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Created November 21, 2018 21:22
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* Convert a series of TIFF files given on the command line to pages in
* a single PDF
if ($argc < 3) {
echo ('Convert a series of TIFF images as individual pages in a PDF');
echo ("\n".'Usage: php -f pdf_convert.php <output name> <input 1> <input 2> ...');
// Get file names from command line
$output_file = $argv[1];
$input_files = array();
for ($i = 2; $i < $argc; ++$i) {
$input_files[] = $argv[$i];
// Initialize PDF File
$pdf = new PDFLib();
if ($pdf->begin_document('', '') == 0) {
die('Error: '.PDF_get_errmsg($pdf));
// For each of the input images, load them, create an 8.5" x 11" page, place them as
// the full page, and then close the page
foreach ($input_files as $in_file) {
echo ('Now processing '.$in_file.'...'."\n");
$pdf->begin_page_ext(612, 792, '');
$image = $pdf->load_image('auto', $in_file, '');
$pdf->fit_image($image, 0, 0, 'boxsize {612 792} fitmethod meet');
$raw_pdf = $pdf->get_buffer();
file_put_contents($output_file, $raw_pdf);
echo ('Done!'."\n");
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