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Created October 14, 2014 11:36
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arithmagons masked
import Graphics.Input (Input, input)
import Graphics.Input.Field as Field
import Text
content : Input Field.Content
content = input Field.noContent
tf = toFloat
render : State -> (Int,Int) -> Element
render state (w,h) =
let rGon = 2*(tf w) / 5
rVert = (tf w) / 10
in [ngon 3 rGon
|> outlined {lineStyle | width <- 3}
|> rotate (-pi/6)
, vertex rVert |> move (rGon*cos (-pi/6), rGon*sin (-pi/6))
, vertex rVert |> move (rGon*cos (pi/2), rGon*sin (pi/2))
, vertex rVert |> move (rGon*cos (7*pi/6), rGon*sin (7*pi/6))
|> collage w h
lineStyle = solid black
vertex : Float -> Form
vertex radius =
[ circle radius
|> filled red
, circle radius
|> outlined (solid black)
, toForm (inputField 40 40)
|> group
inputField w h = width w <| height h <| (Field.field fieldStyle content.handle identity "Type here!" Field.noContent)
type State = {}
state = {}
ds = Field.defaultStyle
fieldStyle = { ds | outline <-
{ color = red
, width = Field.uniformly 1
, radius = 5
, style <-
{ typeface = [ "Times New Roman", "serif" ]
, height = Just 20
, color = blue
, bold = False
, italic = False
, line = Nothing
main : Element
main = render state (400,400)
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