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Created April 1, 2022 20:46
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Initial nmap scans to do in a machine
if [ $# -ne 1 ]
echo "usage: sudo ./$0 TARGET_IP"
exit 1
mkdir nmap
nmap -p- -sU -n --max-retries 3 --max-scan-delay 1 $1 -oN nmap/all-udp.txt &
nmap -sSVC -O -Pn -p- --script=default --open --reason --osscan-guess $1 -oN nmap/all-tcp.txt &
nmap --top-ports 50 -Pn -n --open --reason $1 -oN nmap/top-tcp.txt &
nmap -Pn -n --open --reason $1 --min-rate 10000 -oN nmap/fast-tcp.txt & # fast tcp full-port scan
nmap -sU --top-ports 50 -Pn -n --open --reason $1 --max-scan-delay 1 -oN nmap/top-udp.txt &
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