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Save gmarceau/2f419ef3a8951971cd8f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
structure of the code follows structure of the data
// loadtweets.js: exports init function, which loads tweets from ./tweets folder into tweet_collection global variable.
var fs = require('fs');
var _und = require('./underscore-min')._;
tweet_collection = [];
function Tweet(diskTweet, donor) {
// if encapsulated RT, act on retweeted_status value instead of entire tweet
if (tweet_json.retweeted_status) {
tweet_json = tweet_json.retweeted_status
_und.extend(this, tweet_json);
this.created_at = new Date(this.created_at);
this.donors = [];
// console.log(this.id_str + " donated by " + this.donors);
function parseDiskTweet(disktweet, donor)
return new Tweet(tweet, donor);
function parseDiskTweets(diskTweets, donor)
{ (t) { return diskTweets(t, donor) }, parseDiskTweet);
function parseDiskTweetsFileContent(content, donor)
var diskTweets = JSON.parse(content.substring(fileContents.indexOf("[")));
function parseDiskTweetFile(filename, callback, donor)
fs.readFile(file, 'utf8', function(err, fileContents) { // Read in file and pass to callback
if (err) {
else if (fileContents.substr(0,9) !== "Grailbird") { // If the file is not valid, skip and notify.
console.log("-- File " + file + " was not a valid Grailbird data file and was skipped.");
callback([]); // Still call back an empty array so it's accounted for.
callback(parseDiskTweetsFileContent(fileContent, donor));
function parseDirectory(dirname)
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