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Forked from zaach/
Created February 8, 2021 19:11
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New Jison 0.3 features

Some improvements have been made for parser and lexer grammars in Jison 0.3 (demonstrated in the FlooP/BlooP example below.)

For lexers:

  • Patterns may use unquoted characters instead of strings
  • Two new options, %options flex case-insensitive
  • flex: the rule with the longest match is used, and no word boundary patterns are added
  • case-insensitive: all patterns are case insensitive
  • User code section is included in the generated module

For parsers:

  • Arrow syntax for semantic actions
  • EBNF syntax (enabled using the %ebnf declaration)
  • Operators include repetition (*), non-empty repetition (+), grouping (()), alternation within groups (|), and option (?)
  • User code section and code blocks are included in the generated module

Also, Robert Plummer has created a PHP port of Jison's parser.

See the grammar below for more examples.

ID [A-Z-]+"?"?
NUM ([1-9][0-9]+|[0-9])
%options flex case-insensitive
\s+ /* ignore */
{NUM} return 'NUMBER'
BLOCK return 'BLOCK'
BEGIN return 'BEGIN'
CELL return 'CELL'
IF return 'IF'
THEN return 'THEN'
LOOP return 'LOOP'
"MU-LOOP" return yy.bloop ? 'INVALID' : 'MU_LOOP'
AT return 'AT'
MOST return 'MOST'
TIMES return 'TIMES'
ABORT return 'ABORT'
END return 'END'
QUIT return 'QUIT'
AND return 'AND'
YES return 'YES'
NO return 'NO'
{ID} return 'IDENT'
"." return '.'
"''" return 'QUOTE'
"[" return '['
"]" return ']'
"(" return '('
")" return ')'
"{" return '{'
"}" return '}'
":" return ':'
";" return ';'
"," return ','
"+" return '+'
"*" return '*'
"×" return '*' //non-ascii
"<=" return '<='
"⇐" return '<=' //non-ascii
"<" return '<'
">" return '>'
"=" return '='
<<EOF>> return 'EOF'
. return 'INVALID'
/* BlooP and FlooP parser - */
/* Code blocks are inserted at the top of the generated module. */
var ast = require('./ast'),
Program = ast.Program,
ProcedureStmt = ast.ProcedureStmt,
BlockStmt = ast.BlockStmt,
LoopStmt = ast.LoopStmt,
MuLoopStmt = ast.MuLoopStmt,
NumberLit = ast.NumberLit,
BooleanLit = ast.BooleanLit,
OutputExpr = ast.OutputExpr,
Identifier = ast.Identifier,
CellExpr = ast.CellExpr,
PlusExpr = ast.PlusExpr,
TimesExpr = ast.TimesExpr,
ApplyExpr = ast.ApplyExpr,
LessCond = ast.LessCond,
GreaterCond = ast.GreaterCond,
GreaterCond = ast.GreaterCond,
EqualCond = ast.EqualCond,
CompoundCond = ast.CompoundCond,
AssignStmt = ast.AssignStmt,
IfThenStmt = ast.IfThenStmt,
QuitStmt = ast.QuitStmt,
AbortStmt = ast.AbortStmt;
%nonassoc '+'
%nonassoc '*'
/* enable EBNF grammar syntax */
: procedure* EOF
{ return Program({},$1) }
: DEFINE PROCEDURE QUOTE IDENT QUOTE '[' (identifier ',')* identifier? ']' ':' block '.'
-> ProcedureStmt({name:$4},[$7.concat([$8]),$11])
: BLOCK NUMBER ':' BEGIN (statement ';')+ BLOCK NUMBER ':' END
-> BlockStmt({id: $2},$5)
: cell '<=' expression -> AssignStmt({}, [$1, $3])
| output '<=' expression -> AssignStmt({}, [$1, $3])
| LOOP (AT MOST)? expression TIMES ':' block -> LoopStmt({}, [$3, $6])
| MU_LOOP ':' block -> MuLoopStmt({}, [$3])
| IF condition ',' THEN ':' (statement | block) -> IfThenStmt({}, [$2, $6])
| QUIT BLOCK NUMBER -> QuitStmt({id: $3})
| ABORT LOOP NUMBER -> AbortStmt({id: $3})
: expression
| expression '<' expression -> LessCond({}, [$1, $3])
| expression '>' expression -> GreaterCond({}, [$1, $3])
| expression '=' expression -> EqualCond({}, [$1, $3])
| '{' condition AND condition '}' -> CompoundCond({}, [$1, $3])
: NUMBER -> NumberLit({value: $1}, [])
| identifier
| IDENT '[' (expression ',')* expression? ']' -> ApplyExpr({name:$1}, $3.concat([$4]))
| cell
| output
| NO -> BooleanLit({value: false}, [])
| YES -> BooleanLit({value: true}, [])
| expression '+' expression -> PlusExpr({}, [$1, $3])
| expression '*' expression -> TimesExpr({}, [$1, $3])
: OUTPUT -> OutputExpr({},[])
: CELL '(' NUMBER ')' -> CellExpr({id: $3})
: IDENT -> Identifier({value: $1})
// additional user code here
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