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gmomo / gsoc_submission.txt
Created August 28, 2017 05:58
GSoC 207 Final Submission
The Python Ehub Tool is s an energy research and technology transfer platform aimed at optimizing energy management at district level and evaluating its influence on the overall energy system.
The Visualization Module is a vital addition to the tool. It helps in visualizing various parameters of the Energy System, such as Carbon Emissions,Costs, Generation among others. My GSoC project focused on developing this Visualization Tool using Python and integrating it with the main Ehub Tool.
Front End
The module takes in various system parameters and optimized variables and plots various graphs in a new browser window. It has a tabbed layout with each tab containing plots related to a particular quantity. All plots are interactive with zoom/pan and hover features. Plots can also be saved onto the computer as a jpeg file. Some plots have dropdown menus beside them, which allow the user to select different hubs/forms or technologies for that particular plot.
Back End
The tool is designed as a class called VizTo