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Created May 15, 2015 18:09
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Do Values Grow on Trees?: The Expression Integrity Metric
;; The code implementing the expression integrity metric presented in
;; Do Values Grow on Trees?: Expression Integrity in Functional Programming
;; Guillaume Marceau, Kathi Fisler, Shriram Krishnamurthi
;; SIGCSE International Computing Education Research Workshop, 2011
(define (A* base-case generate-subs v)
(define memo (make-hash))
(let loop ([v v] [prev-best +inf.0])
(cond [(base-case v) => identity]
[(hash-ref memo v #f) => identity]
[(= prev-best 0) #f]
(let ()
(define subs (generate-subs v))
(define-values (result found)
(for/fold ([prev-best prev-best] [found #f]) ([sub subs])
(match-define (list sub-v sub-cost) sub)
(define result (loop sub-v (- prev-best sub-cost)))
(if result
(values (min (+ result sub-cost) prev-best) #t)
(values prev-best found))))
(when found (hash-set! memo v result))
(and found result))])))
(test 'A*
(define (base-case v) (and (integer? v) v))
(define (recursive-case v) (map (lambda (i) (list i 1)) v))
(check-equal? (A* base-case recursive-case
'((8 9) ((1 2 (0 (0)) 3 4) 3) (((1 2 (0 (0)) 3 4) 3) 0 6)))
(define (amount-of-unbalancing shape)
(define (find-first-bad-match shape)
(ormap (lambda (b) (and (regexp-match (regexp-quote b) shape) b)) bad-matches))
(define (find-first-good-match shape)
(ormap (lambda (g) (and (regexp-match? g shape) g)) good-matches))
(define (base-case shape)
(cond [(equal? shape "") 0]
[(and (not (find-first-good-match shape)) (not (find-first-bad-match shape)))
(string-length shape)]
[else #f]))
(define (recursive-case shape)
(cond [(find-first-good-match shape)
(lambda (g) (list (list (regexp-replace g shape "") 0)))]
[(find-first-bad-match shape)
(lambda (match)
(for/list ([sub (list ""
(string (string-ref match 0))
(string (string-ref match 1)))])
(list (regexp-replace (regexp-quote match) shape sub) 1)))]))
(inexact->exact (A* base-case recursive-case shape)))
(test 'amount-of-unbalancing
(check-equal? (amount-of-unbalancing "()[((())){{{}}}]") 0)
(check-equal? (amount-of-unbalancing "()[))){{{}}}]") 3)
(check-equal? (amount-of-unbalancing "([[[)((") 5)
(check-equal? (amount-of-unbalancing "){)()[]{}[}[") 4)
(check-equal? (amount-of-unbalancing "([)") 1)
(check-equal? (amount-of-unbalancing "(])") 1)
(check-equal? (amount-of-unbalancing "([)") 1)
(check-equal? (amount-of-unbalancing "(])") 1)
(check-equal? (amount-of-unbalancing "(][)") 2) ;; assumption here: nobody puts parentheses backward by mistake
(check-equal? (amount-of-unbalancing "(]))") 2)
(check-equal? (amount-of-unbalancing "([))") 1))
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