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Created February 20, 2015 23:38
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Vignette coverage code sketch
library(devtools) # someday this will be switchr ;-)
## package you're dealing with (pkgname) MUST be loaded before calling this
vignetteCoverage = function(pkgdir, pkgname = basename(pkgdir), vignexts = c(".Rmd", ".Rnw")) {
vigns = list.files(file.path(pkgdir, "vignettes"), pattern = paste0("(", paste(vignexts, collapse="|"), ")"), full.names=TRUE)
tmpfils = sapply(seq(along=vigns), function(x) tempfile( fileext=".R"))
rfils = mapply(function(inp, out) knit(inp, out, tangle=TRUE), inp = vigns, out = tmpfils)
scrinfs = lapply(rfils, function(x) {
scr = readScript(x)
} )
funs = unlist(lapply(scrinfs, function(x) lapply(x, function(y) names(y@functions))))
symbs = ls(paste0("package:", pkgname))
funs = funs[funs %in% symbs]
list(covered = funs, noncovered = symbs[!symbs %in% funs])
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