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Created August 3, 2022 14:15
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Route 53 Inventory PowerShell Script
#Get a Full List of all records from all RT53 Zones, OR only for a targeted Zone set by Variable
#Also can get list for a single targeted Record Type, example TXT, MX etc
# ****** This WILL NOT export any records with "_domainkey" in the Name (url) for security reasons.
#Version: 1.5
#Tested with Windows Powershell: 5.1, 7.0.3
#Tested with MacOS PowerShell : 7.0.3
#Date 10/23/2020
#Modified 8/03/2022
#Created: Ed Walsh
#Set $Domain to a SINGLE targeted RT53 Zone domain, example "" or get for ALL RT53 Zones by using ""
$Domain = ""
#Set $Type for a SINGLE targeted Record Type, example "MX" or get all A, AAAA, CName records by using ""
$Type = ""
$DScope = If ($Domain -eq "") { "All-RT53-Zones" } else { $Domain+"-RT53-Zone"}
$Tscope = If ($Type -eq "") { "all-Record-Types" } Else { $Type+"-Record-Type" }
$timestamp = get-date -format yyyyMMddHHmmss
$subfolder = if (($PSVersionTable.PSEdition) -eq "Core") { if ( $True -eq $iswindows ) { "\Documents\" } Else { "" } } Else {"\Documents\"}
$mydocuments = $home + $subfolder #Old Way of doing it# [environment]::getfolderpath("mydocuments")
$fileName = "Rt53-"+$Tscope+"-Inventory-for-"+$DScope+"-"+ [string]$timestamp + ".csv"
$filePath = Join-Path $mydocuments $fileName
$rt53out = @()
$zones = Get-R53HostedZones
#foreach($url in $list) { $url.TrimEnd(".") }
foreach ($zone in $zones) {
$rt53out += if ($Domain -eq "" -or $zone.Name -eq "$Domain." ) {
<# When values are in a collection/array the output is controlled by $FormatEnumerationLimit
Setting it to -1 means unlimited #>
$FormatEnumerationLimit = -1 #This is a setting to prevent Truncating an Select-Object -ExpandProperty
$zname = $zone.Name
$(Get-R53ResourceRecordSet -HostedZoneId $($zone.Id)).ResourceRecordSets | Where-object { ($_.Name -notlike "*_domainkey*") } | Select-Object @{Name = 'RT53_Zone'; Expression = { $zname.Substring(0, $zname.Length - 1) } }, @{Name = 'URL'; Expression = { $_.Name.Substring(0, $_.Name.Length - 1) } }, Type,TTL,Failover, @{Name = "IsAlias"; Expression = { if ($_.AliasTarget -ne $null) { "True" } Else { "False" } } } , @{Name = 'Target'; Expression = { if ($_.AliasTarget -ne $null) { (($_.AliasTarget).DNSName).TrimEnd(".") } Else { ($_.ResourceRecords | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value).TrimEnd(".") } } }
# $rt53out | Out-Gridview
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