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Created October 20, 2019 19:18
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Alice and Bob's RSA implementation.
* RSA from scratch, consistent with the implementation described in EECS 70 at UC Berkeley.
* Written by Gautam Mittal
* 10/19/2019
from math import floor, log
N2C = dict(enumerate('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 1))
C2N = {c: n for n, c in N2C.items()}
def str_to_int(m):
Converts a message string to an integer.
>>> str_to_int('abc')
>>> str_to_int('xyz')
i = 0
for c in m:
n = C2N[c]
i = 10 ** (floor(log(n, 10)) + 1) * i + n
return i
def int_to_str(i):
Finds candidate strings given integer sequence.
s = str(i) # Strings are easier to work with
if not i:
return []
if len(s) == 1:
return [N2C[int(s)]]
candidates = []
for i in [1, 2]:
n = int(s[:i])
if n > 26 or n < 1: continue
c = N2C[n]
rest = s[i:]
if rest:
for candidate in int_to_str(int(rest)):
candidates.append(c + candidate)
return candidates
def gcd(x, y):
Extended Euclid's algorithm.
Given x, y, return gcd(x, y), a, b where ax + by = gcd(x, y).
>>> gcd(12, 6)
(6, 0, 1)
>>> gcd(1, 1)
(1, 0, 1)
>>> gcd(13, 5)
(1, 2, -5)
if y == 0: return (x, 1, 0)
d, a, b = gcd(y, x % y)
return d, b, a - (x // y) * b
def inv(x, m):
Finds modular inverse of x (mod m).
>>> inv(5, 13)
>>> inv(16, 27)
d, a, b = gcd(x, m)
assert d == 1, 'Inputs are not coprime.'
return a
def generate_key(p, q):
Generate a public/private RSA keypair.
>>> generate_key(5, 7)
((35, 5), 5)
>>> generate_key(2312451, 1485863)
((3435985380213, 3), 1145327193967)
N = p * q
h = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
# e must be coprime to (p-1)(q-1)
e = 3
while gcd(e, h)[0] != 1:
e += 2
d = inv(e, h)
return ((N, e), d)
def encrypt(message, pub):
Encrypt message with public key.
N, e = pub
return (message ** e) % N
def decrypt(cipher, pub, priv):
Decrypt a ciphertext given a keypair.
N, e = pub
d = priv
return (cipher ** d) % N
def encrypt_str(s, pub):
Encrypt a string with a public key.
return encrypt(str_to_int(s), pub)
p = 19
q = 511
pub, priv = generate_key(p, q)
x = encrypt_str('ab', pub)
y = decrypt(x, pub, priv)
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