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Last active December 13, 2015 22:19
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Save gmanricks/4983362 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Hi Joe, This is what worked for me, hope it helps

#Installing Laravel 4

###Step 1 Download the zip archive from Laravel Downloads Click the ZIP for the 4.0 Version

###Step 2 Extract the Archive into your fortrabbit folder and run composer install.

###Step 3 Make sure that in Fortrabbit you have the composer trigger turned on under the Git settings tab.

###Step 4 Add all files to Git and in the commit message put "[trigger:composer]" this will make Fortrabbit install all the dependencies.

###Step 5 (if step 4 didn't help) If your Laravel folder is in a sub-directory (e.g. fortrabbit/apps/laravel ) or something like that, then the composer trigger won't work and you'll have to do it manually, Just get the SSH credentials from the SSH tab on Fortrabbit and login to the server, then open htdocs/wherever-the-folder-is/ and run composer install

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