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* Future State Architecture: Incept and engineer on our next generation platform applications
* KR 1: Retire 5 legacy content platform systems
* KR 2: Consolidate to a single API that stores all content (GraphQL Content Service)
*** What we did:
* GP migration
* Looking at Apollo alternative (GQL Hive)
* API authentication (in progress)
* CDP Deprecation (kafka)
* EKS Optimization (tsugu/content service)
* Non-prod: increased intance type to c5.xlarge
* running tests on non-prod (ba)
* we are hitting search
* we are hitting identifiers
* tracking cpu/memory
* blackbird (caching)
* possibly thinking about increasing the instance type
* based on results increase instance type
* choose a brand (BA) to migrate to GP
* P95/P99 Response Time should be close to what we had in Departure
Look Forward
Evolve the Publishing Platform to continue transitioning to North Star Architecture with GraphQL
KR 1: Add mutations to Content Service
KR 2: Additional subgraphs into Federation (hreflang, user service)
KR 3: Additional clients calling Federation (native apps, encore, copilot)
Core Id Recap
Just to move departures services to GP and keep related infra (kafka clusters) in current AWS account (cndigital).
* Moving off of logbus is going to take a long. For reference, ripping out logbus from org service took about 6 months.
* Logbus does not work with Confluent and/or MSK, more specifically, Logbus was customized in a way that can't connect to Confluent.
* Tons of business logic in Logbus
Things to do to enable GP EKS to talk to Kafka clusters in cndigital:
* Create private links from each region to be able to reach the Kafka cluster (deployed in us-east-1).

Keybase proof

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  • I am gmedina on github.
  • I am gmedina ( on keybase.
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