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Last active October 25, 2022 13:21
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Python script to update /etc/hosts and iTerm dynamic profiles with the list of aws instances
# coding: UTF-8
import boto3
import json
# Main function that runs the whole thing
def updateAll():
instances,groups = getEC2Instances()
# Outputs to stdout the list of instances and returns EC2 instances as an array of dictionaries containing the following fields:
# name => Instance name formed by the instance class/group and the domain prefix (aws.)
# group => Group associated with the instance (webapp, vpn, etc.)
# index => Index of this instance in the group
def getEC2Instances():
client = boto3.client('ec2')
response = client.describe_instances(
Filters = [{
'Values': [
groups = {}
instances = {}
for reservation in response['Reservations']:
for instance in reservation['Instances']:
for tag in instance['Tags']:
if tag['Key'] == 'Name':
name = tag['Value']
ip = instance['NetworkInterfaces'][0]['PrivateIpAddress']
if name in groups:
groups[name] = groups[name] + 1
groups[name] = 1
instances[ip] = {'name':'aws.' + name,'index':groups[name],'group':name}
print ip + "\t" + 'aws.' + name + str(groups[name])
for ip in instances:
instance = instances[ip]
instance['name'] = instance['name'] + str(instance['index']) if groups[instance['group']] > 1 else instance['name']
return instances, groups
# Updates the /etc/hosts file with the EC2 private addresses
# /etc/hosts must include the list of EC2 instances between two lines: the first contains '# AWS EC2'
# and the last a single # character.
def updateHosts(instances,groups):
handle = open('/etc/hosts')
lines =
state = False
hout = open('/etc/hosts','wt')
startDelimiter = "# AWS EC2"
endDelimiter = "#"
for line in lines:
if line == startDelimiter:
state = True
if state == True and line == endDelimiter:
state = False
if not state:
hout.write(line + "\n")
hout.write(startDelimiter + "\n")
for ip in instances:
instance = instances[ip]
name = instance['name']
hout.write(ip + "\t" + name + "\n")
hout.write(endDelimiter + "\n")
def updateTerm(instances,groups):
handle = open('/Users/gmartin/Library/Application Support/iTerm2/DynamicProfiles/aws','wt')
state = False
profiles = []
for instance in instances:
shortName = instances[instance]['name'][4:]
group = instances[instance]['group']
tags =["AWS",group] if groups[group] > 1 else ['AWS']
name = instances[instance]['name']
profile = {"Name":name,
"Badge Text":shortName,
"Dynamic Profile Parent Name": "Bastión AWS",
"Custom Command" : "Yes",
"Command" : "ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUpdateHostKeys=yes "+name}
profiles = {"Profiles":sorted(profiles)}
handle.write(json.dumps(profiles,sort_keys=True,indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
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