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Last active June 29, 2018 02:05
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WSDL SOAP JAX-WB client generation with Gradle
import org.gradle.process.internal.ExecActionFactory
import org.gradle.process.internal.JavaExecAction
import javax.inject.Inject
configurations {
dependencies.add('jaxws', '')
sourceSets.all { ss ->
def srcDir = file("src/${}/wsdl")
def genDir = file("$buildDir/generated/${}/java")
def suffix = == 'main' ? '' :
tasks.create("wsImport$suffix", WsImport.class, { self ->
wsdlDir = srcDir
outDir = genDir
onlyIf { }
tasks[ss.compileJavaTaskName].dependsOn self
}) genDir
class WsImport extends DefaultTask {
private final ExecActionFactory actionFactory
File wsdlDir
File outDir
void process() {
.matching({ include '**/*.wsdl' })
.each { processFile(it) }
WsImport(ExecActionFactory actionFactory) {
this.actionFactory = actionFactory
void processFile(File file) {
JavaExecAction action = actionFactory.newJavaExecAction()
action.classpath = project.configurations['jaxws']
action.main = ''
action.args = [
'-s', outDir.absolutePath,
logger.isDebugEnabled() ? '-Xdebug' : '-quiet']
action.workingDir = wsdlDir
class DownloadWsdls extends DefaultTask {
Map<String, String> froms = new HashMap<>()
File into
void from(String file, String url) {
froms[file] = url
void into(File into) {
this.into = into
void perform() {
Set<URL> downloaded = []
froms.each { k, v ->
def targetDir = new File(into, k)
def url = new URL(v)
def file = "${new File(url.path).name}.wsdl"
downloadAndProcess(targetDir, k, file, url, downloaded)
void downloadAndProcess(File targetDir, String entry, String file, URL url, Set<URL> downloaded) {
println "$entry: downloading: $url..."
// downloads the given WSDL
def targetFile = new File(targetDir, file)
targetFile.withOutputStream { os ->
os << url.openStream()
// parses the content and downloads the imports too
new XmlSlurper()
.'**'.findAll({ == 'import' })
.each {
def name = it.@schemaLocation.text()
if (name) {
def importUrl = url.toURI().resolve("$name").toURL()
if (downloaded.add(importUrl)) {
downloadAndProcess(targetDir, entry, name, importUrl, downloaded)
// TODO this is a sample task, customize it with your own WSDLs
task downloadWsdls(type: DownloadWsdls) {
into file('src/main/wsdl')
from 'calculator', ''
from 'weather', ''
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