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Created October 4, 2023 22:28
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import { cursor } from "./cursor"
let progressValue: number = 0
let currentValue: number = 0
let timer: Timer | undefined = undefined
let maxLength: number = 0
let lastProgress: number = 0
let barChar: string = "▣"
let emptyChar: string = "⬚"
export function progressStart({ length = 40, startValue = 0, bar = "▣", empty = "⬚", fps = 30 }) {
barChar = bar
emptyChar = empty
maxLength = length
progressValue = startValue
currentValue = 0
lastProgress = -1
timer = setInterval(() => {
const dir = Math.sign(progressValue - currentValue)
currentValue += dir * 0.01
// if within 0.02 of the target, then just set it to the target
if (Math.abs(progressValue - currentValue) <= 0.02) currentValue = progressValue
const progressLength = Math.floor(currentValue * maxLength)
// don't write if we haven't changed progress length
if (progressLength === lastProgress) return
lastProgress = progressLength
}, 1000 / fps)
export function progressUpdate(value: number) {
progressValue = value
export function progressEnd(action: "fulfill" | "preserve" | "clear" = "fulfill") {
timer = undefined
if (action === "clear") {
cursor.savePosition().write(" ".repeat(maxLength)).restorePosition()
} else {
if (action === "fulfill") drawBar(Math.floor(progressValue * maxLength))
function drawBar(progressLength: number) {
return cursor
.write(barChar.repeat(Math.max(0, progressLength)))
.write(emptyChar.repeat(Math.max(0, maxLength - progressLength)))
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