
['Mouse', 'Mickey', '1', '10000001000000010']
indicates that the account is disabled as in the one above. A zero in that position indicates that the account is enabled.
['Duck', 'Donald', '0', '10000001000000000']
The values on the bit array are documented here:
csv_file = 'users.csv'
ldif_file = 'users.ldif'
parser = LDIFParser(open(ldif_file, 'rb'))
with open(csv_file, 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
fieldnames = ['surname', 'given_name', 'accountDisabled']
spamwriter = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, delimiter=',', fieldnames=fieldnames,
quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
for dn, entry in parser.parse():
gn = entry.get('givenName')
sn = entry.get('sn')
ac = entry.get('userAccountControl')
if gn != None and sn != None:
account_status = ac[0]
ac_i = int(account_status)
ac_b = '{:b}'.format(ac_i)
surname = sn[0]
given_name = gn[0]
account_disabled = ac_b[-2]
pprint([surname, given_name, account_disabled, ac_b ])
spamwriter.writerow({'surname': surname, 'given_name': given_name, 'accountDisabled': account_disabled} )
if __name__ == "__main__":
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